Thursday, November 08, 2007


Crime. What to do about it.

People naturally seek reassurance from the civic structures established to ensure peace, order, good government. First a reminder of the harsh realities of Vancouver 2007:

Conservatives stand to benefit from outbreak of gang mayhem
Barbara Yaffe
Vancouver Sun - November 08, 2007

... [Vancouver's] gang violence, probably linked to the illegal drug trade, is out of control. And there's a sense the problem has gone beyond Indo-Canadian or Chinese gang members killing their own nefarious associates. {Snip} ...

More than 125 crime gangs are believed to be operating in B.C. Between 1996 and 2005, the average homicide rate per 100,000 British Columbians was 2.57 -- well above the 1.88 national average. {Snip} ...

B.C.'s rate in fact was higher than that of all other provinces, except Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And Vancouver experienced a higher rate of homicides involving a firearm than either Montreal or Toronto. {Snip}

Robin Mathews in his inimitable style tells the story another way. It's a long, detailed, hard-hitting essay titled:

Kelly Marie Richard: "the canary in the coal mine" of the "New Canadian Fascism". The Haiti'cination of Canada.

Readers can find Robin's complete essay in:

Vive le Canada and

From Vancouver Sun, 13 Nov 07:


"Gamblers can belly up to any one of 4,408 slot machines at casinos around Metro Vancouver now that Hastings Park has added 150 of the one-armed bandits. By December, that number will jump to 5,258 with the opening of Gateway Casinos and Entertainment's Starlight Casino in New Westminster. "


Good morning Mary

Did you not receive my comments in this article or were they too controversial. It was quite a rant on the criminal element.
Received, Gary E ... but off-topic.

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