Wednesday, April 02, 2008


4:00 PM today April 2, 2008 - a Bobby Virk Hearing in BC Supreme Court

That's right: today at 4:00 o'clock, there's a Supreme Court hearing for Case #23299-1 which is for HMTQ vs Bobby Virk. And presumably for his lawyer, Kevin McCullough.

None of the other accused are listed, just Bobby Virk, with the same charges as usual. No further explanation that I can see.

BIG thanks to Gary E. whose eagle-eye spotted this mysterious item.

Details when we find out what it means. - BC Mary.

Message from Keith Baldrey:

Someone suggested I try to clarify what’s happening in court today regarding the B.C. Rail case. My understanding is that it is a quick, technical hearing to allow one of the defence lawyers to get permission from the judge for another lawyer(s) in his firm to have access to the same information he has access to regarding the so-called “secret witness” appeal. Not very exciting…

Many thanks, Keith. - BC Mary.

Message from Bill Tieleman, who is sick, and staying at home today:

I've just literally got off the phone and it was described to me as an administrative matter involving Virk and his legal counsel only, not a substantive matter, and at the Appeal Court of BC, not Supreme Court, presumably regarding the upcoming Crown appeal of Justice Bennett's ruling on the secret witness issue.

That means I stay home and eat chicken soup. But thanks for letting me know - it was news to me!

Best regards - Bill Tieleman

Many thanks to you, too, Bill. - BC Mary.


Rotten luck. This comment just came in ... and it's very discouraging:

This is strange. I arrived at the courthouse at ten minutes to four. The first thing I did was check the court listing to make sure I had the courtroom correct. To my shock on the posted listings, it said HMTQ vs Virk, Basi and Basi, courtroom 65, 1:55 pm. I went up to courtroom 65 anyway and waited until 4:10. There was no one there and the courtroom was locked. It would seem that after BC Mary's announcement came out this morning, the court time was changed, being moved ahead two hours.

In our legal system when accused persons appear independently of other accused it means that there is something afoot.

The next appearance is only 12 days away. Why not wait until April 14th unless there are some serious discussions taking place about the fair trial rights of the accused?

Given the track record of the Special Prosecutor and the RCMP in this case, an appearance by only one of the defence counsel and no mention of the SP speaks volumes of where this case is ultimately headed for - the case being thrown out.
Very good point anonymous, it seems very suspicious that one of the accused has his lawyers in court today.

Mary maybe there could be some breaking news, maybe a "deal" has been struck. I don't think its a coincidence that campbell appointed a new SG just days after stating stone wally would be acting in the interim.

Has a deal been struck where one of the accused has agreed to talk about senior cabinet officials? Has this led to the quick appointment of a new SG? The timing can't be coincidental, are their links to the John Les case??

Something is going on that we the public have a right to know!!
Anonymous 10:46, thank you for this wise counsel ... as always it is much appreciated ... but I ask you to bear in mind that "the accused" are not the only ones who have waited and suffered the past 4 years.

Probably we all agree with you, that some edification MAY result from the April 14 hearings. It's pretty much a question of which journalists show up in court, though.

So when you suggest that we "wait until April 14" I think not. No,not if it means putting that brown paper bag over our heads again and sitting quietly with folded hands. It's asking too much of people.

We need to talk, to ask, to consider, to prepare, to brace, brace, brace. People forget that.

I was SO impressed by the sense of relief we had, after that simple discussion on "Voice of BC last week. Weren't you? Didn't that tell us something about the price WE have paid, having to keep our questions and concerns bottled up for 4 years?

I much prefer a reasoned opinion like yours, where you suggest what it means when a single voice speaks at this afternoon's hearing.

And without waiting 2 weeks, I want to say that I hope you are wrong. Our hope is to hear the story of BC Rail and all that flows from its unpopular sell-off. We need to know. We need to talk.

Where is the harm in citizens talking about the issues of the day?

To all commentors who have contributed news ... many thanks.

To the commentors who contribute inside stories ... thanks.

This has been a great learning curve we're on, and the fast corners are just ahead, I think.

Before we get off on the wrong foot here, I think it is important to remember that Bobby Virk's lawyer filed I think it was a constitutional challenge. I'm not quite sure and am looking for the info now. I know whatever it was, it was separate from the other defendants. So I beleive that this is what is being pursued.

My point has seemed to drift over your head.

Why have a hearing with only one of the accused on April 2 when the next court appearance is only 12 days away? What is so important that it cannot be said on the 12th and must be heard today? It is very suspicious and based on legal precedents it is rare for one accused to appear without other counsel present.

Again, given the track record to date for the RCMP and Special Prosecutor something is afoot here and it does not bode well for this case.

Mary, mark my words. This case is falling apart at the seams.
If the BC Rail Case is being thrown out, Basi still has to worry about the ALR charges, the IPOC charges etc, but Virk is a free man as far as I can see.
"If the BC Rail Case is being thrown out, Basi still has to worry about the ALR charges, the IPOC charges etc, but Virk is a free man as far as I can see."

Anon-0-Mouse at 1:06PM seems to assume that anybody paying attention thinks that either Basi, or Virk are the individuals who should be facing charges in the first place!
Out of curiosity, what are the IPOC charges, anyway?
There are no IPOC charges.
IPOC = Integrated Proceeds of Crime, i.e. money laundering.

The BCRail deal is only the tip of the iceberg for "Operation Every Which Way".

The crown alleges Basi invested money in ... COMMENT REMOVED BY MODERATOR. At least that's what i remember Janet Winteringham stating in court back in May.


BC Mary says:

Anonymous: One of your statements was removed because it's a serious allegation which I don't recall seeing or hearing before. I cannot find a source for it, either. In other words, it was libel. But if you have a source to confirm what you said, I'd appreciate it if you'd let us know where to find it.

Thanks for the explanation of IPOC.

- BC Mary.

Anonymous 12:28,

It looks as if a lot of points went drifting over all our heads and that nothing much will be happening in court today.

In BC Appeals Court, that is. As Bill T. pointed out.

But you're absolutely right: I had no idea that you were figuratively addressing the lawyers, asking THEM why it's so important to say something at a hearing today -- something which couldn't wait until April 14.

I guess Keith Baldrey answered that for us.

And it surely does seem like a lot of fuss over a bit of protocol.

"And it surely does seem like a lot of fuss over a bit of protocol."

And it sure does seem that there's a lot of fuss here over everything, except of course - justice and the truth!

There's a painter who apparently paints unflattering portraits of politicians being interviewed on the CBC right now. He says that Canadian Politics are very confusing because:

The Liberals ain't liberal

The Conservatives are Republicans

and the only party that is liberal wears the tag - NDP!

Mendelson Joe
This is strange. I arrived at the courthouse at ten minutes to four. The first thing I did was check the court listing to make sure I had the courtroom correct. To my shock on the posted listings, it said HMTQ vs Virk, Basi and Basi, courtroom 65, 1:55 pm. I went up to courtroom 65 anyway and waited until 4:10. There was no one there and the courtroom was locked. It would seem that after BC Mary's announcement came out this morning, the court time was changed, being moved ahead two hours.
I too feel bad about Anonymous 7:49 making the trip to the courthouse in vain. As this anoymous was entering the court to read the docket I was on the internet. It was 3:50pm. The posting had remained the same. Court was to be held at 4:00pm. I moved over to the completed court lists an found Bob Virk 23299-1 from March 28,2008. Next trial date was set for April 2,2008 at 4:00 pm. So there it was. Twice.
Todays hearing after the time was changed was marked IBJ,Instituted by a JUDGE.

One question I have is if they moved it forward by 125 mins. how did the lawyers make it there on time?
The second question I have is for M. Baldrey. Your message reads in part "Someone suggested I try to clarify what's happening in court today regarding the B.C. Rail case." Who suggested this? was it a Lawyer? A judge? A politician?
Thirdly; why was the time moved up if this was so inconsequential?

And finaly I find it very interesting that we have damage control going on here.

Makes you feel good though doesn't it Mary. They are now definately monitoring your site. Good on Ya.
re: the juggling of the court time (which will probably be explained by something like a lawyer's schedule or something(?), in the unlikely case somebody feels we are entitled to even a made up explanation) and other curious mistakes in the Court Lists or "secret" early morning conferences at 800 Smithe Street.

This may not be classic "obstruction of justice," not to say there isn't maybe some of that going on as well. But, there definitely seems to be a co-ordinated effort by the Government, including the Supreme Court and the Ministry of the Attorney General, and the compliant media (most of it) to keep the public in the dark about this case without going all out and copying the techniques of the Administration in Beijing.

This is getting way beyond unacceptable in what purports to be a democracy under the rule of law.
anon 7;49. thank you and keep up your good works...IF this case gets thrown out then, THE REAL TRIAL can begin! A young french Cdn. man from Burnaby BC., was arrested around 2005 for attempting to launder ONE BILLION $$$ in the USA! He was to be extrodited? 'Every Which Way' I look, I can not find info on this. I can ASSume there is a connection to what took place around April 19/20 2004 'live' on the internet, As reported by RCMP-HQ!(again)...

How about giving us a clue what you're referring to?

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