Monday, September 12, 2011


Petition: Gordon Campbell is ineligible to receive the Order of B.C.

cherylb has left a new comment on your post "Vancouver Sun: Campbell's Order of B.C. a 'slap in...":

Thanks for the support BC Mary. Please ask your readers and sign this petition and share the link. We are still fighting to have this award rescinded.

Click HERE to sign this petition.

Best wishes, cherylb! - BC Mary. 

Today's Globe and Mail says:

The Order of British Columbia has been diminished by awarding the honor to former premier Gordon Campbell, say editorials across the province.
“People who have previously been awarded the OBC have advocated for change, organized non-profit organizations, served their communities without asking for recognition and actually made a positive difference in people’s lives,” says a Black Press editorial in the Campbell River Mirror .
“Honestly, can we say this about Gordon Campbell? Sure he helped bring the Olympics here, but under his rule he cut social services, strong-armed unions and allowed scandal to rock the Liberal boat. Think BC Rail. Think DUI. Think lying about the HST.” The newspaper says so many “truly worthy people” deserve the honour more than a politician with a cloud over his head.”
The Western News of Penticton says the Order of British Columbia for Mr. Campbell seems out of place now.
"What was the committee thinking?” the newspaper says. “It’s been only days since one of the former premier’s unfortunate legacies, the HST, went down to defeat after it already cost him his job and quite possibly his party’s grip on power come the next election. And the committee wants to give him the province’s highest award while the HST fiasco, which will cost in the billions once it’s reversed, is fresh in everyone’s minds?” His lengthy record of public service deserves consideration for the award, the paper says. “But that consideration should come later when his record can be looked at with some semblance of sober second thought.”

From Maple Ridge News:

B.C. political centre destroyed

Editor, The News:
Re: Out of order (News Views, Sept. 9).

Why Gordon Campbell does not deserve the honour of the Order of British Columbia, let me count the reasons.
As a political centrist, or what would in a proper world would be a Liberal, I find if not the first, but the one item that  Mr. Campbell has affected me the most negatively, his destruction of B.C.’s political centre.
Mr. Campbell literally hijacked the Liberal brand, in one of his many examples of deceit, because he recognized that, provincially, Conservatives could not be elected in B.C., so he  engineered one of his many political coup-de-tats and deposed Gordon Wilson a real Liberal, as leader of the B.C. Liberals, and managed to drag them to the ultra-right of the political spectrum, leaving B.C. with no political centre.
I can never forgive him for that particular deception as that will probably be the reality for the rest of my life.
All the rest, his DUI, lies, deception, breaking the laws, manipulations, arrogance, B.C. Rail, HST, and countless other abuses of power that we will probably not even find out about for years to come, are just more of the same and are to be expected of a man of Mr. Campbell’s elitist character, who considers himself above the laws and constraints of mere mortals.
The fact that he managed to be elected three times is a glaring testament to how undemocratic and antiquated our present electoral system is.
If people like Mr. Campbell do deserve the order of B.C. and are touted to be a positive role model for the people and children of B.C., I have to wonder of its significance or value at all, which is very sad because there are many that actually do credit to the honourable Order of B.C.

Wayne Clark
Maple Ridge

BC Mary comment: I wonder why Gordo wouldn't want to show up


ineligible? Gimme a break. I never even heard of this award. But if I had received one, if I had been awarded one, this taints, diminishes if you will, its value.

While the HST may be the right tax, Campbell did a chitty job at selling it to the people. He lied, he lied and he lied again about the HST and he should not should not be lauded for that.

What else did he do?

Impose secndary sewage treatment to cost 1.8B in absense of a scientific cost benenefit or evenironmental analysis.

Ripped up contracts

Privatized hosptial services

Exported raw logs (ergo, jobs)

blew the budget on the Vancouver convention site


Prmotes Judges that let gangs and criminals carry on.

The list goes on ... and he gets OBC?

The Globe's wheedling could be taken a little more straight-faced if they'd have some sober FIRST thoughts....and not been a pandering advertorial/p.r. agency for Gordo's presskit, like they have been doing...

At least they're admitting the British Columbia press isn't in accord with their pedantic from-on-high lecturing about how great Gordo is....
Do not forget!!!

Campbell's lengthy time in office was because, he twice lied to be re-elected in two different elections.

Campbell's election lie, the BCR wasn't for sale. Campbell and Hansen's election lie, the HST wasn't on their radar. Toss in the lie of, the very small provincial deficit.

Two of Campbell's wins were not legitimate. He also has the dirtiest political name, in this nations recorded history.

Campbell and the other three misfits, do not deserve the OBC.

Shame, shame on the OBC!! They have soiled the honor, in this award for the good and decent citizens of BC.
If I were a recipient of an Order of British Columbia, I would be returning it after this year's trio of outright sleazbags to the roll.

Gordon Campbell, convicted drunk driver, liar, and thief of public assets.

David Emerson, chameleon and snake in the grass who changes from the private sector to the public sector and from political party to political party with loyalty to nothing other than the almighty buck by the looks of it.

Then there is Ken Dobell the lobbyist of many hats who couldn't be bothered to actually abide by lobbying legislation and when found guilty of same had to WRITE AN ESSAY as a penalty - what a sixth grade punishment for his part in ripping off the people of British Columbia.

The fact that the only other premier to be so honoured (Bill Bennett) was convicted of insider trading (rushed to court in B.C. to protect him from the much more strict prosecution he would have faced in Ontario for the same offenses) while real builders and statesman like W.A.C Bennett, Dave Barrett and Mike Harcourt haven't been so honoured would indicate to me that perhaps the award is more for being a sleaze than honourable, at least when it comes to political recipients.

I would like to nominate

Kash and Karry Heed,

The Minister from W.A.C. Bennett's government that actually got convicted of breach of trust (or accepting bribes?).

And maybe Wild Bill Berardino and some of the other "oh so" Special Prosecuters that have worked so hard to defend members of the Campbell/Clark Crime Family from being held accountable for their various questionable and/or criminal offenses against propriety and the people of B.C.

Oh maybe Craig James should get an OBC too!
@koot: you forgot Patrick Kinsella....
So, exactly what is the "award" based on Justice Finch, et al? Every promise Campbell made below, he failed to keep. Is giving this award an HST payback for Mr. Vander Zalm? After all, the OBC was instituted by him and his publicly thank those who have gone above and beyond, in serving their fellow British Columbians. How did Campbell serve us? Quite simply, he didn't...his legacy is that of total failure. In giving this award to him, and those who served with've managed to make yourselves appear easily fooled. Something I find rather hard to accept.

Deliver real transparent, accountable government. FAIL
Establish workable initiative legislation. FAIL
Establish workable recall legislation. FAIL
Give all MLAs and citizens a better voice in government through active legislative committees. FAIL
Hold Cabinet meetings at least once a month that are televised and broadcast live on the Internet. FAIL
Give all government MLAs a meaningful new role in policy development and service planning through a new system of Cabinet decision-making. FAIL
Free votes in the Legislature, allowing MLA's to vote on behalf of their constituents. LAUGHABLE FAIL
Not sell or privatize BC Rail. FAIL AND OUTRIGHT LIE
Defend the Crown's ownership of provincial land and resources. FAIL
Protect BC Hydro and all of core assets, including dams, reservoirs and power lines under public ownership. ABJECT FAIL
Restore an independent BC Utilities Commission. FAIL
Protect and improve BC’s river systems. FAIL
Push for provincial control over the management and revenues of BC’s offshore ?sheries, to improve ?sheries management and protect ?shery jobs. FAIL
Adopt a scienti?cally-based, principled approach to environmental management that ensures sustainability, accountability and responsibility. ABJECT FAILURE
You shouldn’t have to pay higher than necessary electricity or auto insurance rates, because government wants to play politics with BC Hydro or ICBC. HYPOCRITICAL FAIL
Give school boards multi-year funding envelopes, to improve long-term education planning and budgeting. FAIL
Ensure that music, arts and physical education curriculums are fully funded in BC’s public schools. TOTAL FAIL
Hold the line on court fees, to ensure that everyone has affordable access to our justice system. LAUGHABLE FAIL
Establish regional transportation authorities that are accountable to local taxpayers. FAIL
Require taxpayer approval by regional referendums prior to authorization of any new type of TransLink tax or levy. FAIL
Outlaw “off-loading” of provincial government costs onto the backs of local property taxpayers. FAIL
Restore open tendering on government contracts to allow fair competition for businesses and provide better value to taxpayers. FAIL
Implement a ?exible, innovative program to increase the supply of affordable housing. FAIL

Members of the council who made the decision:
Lance S. G. Finch (chair), Chief Justice of British Columbia -
(this is the Canadian Judicial Council. He’s a member. Ask they forward it to him)
Bill Barisoff, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly -
Dr. Ralph Nilson, president and vice-chancellor, Vancouver Island University -
Councillor Barbara Steele, president, Union of British Columbia Municipalities - (use this contact form)
Pierrette Maranda, associate deputy minister, Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat -
John Furlong, O.B.C. -
Barbara Ward-Burkitt, O.B.C. - Email:

Feel free to contact them and let them know how you feel.
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