Tuesday, October 17, 2006


New questions but Federal (Martin) Liberals and RCMP are tight-lipped

Hi Mary - thought this would be of interest to you ... more information on the BC Legislature Raid case and the upcoming Basi-Virk trial. Not surprisingly, neither the federal Liberal Party in BC nor the RCMP want to talk about what I've been told ... Regards,
Bill Tieleman West Star Communications
Website: http://billtieleman.blogspot.com/
24 Hours Column - News, Views & Attitude

More questions afoot
Published 17 Oct 2006 - 24 Hours


Did the RCMP approach the federal Liberal Party of Canada in B.C. in March 2005 looking for information regarding the Paul Martin leadership campaign in connection with the upcoming B.C. Legislature raid trial?

Did the RCMP visit LPC B.C. headquarters itself in their search for more documents to be used in the trial of former provincial B.C. Liberal ministerial aides David Basi and Bob Virk? Or is all of the above a red herring rumour that never occurred?

One thing is clear - neither the federal Liberal Party nor the RCMP want to talk about it.

24 hours contacted both the RCMP and the LPC B.C. after getting a tip from a source that the police had an interest in some aspect of the Paul Martin leadership campaign in B.C. as part of their investigation - and that it happened well after Basi and Virk were first charged with breach of trust in December, 2004.

But like so many other aspects of this troubling case that began with a police search of the B.C. Legislature on Dec. 28, 2003, answers are very hard to come by.

"The party at this time - we're not going to comment on the issue," LPC B.C. Executive Director Mark Grant told me last week. "Because it's a matter that is under investigation we're not prepared to comment. If the RCMP wants to comment on it, it's up to them."

But guess what? They don't.

"I spoke to the commercial crime people and they tell me it's an ongoing investigation with no other details," said RCMP spokesman Corporal Pierre Lemaitre. "We don't discuss any ongoing investigation basically to not have any effect on the investigation."

One can only hope that eventually all will come out when Basi, Virk and Aneal Basi, David's cousin who is facing money laundering charges, have their day in court starting Dec. 4. David Basi was a federal Liberal leadership supporter of Paul Martin and connected to other leadership campaign backers, including lobbyist Erik Bornman, who will be a crown witness against Basi.

Unfortunately this case has faced repeated and lengthy delays, the most recent coming on Sept. 18 in B.C. Supreme Court.

David Basi's lawyer Michael Bolton explained the latest delay in an interview.

"Basically the defence is still awaiting some disclosure and we requested some further time and the judge put the hearing over to Oct. 30*," Bolton said, adding that there will also be an appearance on Oct. 20 to discuss trial scheduling issues.

Meanwhile, more questions, more mystery.

Hear Bill Tieleman Mondays at 10 a.m. on CKNW's Bill Good Show.
E-mail Bill at: weststar@telus.net

* BC Mary understood this Hearing date to be October 20. Bill checked with Michael Bolton. Bill e.mailed again: "Bolton has been quite cooperative when I've inquired and he explained that Oct 20 was a scheduling meeting only." So it appears that there are two dates in Vancouver Supreme Court for Basi, Virk, and Basi: Oct. 20 and Oct. 30. Many thanks, Bill.

I wonder if David Anderson, son of missionary parents, gives a rat's ass seeing his brown puppets going to jail?

Probably not. Good old elite Calvinist breeding stock in that corrupt bastard.
Bourque has linked to Bill's story.
Prediction: Basi was collecting donations to the Liberal Party on his own behalf.
as we wait for Basi and friends to get to court, lets not forget the BC Liberals are still cutting programs and hurting people.

Imagine a couple of old folks in their mid 80's actually moving pout of a care home as the place was a mess. a bit off story but thoat gang has no shame.
Bill Tieleman was a part of the Glen Clark administration. I will never forgive him or Clark for what they did to the NDP. I my book he is complete pond scum, only marginally better than David Basi.
Oct 18 Anonymous:

Time to review this blog. This blog is entirely concentrated upon the facts surrounding the Legislature raids of 28 Dec. 2003 because the raid and the charges tell us that something inside government has been affected in ways which are against the public interest. As yet, we don't know what it all means, or who is responsible.

So this blog is not about who is good, who is bad, or who is pond scum. It is definitely not about what side people take in their voting. This blog, in my view, is about British Columbia and its future.

I've done my best to create an informative site where anybody from any party can read about the issues (as best we know them), while awaiting the trials.

This blog is focused on the trial because it's when Basi, Virk, Basi and others begin to testify under oath, that all British Columbians will (I hope) learn what went wrong with BC Rail ... and much else.


- BC Mary.
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