Thursday, June 07, 2007
Basi-Virk Defence Disclosure Application filed Monday June 4, 2007 in B.C. Supreme Court and released June 7, 2007.
BASI-VIRK DEFENCE DISCLOSURE APPLICATION - full text as filed in B.C. Supreme Court on June 4, 2007 and released on June 7, 2007 is available at
The following is the first part of the document as obtained today through the BC Supreme Court registry office. It is being posted [on his web-site] as a public service to those interested in this important case.
I take responsibility for any inadvertent typographical or spacing errors
- Bill Tieleman
[I'm very grateful to Bill for sending me this important information for posting here as well. - BC Mary]
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JUN 04, 2007 Court File No. 23299
Vancouver Registry
TO: George Copley, Q.C. Counsel for the Record Holder, the Province of British Columbia
6th Floor - 1001 Douglas St
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J7
William Berardino, Q.C. Special Prosecutor
Hunter Litigation Chambers
2001 — 1040 W. Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4H1
TAKE NOTICE that an application for records in the possession of the Province of British Columbia will be brought before Madam Justice Bennett on behalf of the accused persons, Udhe Singh (Dave) Basi (hereinafter, “Mr. Basi”), Bobby Singh Virk (hereinafter, “Mr. Virk”) and Aneal Basi(hereinafter, “Mr. A. Basi”). This application is returnable for June 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m at the Courthouse located at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver at which time a date will be fixed for the hearing of the application. The Applicants are seeking the following Orders:
1. That all records, documents and information, including information in electronic form (collectively, the “Records”) held in any office, storage facility or repository by:
a. Premier Gordon Campbell and the Premier’s Office including the Correspondence Branch and Cabinet Operations, and all other deputies and staff of the Premier’s Office, including but not limited to Martyn Brown, Brenda Eaton, Ken Dobell, Tom Syer, Jay Schlosar, Dave Cunningham, Hazel Mitchell, Sam Marja, Cynthia Haroldsen, Lara Dauphinee and Mike Morton;
b. former Minister of Finance Gary Collins (hereinafter, “Minister Collins), his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Paul Taylor, David Morhart, Chris Trumpy, Adam Buchanan, Robert Paulizyn and Melanie Hughes;
c. former Minister of Finance Colin Hansen, his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff;
d. current Minister of Finance Carole Taylor, her Office, her deputies and staff;
e. former Minister of Transportation Judith Reid (hereinafter, “Minister Reid”), her Office, her deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Dan Doyle and Kathie Miller;
f. current Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon, his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff;
g. former Solicitor General Rich Coleman (hereinafter, the “Solicitor General”), his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Tobie Myers;
h. Assistant Deputy Minister and Director of Police Services Kevin Begg (hereinafter, the “Assistant Deputy Minister”), his Office and staff;
i. current Solicitor General John Les, his Office, his deputies and staff
j. former Speaker of the House, Claude Richmond (hereinafter, the “Speaker”), his Office, his deputies and staff;
k. current Speaker of the House, Bill Barisoff, his Office, his deputies and staff;
1. Clerk of the House, E. George MacMinn, Q.C., his Office and his staff including but not limited to Ian Izard, Q.C.;
m. former Attorney General Geoff Plant, Q.C., his Office, his deputies and staff;
n. current Attorney General Wally Oppal, Q.C., his Office, his deputies and staff;
o. Crown Counsel Robert Gillen, Q.C. and Geoff Gaul and their respective Offices;
p. the Executive Council and its Offices and staff, including but not limited to Joy Illington;
q. the Offices of all Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Province of British Columbia from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
r. all Cabinet and Caucus committees from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
s. all government research, policy and communications offices, including but not limited to the Public Affairs Bureau from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
t. the Crown Corporations Secretariat including but not limited to the Offices of B.C. Rail; and
u. the Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner (collectively, the “Government Offices”),
which relate to:
(i) the divestiture of B.C. Rail Freight Division (hereinafter “B.C. Rail”) and the proposed divestiture of the Robert’s Bank Port Subdivision (hereinafter, “Robert’s Bank”) and the bidding processes related to same, including but not limited to the B.C. Rail Steering Committee and the B.C. Rail Evaluation;
(ii) the selection of, and duties assigned to, Ministerial Assistants and in particular all Records relating to efforts of Ministerial Assistants to influence public opinion through the media with regard to the provincial government or its ministers, policies or initiatives;
(iii) the strategy, policy, and any related decision-making pertaining to the influencing, gauging or monitoring of public opinion through media and other public forums;
(iv) public opinion polling and reports, including by the B.C. Liberal Party, which pertain to public opinion on transportation, finance and budget surplus and deficit issues, and further including but not limited to the divestiture of B.C. Rail and the balancing of the Provincial Government budget;
(v) the provision by the B.C. Liberal Party or the Provincial Government to Provincial Liberal Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly and their staff of blackberries, computers, cellular phones or other PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants);
(vi) any communications between Provincial Liberal Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly and their staff and lobbyists Brian Kieran, Erik Bornman, and Jamie Elmhirst, their companies including but not limited to Pilothouse, Kieran Consulting, Pacific Public Affairs, K&E Consulting and their respective staff
(vii) the acceptance or receipt of any gift or benefit including but not limited to:
(1) Vancouver Canucks tickets or seating in private boxes;
(2) B.C. Lions tickets or seating in private boxes;
(3) the use of any facilities at General Motors Place;
(4) Tickets or admittance to the Cirque de Soleil; and
(5) Famous Players “Big Card”
(viii) the investigation of alleged criminal activities of Minister Collins, Mr. Basi, Mr. Virk, and Mr. A. Basi, including but not limited to:
(1) the proposed and actual interception of private communications within the precincts of Parliament, including communications over the telephone lines (250) 387-3751 and (250) 213-5098;
(2) the search of the Legislature on December 28, 2003;
(3) the issue of whether and to what extent members of the Provincial Government, including Minister Collins were under investigation;
(4) all communications pertaining to the timing of R.C.M.P. interviews of Members of the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet Ministers, including Ministers Collins and Reid; and ...
There's so much more. Please go to Bill's blog for the complete Application for Disclosure:
BASI-VIRK DEFENCE DISCLOSURE APPLICATION - full text as filed in B.C. Supreme Court on June 4, 2007 and released on June 7, 2007 is available at
The following is the first part of the document as obtained today through the BC Supreme Court registry office. It is being posted [on his web-site] as a public service to those interested in this important case.
I take responsibility for any inadvertent typographical or spacing errors
- Bill Tieleman
[I'm very grateful to Bill for sending me this important information for posting here as well. - BC Mary]
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JUN 04, 2007 Court File No. 23299
Vancouver Registry
TO: George Copley, Q.C. Counsel for the Record Holder, the Province of British Columbia
6th Floor - 1001 Douglas St
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J7
William Berardino, Q.C. Special Prosecutor
Hunter Litigation Chambers
2001 — 1040 W. Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6E 4H1
TAKE NOTICE that an application for records in the possession of the Province of British Columbia will be brought before Madam Justice Bennett on behalf of the accused persons, Udhe Singh (Dave) Basi (hereinafter, “Mr. Basi”), Bobby Singh Virk (hereinafter, “Mr. Virk”) and Aneal Basi(hereinafter, “Mr. A. Basi”). This application is returnable for June 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m at the Courthouse located at 800 Smithe Street, Vancouver at which time a date will be fixed for the hearing of the application. The Applicants are seeking the following Orders:
1. That all records, documents and information, including information in electronic form (collectively, the “Records”) held in any office, storage facility or repository by:
a. Premier Gordon Campbell and the Premier’s Office including the Correspondence Branch and Cabinet Operations, and all other deputies and staff of the Premier’s Office, including but not limited to Martyn Brown, Brenda Eaton, Ken Dobell, Tom Syer, Jay Schlosar, Dave Cunningham, Hazel Mitchell, Sam Marja, Cynthia Haroldsen, Lara Dauphinee and Mike Morton;
b. former Minister of Finance Gary Collins (hereinafter, “Minister Collins), his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Paul Taylor, David Morhart, Chris Trumpy, Adam Buchanan, Robert Paulizyn and Melanie Hughes;
c. former Minister of Finance Colin Hansen, his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff;
d. current Minister of Finance Carole Taylor, her Office, her deputies and staff;
e. former Minister of Transportation Judith Reid (hereinafter, “Minister Reid”), her Office, her deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Dan Doyle and Kathie Miller;
f. current Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon, his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff;
g. former Solicitor General Rich Coleman (hereinafter, the “Solicitor General”), his Office, his deputies, assistants and staff including but not limited to Tobie Myers;
h. Assistant Deputy Minister and Director of Police Services Kevin Begg (hereinafter, the “Assistant Deputy Minister”), his Office and staff;
i. current Solicitor General John Les, his Office, his deputies and staff
j. former Speaker of the House, Claude Richmond (hereinafter, the “Speaker”), his Office, his deputies and staff;
k. current Speaker of the House, Bill Barisoff, his Office, his deputies and staff;
1. Clerk of the House, E. George MacMinn, Q.C., his Office and his staff including but not limited to Ian Izard, Q.C.;
m. former Attorney General Geoff Plant, Q.C., his Office, his deputies and staff;
n. current Attorney General Wally Oppal, Q.C., his Office, his deputies and staff;
o. Crown Counsel Robert Gillen, Q.C. and Geoff Gaul and their respective Offices;
p. the Executive Council and its Offices and staff, including but not limited to Joy Illington;
q. the Offices of all Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Province of British Columbia from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
r. all Cabinet and Caucus committees from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
s. all government research, policy and communications offices, including but not limited to the Public Affairs Bureau from June 5, 2001 to the present day;
t. the Crown Corporations Secretariat including but not limited to the Offices of B.C. Rail; and
u. the Office of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner (collectively, the “Government Offices”),
which relate to:
(i) the divestiture of B.C. Rail Freight Division (hereinafter “B.C. Rail”) and the proposed divestiture of the Robert’s Bank Port Subdivision (hereinafter, “Robert’s Bank”) and the bidding processes related to same, including but not limited to the B.C. Rail Steering Committee and the B.C. Rail Evaluation;
(ii) the selection of, and duties assigned to, Ministerial Assistants and in particular all Records relating to efforts of Ministerial Assistants to influence public opinion through the media with regard to the provincial government or its ministers, policies or initiatives;
(iii) the strategy, policy, and any related decision-making pertaining to the influencing, gauging or monitoring of public opinion through media and other public forums;
(iv) public opinion polling and reports, including by the B.C. Liberal Party, which pertain to public opinion on transportation, finance and budget surplus and deficit issues, and further including but not limited to the divestiture of B.C. Rail and the balancing of the Provincial Government budget;
(v) the provision by the B.C. Liberal Party or the Provincial Government to Provincial Liberal Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly and their staff of blackberries, computers, cellular phones or other PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants);
(vi) any communications between Provincial Liberal Cabinet Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly and their staff and lobbyists Brian Kieran, Erik Bornman, and Jamie Elmhirst, their companies including but not limited to Pilothouse, Kieran Consulting, Pacific Public Affairs, K&E Consulting and their respective staff
(vii) the acceptance or receipt of any gift or benefit including but not limited to:
(1) Vancouver Canucks tickets or seating in private boxes;
(2) B.C. Lions tickets or seating in private boxes;
(3) the use of any facilities at General Motors Place;
(4) Tickets or admittance to the Cirque de Soleil; and
(5) Famous Players “Big Card”
(viii) the investigation of alleged criminal activities of Minister Collins, Mr. Basi, Mr. Virk, and Mr. A. Basi, including but not limited to:
(1) the proposed and actual interception of private communications within the precincts of Parliament, including communications over the telephone lines (250) 387-3751 and (250) 213-5098;
(2) the search of the Legislature on December 28, 2003;
(3) the issue of whether and to what extent members of the Provincial Government, including Minister Collins were under investigation;
(4) all communications pertaining to the timing of R.C.M.P. interviews of Members of the Legislative Assembly and Cabinet Ministers, including Ministers Collins and Reid; and ...
There's so much more. Please go to Bill's blog for the complete Application for Disclosure: