Saturday, August 18, 2007


BC Ministry of Environment demands that CN provides ... a To-Do list!


Updated Sat. Aug. 18 2007
Canadian Press

VANCOUVER -- The B.C. government is ordering CN rail to inspect the area of a recent train derailment for environmental damage.

The Ministry of Environment served the company with a Pollution Prevention Order Friday.

The order instructs CN Rail to thoroughly inspect and monitor the area near Prince George where two trains crashed, which caused a fire and leaked burning diesel and gasoline down the river bank on the Fraser River.

The order also requires CN to set up a clean-up plan schedule, that's to be submitted to the ministry. {Snip} ...

Many of the comments left on The Legislature Raids deserve to be up front where they are easier to see. I'm going to do more of this. OK? See what I mean ... - BC Mary.

Gazetteer said...

Heard Mr. Penner yesterday admit that his minions did, indeed, find 'hydrocarbons' in the river.

How much 'hydrocarbons'?

He couldn't say.

Which, in the theatre of the LINO-mind, appears to be a reason enough to ask CN to inspect itself.


And then Anonymous said...

Yeh! that's funny - but not as funny as the little sound clip from the CN flak catcher that CBC included right after Penner's little sermon. She said, in very straightforward terms, that Penner didn't know what he was talking about! Isn't it wonderful when old buddies squabble in public and thieves fall out of favour with other thieves? And when hydrocarbons appear as if by magic in the Fraser.



I'm sorry. Did I miss something here? Why is the ministry ordering CN to do there own environmental study? Last I heard, the government set the standards. CN doing their own enviro impact and clean-up plan schedule is like the police investigating themselves.
Does anyone know exactly what parameters are set for this order. Has there been anyone from the ministry to the site? Or is it just more smoke and mirrors for the government to hide behind saying "look what we did. We ordered them to investigate themselves. Aren't we good"
How god damn stupid does this government think we are anyway?
"How god damn stupid does this government think we are anyway?"

Well, we were stupid enough to elect the BC Lieberals and enable their fire sale of the peoples's assets to their's a wonder we all remember to breathe.
Heard Mr. Penner yesterday admit that his minions did, indeed, find 'hydrocarbons' in the river.

How much 'hydrocarbons'?

He couldn't say.

Which, in the theatre of the LINO-mind, appears to be a reason enough to ask CN to inspect itself.


Yeh! that's funny - but not as funny as the little sound clip from the CN flak catcher that CBC included right after Penner's little sermon. She said, in very straightforward terms, that Penner didn't know what he was talking about! Isn't it wonderful when old buddies squabble in public and thieves fall out of favour with other thieves? And when hydrocarbons appear as if by magic in the Fraser.

Magic Hydrocarbons!

What will they try next?

To blame it all on Houdini?

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