Monday, September 24, 2007


CNdeRail has another little incident in Prince George today. Northerners are getting restless

Go to 250NEWS to read up on today's derailment of 4 CN grain cars right in downtown Prince George. Citizens report strange goings-on about CN deRail pulling up and selling old B.C. Rail tracks ... is there no end to the outrageous behaviour surrounding the transfer of Canada's 3rd largest railway into private ownership? Here's one story from 250NEWS but there's more. - BC Mary.


By 250 News
Prince George BC
Monday, September 24, 2007

Four grain cars left the CN tracks today in what is being described as a minor mishap by CN officials.

The four cars contained grain heading for the Port of Prince Rupert.

Two of the cars spilled product when they fell on their sides during the mishap, which happened behind the Bottle Depot on 1st.

No one was injured and train traffic in and out of the city was not delayed. The mishap took place just after 2.30 this afternoon.

Can't help wondering if the train was being operated robotically again? - BC Mary.


Nothing much new with CN. another day, another train off the tracks
You mention in your comments before the article of "strange goings on" and CN ripping up track and selling it. I wonder if the Federal and/or the Provincial Ministries of Transport have got wind of the rumour that CN is replacing Mountain track which is much heavier, with Prairie Track.
My source for this is a relative of a CN/BC Rail employee.
One angle to the BC Rail case that has not been brought up so far is the possibility of insider trading. During the period in question, CN Rail stock prices went up while CP stock prices went down. Anyone who had access to the confidential documents concerning bids submitted for BC Rail in late 2003 could have made a lot of money for themselves.
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