Thursday, February 28, 2008


Bad, ba-a-ad BC Opposition ... but apart from that, Les Leyne tells us one very interesting thing ...


Les Leyne
Times Colonist - Thursday, February 28, 2008

{Snippppp} ... Whatever hang-ups there have been about the defence getting access to documents, it doesn't look like they're arising in Victoria. They're occurring in the Vancouver courthouse where this case has been bouncing futilely around the calendar. {Snip} ...



Do you know if there is going to be a court date on February 29. That date was mentioned at the last court date but I didn't catch in what context that date was important.
The best I can suggest is that you check the court dates every doggone day ...

Last time around, we were told that there would be 8 court appearances between Feb 29 and May 5.

In Bill Tieleman's most recent mention, he gives only the two dates shown above.

I've been putting all current dates onto the orange banner at the top of this web-site, hoping people find it easier to access.

But sometimes -- like now -- we're left wondering ...

So the best thing really is to do a daily check (yeah, groan ...) on the Supreme Court Listings. They show up after 6:30 AM on the very day so if you have a rocket-ship in your garage, you can get to 800 Smyth Street, Vancouver, in time for the 9:00 or 10:00 AM start.

This means we're all clicking on Van Court - Direct (left margin) even before we've had coffee, tomorrow morning.


You haven't posted the article from the Globe yesterday, why not?
Does Les Leyne work for the Times-Colonist or for Premier Campbell (as one of the 185+ Orders in Council). Would it be a conflict if he worked for both?

Whaaaa, there is no such thing as "conflict of interest" in "the best place on earth." That is why it is so "best" to the Corporate Piggies and there Partners in Government. PPP's anyone? AND it is scenic where they haven't flooded, dug up, paved or removed the trees from it.

We also used to get a favorable price on our Hydro. Especially here in the Kootenays we thought it was the least they could do. They did flood all our best land and make many of our old "friction" ferries obsolete to generate it. And though we also financed it all, we held equity and HAD energy security.

Blair Suffredine learned that we care about our ferries and our elderly, here in Paradise. Doesn't anybody elsewhere in the province care about stuff? If so, why do so many vote for these guys?
Heh heh, Anonymous 9:21, gotcha on this one. It just went up about 30 minutes ago.

Why so late?

Busy, doggone it. No, I take that back. Wonderful comments coming in, which I appreciate enormously. I like to take time with them.

2) Sore back. I hate to think how many hours I've been sitting at this computer. My right arm can't cope with the mousing any longer but I've learned to use my left hand. Now my back is killing me so I have to keep knocking off, walking around, coming back for a while, repeat.

So that's why. But hey! I love the work and am greatly encouraged by the things people say -- even Tom Hawthorn, who also has written to me and will be asking why I haven't answered!

Keep writing, OK?

Mary, thanks for your hard work. Maybe Bill can recommend a good (bottled poetry)!
Les Leyne: "Whatever hang-ups there have been about the defence getting access to documents, it doesn't look like they're arising in Victoria."

Huhhh???? But I always thought that Gordo was giving instructions behind the scenes to withhold documents?????
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