Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Voice of BC special show on BC Rail Case 8:00 PM Thursday March 27, Channel 4

Bill Tieleman says ...

I want to strongly encourage you to tune in this Thursday March 27 at 8 p.m. to Voice Of BC on Shaw Cable's community channel [Channel 4 in most of the Lower Mainland] for a special show on the BC Legislature Raid case or the Basi-Virk case as it's often called. I have contributed a number of taped comments and the show will have host Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun, Global TV's Keith Baldrey and the Vancouver Sun's court reporter Neal Hall as live guests.

It should be a fascinating show - four years in the making, one might say given the lengthy delays in the case! VOBC is also rebroadcast on Saturdays at 10 a.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Anybody know the Shaw Cable co-ordinates for the rest of B.C.?? This is a good example of how the farflung corners of this great province -- for whom BCRail was invented -- don't always get a fair chance to keep up with the BCRail Case as it develops. We really ought to be working now on a request for TV cameras in the courtroom so that everyone can follow the story as it unfolds under oath. I have written to the defense lawyers asking their opinion. One month later, it is disappointing that they have made no response. The request must go to the presiding judge who makes the ruling for or against TV cameras. Courtroom filming in BC has been done before, in cases much less important to the public interest. Why not for BC Rail?

- BC Mary.


Just a thought but I would hazard a guess that TV viewers who are interested would know to read the TV listings on their local stations. Which is one of the reasons I told you about it a couple of days ago. at the time I did suggest that taping it would be a good thing. In Victoria Voice of BC is repeated twice at times they show on the end of the program but that's only the local showings. It's often worth watchin for sure. Glad to see Bill got to you first. TV coverage in court rooms may well be nice, but it doesn't often happen but who knows? This case is a really big deal for all of us. Hope the judge figures the same. DL
I would sure appreciate it if someone could tell me if there is an audio feed for this show and where I could find it.

My problem here is that I live 30 minutes from the nearest town, we don't get Shaw here nad of all things the BC Wireless in this area set up a tower on a hill behind my place just out of sight. So, no feed. Luckily I got a phone in 10 years ago.

Here's an actual fact. Believe it or not, I have never been able to make sense of my local TV listings.

Gary e,

It sounds as if you live in a very nice place, 30 miles from the nearest town.

I can't get Shaw Cable programs either. Maybe Bill Tieleman will have a good report on his web-site telling us who said what.

But, y'know, it shouldn't be this awkward to get some feedback on this case.

could someone tape it and put it on youtube?
"We really ought to be working now on a request for TV cameras in the courtroom so that everyone can follow the story as it unfolds under oath."

I regret having to say this, but there are people, well known people, for whom I seriously doubt being "under oath" is anywhere nearly as relevant as their confidence in the existence or not of contradictory evidence. I guess I should refrain from naming any of those people, but I'm sure they know who they are!
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