Saturday, April 05, 2008


Message from Paul Taylor's wife (re-posted)


From The Legislature Raids

posted Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Brian Kieran to Erik Bornman: "Get Omnitrax together with the new CEO of Partnerships B.C. ...."

Hansard blues 21 November 2007:

Afternoon Sitting


L. Krog: Over a month ago the government released only a summary reporting letter from KPMG into the activities of Mr. Paul Taylor and the B.C. Automobile Dealers Association.

In this House on May 29, the Premier promised that the full review, the terms of reference, the documentation, the process undertaken, the steps taken and the full report will be made available on completion of the review.

The summary reporting letter does not meet the Premier's promised standard. It is quite simply a whitewash, and so my question is very simple. Will the Minister of Finance live up to the government's promise to this House and direct forthwith the release of the full KPMG report as promised?

Hon. C. Taylor: As has been said in this House, when the proper FOI process has been completed, information will be released.

Mr. Speaker: The member has a supplemental.

L. Krog: It's very clear that that process appears to be more of a delaying tactic than a process.

The opposition has received a further relevant e-mail dated January 27, 2003, from Mr. Kieran to Mr. Bornman, part of which reads: "Just got a call from Paul Taylor's wife. She is his message bearer. He suggests we get Omnitrax together with Larry Blain, the new CEO of Partnerships B.C., the P3 agency that Paul engineered. Larry is on holiday at the moment. Paul says all partnerships with government including BCR will be funded by Partnerships. We'll put this together next week."

This clearly shows that the real issue is the relationship between Mr. Taylor and Pilothouse, which KPMG was not instructed to investigate. This e-mail shows that Mr. Taylor was providing Pilothouse with a range of information dealing with the most sensitive and confidential government matters.

Will the Minister of Finance do the right thing and launch today a full inquiry with real powers to investigate the activities of Mr. Taylor?

Hon. C. Taylor: When the information came forward to the Premier's office, an investigation was launched with KPMG, a reputable firm. They found in their results that, in fact, there was no wrongdoing by Mr. Taylor.

If any new information is available, I would suggest that the opposition make it available to the Premier's office.

Anonymous Anonymous said on April 5, 2008 ...

Mary, you might want to post this separately:

Yesterday, on my lunch break, I went down to the courthouse and took a look at the February Basi affiavit package. It contained three items:

1. an affidavit sworn by Sue Filion, legal secretary in the AG's office stating that 202 requested correspondences accompanied by a covering letter had been sent by George Copley to Kevin McCullough et al.

2.Copley's covering letter wgich identified documents 22, 66 and 69 as being of significant relevance to the case.

3. An inventory sumarizing the contents of each of the 202 correspndences. The contents of documents 22, 66 and 69 were as follows:

22:Yvette Wells to Bob Virk: Memo from Maria D'Archangelo, LSB lawyer containing comments made in the course of a meeting the day before.

66.Chris Trumpy to Bob Virk: The draft of the CN-BCRail people transition plan

69. Yvette Wells to Chris Trumpy, David Merhart, John McLernan, Brian Kenny, Kevin Mahoney: Revised draft of BC Rail Final Report, Octobr 3 2003.

Who is Yvette Wells. I haven't come across her name before.


Thank you, Anon, for a report that gives us much to think about. It was generous of you to take the trouble to do this and many others will appreciate what you have found. Thanks again. - BC Mary.

Another Anonymous comment tells us who Yvette Wells is! See Resume of Orders in Council, Volume 32, Number 17:

where her appointment as Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) is confirmed. She is ADM for the Ministry of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources, appointment confirmed on September 15, 2005 under Order in Council 682.


Mary, you might want to post this separately:

Yesterday, on my lunch break, I went down to the courthouse and took a look at the February Basi affiavit package. It contained three items:
1. an affidavit sworn by Sue Filion, legal secretary in the AG's office stating that 202 requested correspondences accompanied by a covering letter had been sent by George Copley to Kevin McCullough et al.
2.Copley's covering letter wgich identified documents 22, 66 and 69 as being of significant relevance to the case.
3. An inventory sumarizing the contents of each of the 202 correspndences. The contents of documents 22, 66 and 69 were as follows:
22:Yvette Wells to Bob Virk: Memo from Maria D'Archangelo, LSB lawyer containing comments made in the course of a meeting the day before.
66.Chris Trumpy to Bob Virk: The draft of the CN-BCRail people transition plan
69. Yvette Wells to Chris Trumpy, David Merhart, John McLernan, Brian Kenny, Kevin Mahoney: Revised draft of BC Rail Final Report, Octobr 3 2003.

Who is Yvette Wells. I haven't come across her name before.
Re: the various connections.....

It may be worth having another look at the flow chart from the interim draft of the much-lauded (by the government) 'Fairness Advisor's Report' that I believe is being euphemistically referred to in item #69 in the post of the Anon-O-Mouse above.

You will find Ms. Wells smack-dab in the Middle.

....just click on the flow-chart at the top of the post to see it all revealed; there you will also see the names of Mess'rs Trumpy, Merhart, McLernan, Kenny and Mahoney, and where they, too, fit into the 'scheme' of things during the 'restructuring' of BC Rail.

Anonymous 7:46,

Sorry ... I've been a bit under the weather the past couple of days and forgot to send a big Thank You for your comment above.

Good information!

I hope you noted the additional explanation here about Yvette Wells who is connected to the BC Rail negotiations. Very interesting, eh?

And RossK ... thanks for your tips, too, about Yvette Wells.

Interesting, oh yes, I'll say it is interesting. Right in there, she was, at the trickiest moments of those tricky BCRail / Omnitrax - CP - CN negotiations.

My powers of deduction are wearing thin these days from trying to imagine what all these glaring clues indicate ... so I look at the schedule in hopes of court action:

April 14 for a bit of synchronizing the watches ... May 5 to start the 3-week vetting marathon. That's what they say, anyway.

But then that's what they said last year at this time too. And the year before. And the year before that, even.

According to a purple Post-It stuck to my computer, Madam Justice Bennett confirmed 6 trial dates before she just stopped talking about trials altogether. She announced Case #23299 would begin:

November 2005
April 2006
June 2006
September 2006
December 2006
February 2007

... and then ... for over a year now ... nothing. Boom-all, nothing.

What about this Maria D'Archangelo? Could the comments made in the course of the meeting the day before be the matter of guilt or innocence Justice Bennett referred to?
Regarding BC Mary's listing of Trial Dates gone missing:

As an attorney whom has been retained by the year 2008, I am announcing the launch of a discrimination suit with
the year 2008 acting as plaintiff.

Assuming that with the Raids themselves happening so near the end of 2003, during the Christmas Holiday season as well and that all of 2004 was used by various Special Prosecutors and other Ministry of Justice/ Law Enforcement officials to locate the exact location of their rear facing orificeae, each year since, including 2005, 2006 and 2007 has had at least ONE trial date set and then forgotten, postponed or otherwise not honoured.

The Year 2008, hereafter referred to as the Plaintiff, demands at least its own trial date to be set. Whether that date is ultimately meaningful is an entirely different issue, not addressed in the current application.

Thank you,

Koot Coot Esq. and Q(ueer) Counsel.

Unfortunately the above really isn't as silly as it appears when one reflects on the history of what can so far only charitably referred to as "Justice Off the Tracks!"
You forget that the trial was once again scheduled to begin on March 17 2008. So the year 2008 has not been discriminated against.
Too right, Anon 1:49, I did forget (or failed to make a proper note) that March 17, 2008 was another trial date dud.

I owe thanks also to the person who gave the heads-up on Jenny Kwan's question in the Legislature today.

Hansard really is wonderful (thank you, Davey) when this afternoon's debate is already available to us "in the blues".

Jenny's question about disclosure of BC Rail documents, created quite a stir, eh?

So it might be worth while getting ourselves a gallery seat overlooking our hardworking MLAs for the next while.

Bennett & The Barristers will be back in Studio 54 at the Law Courts in Vancouver next Monday too.

Surely to gosh, all these high-priced lawyers can get their wits together and decide on a trial date and get on with it??

Are you sure it won't be studio 65? They've been using that one quite a bit lately.
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