Tuesday, June 16, 2009
BC Rail: 66 Kinsella documents
Basi-Virk trial told of 66 Kinsella-related documents in B.C. Rail sale
A lawyer for B.C. Rail told the Basi-Virk corruption trial Tuesday that there are 66 documents that relate to B.C. Liberal Party insider Patrick Kinsella’s involvement in the controversial $1-billion sale of the railway company.
{Click} ...The lawyers for the accused — David Basi, Bobby Virk and Aneal Basi — have suggested that the B.C. Rail deal was a fix from the beginning and that Kinsella played a key role in that sale, perhaps working for both B.C. Rail and CN, who made the eventual winning bid. Kinsella, former co-chair for the Liberals in two provincial election campaigns, has denied any wrongdoing.
The Kinsella arguments were adjourned until July 23, by which time the judge will have reviewed the new documents and will have provided a description of their contents to the various parties. Further arguments on the issue were scheduled for later in August.
On Wednesday, a lawyer for the Liberal caucus is expected to respond to a defence application for the e-mails of 17 MLAs, including Premier Gordon Campbell, relating to the sale.
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Read Keith Fraser's full column here.