VICTORIA. The New Democrat Official Opposition questioned the BC Liberal government again today on the sale of BC Rail and specifically the fact that Premier Gordon Campbell said that the rail beds and right-of-ways weren't sold.
"This government said the BC Rail beds and rights-of-way would be retained with total public ownership, yet CN is leasing land in Lac La Hache to a private log sort company," said Simpson."The Premier and Minister of Transportation explicitly stated that the rail bed and rights-of-way were not sold so my question to the government is why the public cannot have meaningful input on land issues on former BC Rail property."
In Lac La Hache, CN is pushing forward with the lease of the former BC Rail land to develop it as a log-sort yard. In a recent community meeting, residents expressed concern over the location of the yard in the middle of a residential area. Simpson said that the residents want answers as to why the land is being developed this way, and why, if the public owns the property is CN acting as if it does, and is brushing off public concerns.
"On May 19th, 2004 Premier Campbell stated categorically that quote"We consolidated it all [property along the rail line] so that we could have it in public ownership." The situation facing residents of Lac La Hache is a total contradiction of that statement," said Simpson."Today I called on Premier Campbell and Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon to come clean on the so-called lease of BC Rail to CN, and admit that it was indeed an outright sale."
"This government has contradicted itself all the way along as it tried to justify the sale of BC Rail," Simpson said."Clearly, the government has been less than forthright with the citizens of British Columbia, and that must stop."
And here's that comment from Skookum1 in Halifax:
Skookum1 has left a new comment on your post "BC Rail deal "was just a sale in disguise" ... :
In reading the Hansard passages last night, and likewwise impressed by "the Joy and Jenny Show"'s adamantine resolve to ask real questions despite having no official opposition status and working out of a hall closet, I found myself marvelling at how composed the speeches were, given that most of the Legislative soundtrack of catcalls and jeers, which is non-stop, does not figure in Hansard - it's only noted when things get a bit more out of control than usual. One reason people don't watch broadcasts of the House, when they are available, is because of the childish, boorish behaviour of MLAs. That Jenny and Joy could speak at all while having 77 well-dressed yahoos yelling at them is really quite admirable....
I had a good long thunk about the longest-lasting contracts in the Western World, and the longest-standing I can think of is the Magna Carta, between the barons of England and King John. And as of this year, it's "only" 794 years old (signed in 1215).
An older document, which played big in medieval politics, was the Donation of Constantine.
But it was a forgery, reputed to have been a grant by the Emperor Constantine I to Pope Sylvester and his successors of material/temporal dominion over the Western Empire. But it was a forgery, estimated bo have been concocted c.752.
Counting back 990 years from the date of the BC Rail "financial partnership agreement" takes us to 1015 AD. It would be nine years until the Venetians and French sacked Constantinople, and 51 until the Normans overthrew the Anglo-Saxon Wessex dynasty in England. Part of the latter treaty - and a treaty is a contract - preserved the lands of the Wessex dynasty as their own holding, while surrendering all claims to the rest of England. It still stands, with the Earls of Wessex having the right of precedence on their home turf (most of western London), if only in protocol.
In China and Japan, there are 100-year mortgages - which require you to have children, and require your children to have children, all bound to the mortgage. All to afford ridiculously-priced real estate - and a financial instrument that some have called for to be introduced to Canada.
But there are no 990 year mortgages. Not so far, anyway.
I rather liked Joy's snipe that by 2995 Jean-Luc would be gone from the Enterprise. Delusional thinking about thefuture by BC's right has been around since before WAC Bennett's government's obsession with neo-futurist architecture (which is why a lot of the city, and the SFU campus, look like sets from cheesy science fiction movies,,,,which of course it gets used for).
Has anyone yet, by the way, come up with a rough calculation of the value of the lands due to be transferred to CN, and the total area? Far beyond the scale of the Expo Lands giveaway, this might be the largest land transfer in Canada since the CPR was given huge (HUGE) swathes of Rupert's Land, and a big belt of the Colony of British Columbia as well. At least when Rupert's Land was transferred to Canada, the HBC got some cash compensation, if nothing near what it was worth. I've forgotten how much, but certainly more than $1.
Posted by Skookum1 to The Legislature Raids at July 7, 2009