Friday, July 03, 2009


Peter Dimitrov says "Go for it!"

Thanks to all who have written or visited or telephoned Leonard Krog today.

And now a strong voice from within the New Democratic Party has added to our efforts. I wrote to Peter Dimitrov this morning, explaining our efforts to activate the B.C. Opposition. Here is the result ... Peter's e.mail which he sent to

Carole James
Leonard Krog
Shane (Simpson?)
Adrian Dix

with copies to Allen Garr at The Courier
Vaughn Palmer at The Vancouver Sun
Bill Tieleman at 24 HOURS
Sean Holman at Public Eye Online

Hi Carole, Leonard and Shane,

On July 14, 2009 the BCR/CN Re-purchase Option agreement will be executed, transferring significant assets to CN for $1.00...forever more, whilst the previous deal is still secret and whilst we have the ongoing BC Rail trial.

Will the party be providing some public leadership on this issue in the form of (a) minimally, a denouncement and (b) a request that this be postponed pending "x, y, z" conditions;

or better: Is the NDP considering itself, or in association with others, raising this matter in BCSC, seeking an injunction and other equitable remedies?

..surely it is not good to sit around with our hands in our pockets and just watch as significant assets being transferred from the public to private hands ..without so much as a whimper of protest or action? It seems the party could get some public traction on this issue.

Thank you,

Peter Dimitrov


PETER DIMITROV is a well-known Vancouver lawyer and environmentalist with a long history of social justice and political activism. He has worked closely with approximately 30 First Nations communities acting as Project Director in the design and implementation of traditional land use mapping and impact assessments projects. He has founded a multi-faith social justice coalition that was very active on the issues of poverty and homelessness in British Columbia.

Over the years he has provided journalistic commentary on a variety of British Columbia issues to In the early 70’s he was co-chair of the Ad Hoc Committee Against uranium mining & exploration in British Columbia, and, in September 2003, Peter Dimitrov was one of 7 candidates (including Carole James and Leonard Krog) for the BC New Democratic leadership. .

In January 2007 he publicly released detailed information respecting approximately 500 water license applications for power generation in hundreds of BC watersheds, which information was taken up by others and digitally mapped. His focus continues to be matters arising from the issuance of water licenses for power generation to private energy companies in British Columbia.

He has a Masters of Science degree from UBC’s School of Community and Regional Planning. He is also a lawyer with considerable litigative experience and knowledge of water, environmental, constitutional and administrative law.


Mary, perhaps you could tell those of us 'not from around here' who Peter Dimitrov is and what having him on side could mean.
Peter Dimitrov was one of the leadership contenders for the 2003 BC NDP.

He finished last out of 6 candidates and garnered only 12 votes out of 775 votes cast.

Dimitrov is considered too left-wing by the NDP mainstream.

That's it in a nutshell.
Wow! I am not even Canadian and I am in shock at hearing about the unfathomable greed and corruption going on in BC. One option I believee that should be taken at this point is for a nice group og people who don't mind being arrested to shut down the entire Vancouver rail yard by chaining themselves to the tracks...then go from there and chain themselves to the rivers...because they are obviouly going next~I wish I was there right is not my country or land...but it just seems so so wrong. Why are people so apathetic?
Thank goodness there are a few good people...don't give up...get that contract asap!!
Thank you Mr. Dimitrov!!

Thank you Mary, for finding the "Right" one!
Thank you, Peter and Mary. Please note that I could not get any links to work when I tried 3 different times today. I even Yahooed and Googled the site, and it seems to have been (at least partially) hijacked: it turned up other places as having the most hits, but those sites would not release to Peter Dimitrov.

Best wishes to all, SIG
Sharing is Good, here are a few links that do work. Note: no longer exists.
Hollyhock Leadership Institute Peter Dimitrov
Save BC Hydro
Peter Dimitrov
looks the part of a competent executive. However, his speaking style is too bland for a party leader. He hunches his shoulders which makes him appear weak. He is quite articulate, but seems to be talking to himself or the air, rather than to his audience. He keeps looking down.

The Marxist-Leninist Daily British Columbia

Say No to the Sell-out of BC Rivers & Creeks to Private Energy Corporations
- Peter Dimitrov,, January 26, 2007 -

Stand Up for Public Power.
Stand Up for Public Ownership of Our Rivers and Creeks
Have you seen this morning's Vancouver Province.... Michael Smyth on shell crown corporation called BC Rail where the Executives are pulling down $1.2 million if salaries to run a work force of 24 people, down from last year's 30, with an profit of $17 million? The Campbell government justified the Executies pay by comparing it to CP Rail executive but the PAB left out the facts just how lucrative the bottom line has been for CPR and the 16,000 employees.

Public taken for a 40km, $1.2m gravy train ride
Executives on huge pay running tiny Crown corporation
By Michael Smyth, The ProvinceJuly 5, 2009

Thanks for the info, Special Interest Group. Have you noticed that we share the same initials?
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