Monday, August 17, 2009


10:00 AM today, August 17, 2009, pre-trial hearing for Basi Virk Basi / BCRail including whether Madam Justice Bennett continues as B-V-B judge

Date: 17-AUG-2009
10:00 AM
In alternative, Madam
Justice Bennett remain
seized of motions up to
the commencement of
Crown's substantive case
on the Direct Indictment,
including motions relating
to a) all outstanding
Freedom of Information Act
requests, including those
for BC Rail documents; b)
all ongoing third party
records of witnesses Erik
Bornmann and Brian Kieran
(and related companies and
entities) and certain
railway companies
(Canadian National,
Canadian Pacific and
OmniTrax and related
companies or entities); c)
all applications relating
to documents held by the
Speaker; d) all informer
privilege applications
arising subsequent to the
anticipated ruling of the
Supreme Court of Canada;
e) The delay and abuse of
process application, and all voir dires relating to
the interception of
private communications and
Further alternative, all
rulings of the Court to
date are binding upon all
parties and third parties.
Further alternative, all
rulings of the Court to
date are binding upon all
parties and third parties.
Further alternative, all
rulings of the Court to
date are binding upon all
parties and third parties.
Full disclosure. See
para. 182 to 200 in Notice
of Application dated 26
Feb 2007 for details.
Included V/C
Anyone going? :)

"Daily Court Lists

CSO court lists are provided free of charge and are displayed in PDF format:*"

Do you see the * at the end of "format:*"

"* These court lists are not official court lists. The information may be updated after it is posted on this page. For confirmation of information contact the specific court registry. If you have been served a summons or otherwise notified by the court that you are to come to a court appearance, but your name does not appear on the posted court list, you must still come to court."

However a click on the "View List" button results in an "Error on Page"

Geeees, with 44 different courts in BC, how the heck is anyone supposed to know where to go to see the three ring circus of Basi/Virk/Basi or is today's appearance starring Madame Justice is only focussing on the Executive Council's shredding of evidence in early May of 2009?

10:00 AM, Vancouver Law Courts.

Today's hearing appears to focus on Madam Justice Bennett's decision.


Be there or be square.
I am meeting Laila there. We'll report back later.

Thanks for posting the time, Mary.

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