Saturday, November 28, 2009


Citizen Journalists: here's an opportunity!

While reading Michael Smyth's column in The Province today (topic: the former Solicitor-General, John Les has waited 2-1/2 years for his A.L.R. lands case to be resolved), I saw an unusual Editor's note attached to a comment. It's especially surprising on the topic of alleged corruption in governing circles. I've never seen a CanWest editor step in, like this, with an open-door invitation ...

I mention it here, as a possible outlet for some of the great ideas my readers come up with. Why not? - BC Mary.


November 27, 2009

On the subject of John Les than honest, I have a juicy story to send you.

Editor's Note: Hi Steve. E-mail your story to us at


AND this followed Steve's comment:

John Q.

November 27, 2009 - 4:30 PM

The amazing irony in this is that Les is part of a government that has an horrendous reputation for holding back on full disclosure. To wit; the B.C. Rail scandal that this government has done everything possible to delay and derail. I can't feel too sorry for Les; he's part of the same pack and now he's getting a taste of his own medicine.
Hi Mary,

This article reminds me of another article a few years back were Mr. Basi was interviewed (I think in his bed?) and it seemed to be for one purpose only, to shed a tear for the Dave Basi and family.

Parzone, good point!

Y'know, the same thought flashed across my mind, too, as I read that story ...

I kept asking myself: why am I supposed to feel so sorry for John Les? Should I feel sorry for him?

So, yes, I too thought Michael Smyth's crocodile tears were a bit premature.

And what I wonder, too, is if Smyth distrusts the judicial system to make a proper finding (whether of guilt or innocence), then why isn't he writing about the judicial system?

Like, the way Robin Mathews writes about it.

Don't miss that Halifax Chronicle Herald story about accountability ... Skookum1 left a comment with the URL and I embedded the link in Robin's letter.
Just another reminder from Your Genial Host (as Bill T. would say) ...

this web-site is ALL about BC Rail ... BC Rail, in one way or another, all the time,

nothing else.
Interestingly,the other day the Liberals chose John Les (than honest) to deliver the political message for their party on the free political message feature that CBC radio has periodically - what a representative - are they that desparate?

It's a bizarro world ... the NDP (so far as I can see) is trying to pretend that they're so much like the Gordo Gang that people might as well vote NDP ...

and to confirm that,

the NDP has cut off all references to their own past successes,

no mention of star performers like Joy MacPhail or Corky Evans ...

no tributes (that I know of) to THREE former NDP premiers.

The implication being that they (just like Gordo's Gang) are relying upon our stupidity to accept them in their transmogrification.

Bizarro World.

Perhaps it embarrasses the current crop of Dippers to even hear the names of Dave Barrett, Joy or Corky - it certainly should!
Interestingly,the other day the Liberals chose John Les (than honest) to deliver the political message for their party on the free political message feature that CBC radio has periodically - what a representative - are they that desparate?

No, it's not desperation. It 's a "washing" technique, common in public relations, saturating him in a positive, high-profile context so as to downplay/override the negative p.r. of the scandal. Putting him front and centre as if nothing was wrong is the "sell", i.e. that there is nothing wrong is what is being sold.
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