Wednesday, November 04, 2009
News of Basi-Virk special prosecutor
Bill Tieleman has the story: Janet Winteringham is a candidate in the election of new benchers (Board of Directors) for the BC Law Society. She is part of the Special Prosecutor's team, often filling in for Bill Berardino when he is absent from the Basi Virk / BC Rail hearings. Read about it HERE.
Bill Tieleman has the story: Janet Winteringham is a candidate in the election of new benchers (Board of Directors) for the BC Law Society. She is part of the Special Prosecutor's team, often filling in for Bill Berardino when he is absent from the Basi Virk / BC Rail hearings. Read about it HERE.
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Thanks, Anon 7:45,
I read the story. I understand Warren Buffet's point of view -- even Hunter Harrison's p.o.v. -- but what I don't understand is the inevitability of the world they're looking forward to.
Seems to me they're pushing HARD and investing HUGELY to achieve something not worth achieving.
They seem to want these high-speed, uninterrupted freight ways (railways, ocean freighters) racing around the world faster, pulling more stuff, more often ... through these so-called "Gateway" creations ...
and this makes no sense to me. What are they chasing? stuff which is a few cents cheaper in China? hauling ore to low-wage nations for smelting? Is it simply an enormous, world-wide, planet-polluting shopping spree?
Perhaps it makes sense in purely profit-and-loss terms. But I can't see where their "Gateway" transportation visions enhance human life.
Can you?
Thanks, Anon 7:45,
I read the story. I understand Warren Buffet's point of view -- even Hunter Harrison's p.o.v. -- but what I don't understand is the inevitability of the world they're looking forward to.
Seems to me they're pushing HARD and investing HUGELY to achieve something not worth achieving.
They seem to want these high-speed, uninterrupted freight ways (railways, ocean freighters) racing around the world faster, pulling more stuff, more often ... through these so-called "Gateway" creations ...
and this makes no sense to me. What are they chasing? stuff which is a few cents cheaper in China? hauling ore to low-wage nations for smelting? Is it simply an enormous, world-wide, planet-polluting shopping spree?
Perhaps it makes sense in purely profit-and-loss terms. But I can't see where their "Gateway" transportation visions enhance human life.
Can you?
If the world becomes more "local" which is necessary for more sustainability - we then have no need for Billionaires - a master of a more localized economy would be a millionaire at best. That's why the capitalist creed of greed is good SUCKS - people need a more meaningful reason to live and do stuff than material aquisition!
If our values aren't readjusted, some other species will have the opportunity to replace us on the totem pole.
If our values aren't readjusted, some other species will have the opportunity to replace us on the totem pole.
If the world becomes more "local" which is necessary for more sustainability - we then have no need for Billionaires - a master of a more localized economy would be a millionaire at best. That's why the capitalist creed of greed is good SUCKS - people need a more meaningful reason to live and do stuff than material aquisition!
If our values aren't readjusted, some other species will have the opportunity to replace us on the totem pole.
If our values aren't readjusted, some other species will have the opportunity to replace us on the totem pole.
Thanks for this comment ... because I just posted a disturbing item about Gordo's new vision ...
Gordo thinks it's a good thing, to have Independent Power Producers (IPP) burn the wood from our BC forests to create electricity ...
according to Gordo,
he says this unthinkable outrage would really be "Green Energy" ...
and I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like George Orwell said, didn't he? ... that "Down is Up, Lies are Truth ... "
I mean, Our Leaders have barely finished banning normal people from having "inefficient" woodstoves in our homes ... [Jeez, we wouldn't want people heating their homes with inefficient stoves, eh?]
And if I tip-toe along in Gordo's line of thinking, all I can see is that -- with BC forests saved for the IPPs to cut down and burn, and the electricity used for export -- the miles and miles of stumps will be worthless, except ...
except as Real Estate!
Thanks for this comment ... because I just posted a disturbing item about Gordo's new vision ...
Gordo thinks it's a good thing, to have Independent Power Producers (IPP) burn the wood from our BC forests to create electricity ...
according to Gordo,
he says this unthinkable outrage would really be "Green Energy" ...
and I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like George Orwell said, didn't he? ... that "Down is Up, Lies are Truth ... "
I mean, Our Leaders have barely finished banning normal people from having "inefficient" woodstoves in our homes ... [Jeez, we wouldn't want people heating their homes with inefficient stoves, eh?]
And if I tip-toe along in Gordo's line of thinking, all I can see is that -- with BC forests saved for the IPPs to cut down and burn, and the electricity used for export -- the miles and miles of stumps will be worthless, except ...
except as Real Estate!
Perhaps Lord Gord and his corporate cronies should start their "GREEN" forest burning with that forested area known as Point Grey - and if a house or two get involved, hey, it's just more "green" energy. Heck, if Gord donated his home for green energy production David Suzuki and Prince Charles (who will never be King) could only admire his stellar leadership even more.
And yes Mary, Prince Charles actually praised to the skies Campbell's exceptional leadership in fighting climate change. I'm starting to think that marijuana, cocaine and heroin aren't the real drug problem - it is WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THE STUPID PILLS?
As to the fortune waiting for Gord and his real estate speculating croies converting stump farms to (what - recreational land, wheat farms, condos?) real estate, it is my understanding there is already a great deal of already developed real estate available CHEAP in and around Prince George and other northern communities that used to also have employment locally for the residents of now for sale, but not moving, homes.
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And yes Mary, Prince Charles actually praised to the skies Campbell's exceptional leadership in fighting climate change. I'm starting to think that marijuana, cocaine and heroin aren't the real drug problem - it is WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THE STUPID PILLS?
As to the fortune waiting for Gord and his real estate speculating croies converting stump farms to (what - recreational land, wheat farms, condos?) real estate, it is my understanding there is already a great deal of already developed real estate available CHEAP in and around Prince George and other northern communities that used to also have employment locally for the residents of now for sale, but not moving, homes.
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