Friday, December 18, 2009


Basi Virk: Pre-trial hearing confirmed for today Dec. 18 in BC Supreme Court, Vancouver, at 10:00 AM. [+ Tiny Quiz]

And the reason for today's hearing is given as "JMT" which, in the clear-as-mud terminology of BC Supreme Court listings, is code for "Judgment".

Tiny Quiz:

Who made this statement (and can we believe it?):

"Clearly there are overtones and undertones of very significant political involvement in this case."

[Send us your best guess, before you look up HERE to find the answer. - BC Mary.]


Thanks for the chuckle, Gary.

For sure, Kevin deBruyckere would be getting the southernmost end of the Christmas turkey this year if he ratted out his bro-in-law.
I'm pretty sure that was Dave Basi's Lawyer, Micheal Bolton, a couple of years back when he was after government correspondence and documents related to the sale.
It appears that most of the posters here support the defence, think the Crown is in the wrong, and / or hope the Crown loses. So I think it time for a Poll:

Who supports the Crown, and who supports the Accused?
YES, S.i.G., it was Michael Bolton:

Asked if the defence would specifically request documents involving the premier's office, Bolton said: "That's probably premature to say that, but we'll be asking for materials that certainly one would expect the premier would have had access to."

He said he would be seeking e-mails between cabinet ministers and staff concerning the BC Rail bidding process and the integrity of that process.

"Clearly there are overtones and undertones of very significant political involvement in this case,"
said Bolton, who is representing Dave Basi ...

From: Defence seeking government documents in corruption case.

CanWest Media - April 24, 2007.
anon 3:43,

I'll say it again. I support finding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That is neither support the defense nor the crown. From what I have read at The Legislature Raids, the posters, here just want the facts of the sale of BC Rail to come out. I believe the majority of the posters here want justice and they want transparency.
After Justice Anne MacKenzie gave her oral ruling (written one to be presented later) this morning, I had words with Ms. Winteringham outside of Court Room 54 on the subject of her not being heard, by the public, eg. Robin and myself.

She said she would have words with the Court Administrator on ensuring that the amplified sound system in the Court Room will be working....

If the Court room was absolutely full of spectators, I know that there would have been a great mass of complaints, but it seems that most people prefer not to attend, too bad.
Anon 3:43 - instead of asking for a poll citing only the Crown or the Accused, try adding another category: The Truth. Unless of course you're a PAB member trying to get a cheap reading on what the public is thinking for your masters.
did you hear anything about the ruling?
SHaringisGood, from your 6:21 it appears as though you have decided what everyone's position is without asking them first. Unreal.

For the record, I disagree with what "YOU THINK" posters here want, but acknowlege there are many posters here who appear to really want to derail the whole trial. I would call those posters supporters of the Defence.

Those of us who want the accused to be found guilty, I would say support the Crown.

SO then lets have a poll to find out if what you think other posters want is valid.
Anonymous 10:37 wants the "Truth".

The Truth has been provided. More Truth to come once we all get to hear the wire tap evidence. I cant wait!!

I hope they build more jails to house EVERYONE who has commited a crime connected to this case.

I for one beleive that corruption, drug dealing, money laundering, all that, is very very very bad and those who are guilty of such deeds should go to prison for a very long time.

As for whether I think BC Rail should have ever been allowed to be sold off to private interests, I dont know. I dont really care, as I suspect neither do most reasonable people.

But when I hear that drug dealing and bribey may have been conducted from the Legislature, I care.

I am intrigued by some distractions arrising out of this mess, such as why the CEO gets or got more than 500K salary to manage a few Km of railbed. That makes no sense to me. But that matter isnt a crime or even improper, its and so long as you spend your waking hours spent trying to dominate the discussion to something other thant the trial at hand, it will never get the attention it appears to deserve.

Look, BCers clearly like what they have. If they didnt, they would have elected the NDP. Try that. elect the NDP and see just how much better of BC will be with Carol James running the show.

To Anonymous 8:39,

OK, so it's Christmas ... or a weekend ... or something.

I should have DELETED your message because it is a piece of mischief.

But what the heck. It's Christmas, or a weekend, or something; I'm willing to try one more time to explain to you that





And for anybody who's interested in my view of the new kind of world we're facing: I am certain in my heart that the days of adversarial, partisan political squabbling are OVER ... and that if Copenhagen did nothing else, it may have demonstrated the world's crying need for co-operation, not confrontation.

There. OK?
Nice try, 9:00 AM. You blend partisan politics with BC Rail like an old pro.

But you're naive if you think that we can pick and choose which bits of the BC Rail Case we'll look into, and which bits (based on partisan politics) we can toss aside like yesterday's news. You wish (for some reason).

If you don't understand the bases for keeping BC Rail in public ownership, I'd say you've already been victimized by partisan politics.

Like it or not, this is MY blog and I care about BC Rail. Please don't visit this blog if you can't handle that.
"In closing, a comment on Bill Tieleman's A to Z where he describes Robin Mathews as being "more impressionistic than reportorial in his postings".... I've been there three times now and each time I come away with the feeling that Bill T. has missed the mark in describing Robin's attributes.

It is a sign of how badly BCer's are served by the media in coverage of the Campbell Crime Family's ongoing crime spree that Bill T. is one of the best sources of information (when his attempt to become a TeeVee/RaydeeO star, on shows hosted by idiotic tools, doesn't interfere with actual reporting). Bill Tieleman might be qualified to run to the store to pick up Robin's replacement typewriter ribbon or sharpen Robins pencils.

The fact that Robin's powers of observation and writing skills allow him to describe the characters and locale in this case so well, certainly doesn't take anything away from his ability to get the facts and explain them in a coherent and pleasing to read manner - something Bill could take lessons from Robin about in order improve his own style.

As to Anono-Mouse at 9:00 AM:

"As for whether I think BC Rail should have ever been allowed to be sold off to private interests, I dont know. I dont really care, as I suspect neither do most reasonable people"

If you strike the word reasonable (people)from that statement I will agree, but you can't blame people for not caring about stuff they don't understand because they ARE NOT EVEN INFORMED ABOUT THEM (or the information they are provided consists of lies)!

"I am intrigued by some distractions arrising out of this mess, such as why the CEO gets or got more than 500K salary to manage a few Km of railbed. That makes no sense to me. But that matter isnt a crime or even improper"

If you don't think it is improper to pay a group of men (boys?) (not just the CEO) millions in salary to run a non-existent railroad, then you certainly cannot count yourself among your aforementioned "reasonable people."

Those millions could pay for a few MRIs, wages for ambulance attendents or hiring someone to spot potential oil spills on the BC Coast, so we don't have to depend on the US Coast Guard, or even part of a new roof for another stadium or even a party at the Richmond, possibly soon to be underwater (not necessarily financially) Skating Oval!

I hate it when Mary deletes idiots, because I get so much amusement from them, and it helps accelerate my otherwise laid back circulation!
OK, nutbar, you are deleted.
BC Mary could you give us a date time stamp of your deletion of "nutbar" just so we, your devoted readers, can keep track of when they were deleted in sequence?
Nope, sorry, I can't give you the date/time for the nutbar deletion. Gone.

Which emphasizes the benefit to us all ...

if people would choose a USER NAME for themselves.
Thanks Mary,

I'm allergic to NUTS, likewise PABlum.
BC Mary, this blog of yours is about whether or not B&V are going to be found guilty. You said so yourself:

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mr Basi, Mr Virk: you do have options!
by BC Mary

As Dave Basi and Bob Virk approach their trial date on 5 June 2006, do they dream impossible dreams of a "Not Guilty" verdict? Are they expecting to be protected by powerful politicians? Or ... are they living in fear of becoming scapegoats who must carry the full load of blame for others who profited from things that went wrong in government?

But fast forward to 2009 and you are now trying to convince everyone that this is all about the wholesale of BC Rail?

I dont buy that; who got to you BC MAry?
Fascinating, 2:58!
BC Mary, how many of you are there anyway? It seems as though sometimes you are very this way, then other times, very that way.
When this trial has come to its conclusion what will you do BC Mary... providing that there are no Appeals ... will you take up sewing up as a pastime or do you have a few more irons in the fire?

Do you think this case will go all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada?

From start to finish, what, twenty years....2023?
Anony 10:37. THis trial will NOT end up well for the accused is my guess and there will be appeals. But no new facts can be introduced in an appelant court, as I understand it. so get ready for a big fat juicy trial...
I cant wait!!!
"Anonymous said...
BC Mary, how many of you are there anyway? It seems as though sometimes you are very this way, then other times, very that way.

December 19, 2009 9:52 PM

At least we have an idea how many there are of you Anono-PAB @9:52.
Last I heard the Public Affairs Bureau had about 300 give or take a few, (mis)Information Massagers and Suppressors!
Knuckle-bump, Koot!

That's so cool: Anono-PAB ... I wish Anon 9:52 would adopt that as a User Name.

And don't you wonder why there's so much interest in BC Mary, all of a sudden?

Naaah, forget it. This blog is about BC Rail. And the key to finding out what happened to BC Rail (to answer the p.i.a. at 2:58 who thinks the focus of this blog has changed) is the trial of Basi, Virk, Basi (sometimes known as the BC Rail Trial).
I"m rather flattered, Mary, that one of these Anono-trolls, in another thread, wanted to know if I was also you, or you were also me.

Maybe kootcoot, SIG, Leah, NorthVanGrumps.....maybe we all are actually you, and you are actually us.

Maybe Dave Basi is actually Gordon Campbell, maybe Justice McKenzie is actually Justice Bennett, and they're both Justice Dohm, maybe Bill Berardino is actually Erik Bornmann......maybe Mickey Mouse is actually Adolf Hitler, too.

The behaviour of anonymous trollsters here is starting to sound a LOT like the rabble-flamers who made UseNet groups on BC and BC politics so very pointless to take part in. Wild allegations, personal insults, loud denials of the truth, deflective lines of "argument", reductionist "logic"....

Here's my theory: that anonymous posters are evidence of a widespread mental disease in British Columbia, rooted in the denial of reality that's core to BC Liberal policies and practices.....
That's interesting, Skook, because I too was flattered: I loved the moment when I wondered if I could possibly have provided some of the historical comments you have made ... or

the fascinating kelidescope(sp?) of images that says "We're all in this mess together" ...

I agree with you about the Hallmark of Pointless Commentary, intended like so much of Gordo's intentions, merely to harm, distract, diffuse, delay. Maybe I'll oil up the REJECT button, convinced as I am that FREE SPEECH doesn't open any doors to harmful, distracting, diffusing, or delaying comments.

I also wonder -- seriously -- about the mental health of the person in charge of this province. And about the people who feed off his predicament for their own advantage. Right down to the widespread anonymous posters of mischief.

Skookum1, thanks for your additions to the list of things Gordo ought not to have done ...

"Mickey Mouse is actually Adolf Hitler" - Skookum1

I think you're half right Skookum1

BC Mary's commenters have so much to say on the subject of the BC Rail raid on the legislature here that they are probably doing double duties just to pad the hits on BC Mary's blog.

SharingIsGood probably signs on as Anonymous, so too for any of the regulars, just so they don't appear to be hogging the "airwaves". They're probably all retired, with nothing to do with their time.

BC Mary could be you Skookum1 or visa versus but it could be that you TWO just have a lot of common interests that cross over one another..............

SIG, dressed in anonymity, might just be floating an idea that would seem totally contrary to her normal comments....... and in she would step as SIG to dispute the issue..... with herself, and others, including BC Mary.

Look around the blog topic of BC Rail, BC Mary is It, others post occasionally but nothing close to BC apologies to Pacific Gazetteer and Bill Teileman, but then their tirades are all over the map, they draw upon a different class of individuals.

But I think you've hit the nail on head Skookum1 with:

"The behaviour of anonymous trollsters here is starting to sound a LOT like the rabble-flamers who made UseNet groups on BC and BC politics so very pointless to take part in. Wild allegations, personal insults, loud denials of the truth, deflective lines of "argument", reductionist "logic"...."

Anonymous trollsters have learned from previous failings, provided by the PAB lessons........
For Gawd's sake, 10:19 ... you think that people who contribute comments to this blog "are probably doing double duties just to pad the hits on BC Mary's blog"!

Do you realize that this says more about YOUR perception of the world we live in, than it says about BC Mary? Have you never met anybody who wasn't trying to play some rotten trick upon you?

Me, I have enormous respect for good journalism which I believe to be the essential component of a democratic society. You've just accused me of being the exact opposite ... of being everything I despise about big media in BC today.

Please go away. Think about this. And then come back when you've figured out who's trying to tell you the truth, and who's trying to sell you the big cover-up of the greatest betrayal in BC history.

Anon 10:19...everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if it's to be considered worthwhile then own up to it. Name yourself, own your opinions - there's nothing to be afraid of - other than your own shadow.
To the clueless loser anono@10:19

If you want to think, (an ironic concept, applied to you) SIG, Skook, Mary, me and others are all one person having a dialogue with ourselves - that's fine (actually we are a CULT of 13 individuals, ask Vaughn or Keith).

However even with all the names WE don't spend as much time stalking Mary's site as you apparently do. Please take time to have something to eat, take a nap and go to the bathroom occasionally. You don't really have to sit at the monitor with a jar for waste products (or do you convert them to comments?)

BTW, I forget, are you the imbecile from Merritt, Surrey or Victoria?
Hey! Koot ... I thought we were ILKS,

and I've already got the logo on my new jacket!
As to:

"Look around the blog topic of BC Rail, BC Mary is It, others post occasionally but nothing close to BC apologies to Pacific Gazetteer and Bill Teileman, but then their tirades are all over the map, they draw upon a different class of individuals."

You almost make sense above. I and I wouldn't be surprised if others likewise, post comments about BC Rail here at Mary's blog, since it IS the place for those who are interested in this travesty of justice that just continues to degenerate, even when we think it can go no lower! You are correct that other subjects are discussed at the Pacific Gazzette and Bill T's, however the TIRADES are to be found in your addled comments here!

By the way, what "class of individual" would you be - or would that violate your anonymity?
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