Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Tip o'the Tuque to RCMP Staff Sgt John Ward on the 6th anniversary of his press conference explaining the police raids on the BC Legislature

It wasn't the BC premier who stepped forward to reassure the public. It wasn't Canada's Prime Minister who behaved like a statesman, either. Both these guys (Campbell and Martin) waited many days before ambling back from their Christmas holiday and shrugged, "I know nothing," leaving the stunned public as nothing more than part of the devastation.

It was RCMP Staff Sgt. John Ward who explained. He held a press conference, at which he thanked the media for coming ... which, given that we'd just had something like a train-wreck based upon a high-jacking ... was a bit alarming, too ... I mean, he thought they might not attend? Well ... perhaps we should bear in mind, as we re-read this, that Big Media would very soon begin trying to discredit Sgt Ward, as well as the Victoria Police Chief. Also remember that Big Media completely forgot to mention that one of the 9 persons arrested (thought to be Mr. Big) was tried, found guilty, and sentenced, in June 2008. So, yes, Big Media: thank you for attending that press conference. Too bad you couldn't follow through ...

Search Warrants Executed on BC Legislature: News Media Statement
RCMP Media Relations Website - issued 10:00 am December 29, 2003

John Ward said:

... Let me start by saying that illegal drug activity, by organized crime in British Columbia, has reached critical mass. The value of the illegal marijuana trade alone is estimated at over $6billion a year. The result is that today we have murders, beatings, extortion, and gang warfare at a level never before seen in this province. It's not an exaggeration to say that organized crime is a cancer eating away at the social and moral fabric of British Columbia. And it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better ... {snip}

Recently in Victoria a 20-month joint operation by the RCMP and the Victoria Police Department resulted in the arrest of 9 individuals in Victoria, Vancouver, and Toronto. Those individuals are alleged to have been involved in an organized crime network that exchanged BC marijuana in the United States for cocaine that was then sold to victims across the country.

Sometimes in the course of a complex and lengthy police investigation, other related and unrelated information surfaces, suggesting possible criminal activity. This was the case with the RCMP - Victoria Police Department investigation of organized crime ...

And, like I say, some "crimes" against the common good are never prosecuted, such as failing to publish the truth and avoiding unfair bias in reporting news events. There are other savage crimes against the public interest which do get prosecuted and go unreported ... Click HERE for "Jasmohan Singh Bains sentenced to 9 years".

Grant Gough put all this into perspective when he wrote, on Sept. 15, 2009, "British Columbia, a Crime Story". To see Grant's approach, just click HERE. [Also, please note the two white-clad figures kneeling in the street behind the policeman ... don't those police paramedics look like the Torch Relay Runners? and is it merely a coincidence that the Torch Runners are costumed to look like psychiatric paramedics?]

Many people feel that this whole terrible betrayal of the B.C. public, would be swept aside and forgotten if it weren't for the simple fact that, dammit, the people do care about this province, and these publicly-owned Crown corporations which were established for the economic health of the province.

So Happy New Year to those who, like Sgt John Ward and like Grant Gough and you, me, all of us who keep asking what happened to the big railway we once owned, and to the splendid BC Hydro authority, and to our own BC Ferries ... and that whole long list of similar, mysterious economic tragedies.

If this era is so golden, so great ... tell us the details: how did it happen that we lost the railway, the power generator, the section of our highways known as BC Ferries ... all of it. - BC Mary.


How did we lose it all? the Fraser Institute that's how along with their 'chosen one' Gordon Campbell.
I think so.

Got any suggestions for improving the situation?
I've often seen this written here:

Tip o'the Tuque

I've heard of "Tipping one's hat":

"is when a gentleman lifts his hat off his head as a greeting or to show respect. It can also be used as an expression of admiration, as in "I tip my hat to BC Mary, she did a fantastic job.""

A tuque is defined: (Canadian French: tuque) is the Canadian term for a knitted hat, originally of wool, now mostly made of synthetic material.

Hats off to Staff Sgt. John Ward is more like it.
thats right, Jas Bains was sent to jail for 9 yrs, and the times colonist didnt even report on it until bc mary advised them almost a month later ... ! imagine, the centre peice in this whole mess being found guilty, the number one reason the raid happened, the wire tapping happened, and not one peep out of canwest publishing!!! what up wit dat?

thank you bc mary for keeping an eye on things ... !
And thank you, 6:07 ... it's much appreciated that you recall these things.

However, it did the same for me, and I recalled that the Victoria Times Colonist published -0- nothing about the Bains trial even though it had happened in the Victoria Courthouse, just a few blocks down Blanshard Street from Times Colonist's offices.

So far as I know, the Bains story appeared only once in BC's big media -- in a column by Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun Feb. 17, 2009 headlined Drug dealer linked to legislature raid imprisoned. RCMP oddly silent about key victory against cocaine ring -- 8 months after the trial. You'll see that Ian gives me credit for this, because ...

I actually broke the story 2 months earlier (Dec. 2008) on this blog.

It's difficult to assess the significance of the non-publishing, but it's certainly easy (for me, at least) to jump to the conclusion that "somebody wanted the Bains story suppressed. Very strange, since Jasmohan Bains is Dave Basi's cousin, and there are wire-tapped phone calls between the two of them -- at the BC Ministry of Finance -- during the police's pre-raid surveillance period.

So, in a nutshell, 6:07: the Bains story was unknown for 6 months after his trial, and remained largely unknown until 8 months later when I mentioned it to Ian Mulgrew, and even after that, it has remained largely unknown ever since.

THANK YOU for remembering. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Anon 1:44,

sorry I've been delayed in following your orders. Especially in view of the generous salary you pay me to publish this blog exactly to your liking. Please try to forgive me.

Y'see, I was born in Canada and am so proud of that ... I'm the first member of my family who could say they were Canadian-born. Parents were born in Devonshire, England. My big sister was born in India. Me? I was born 9 months after they arrived in Canada ...

and so, Canadian things and Canadian images are special and precious to me.

There's even a Canadian sense of humour ... did you know that? I mean, just imagine trying to doff your tuque! I thought surely you'd notice that.

So fire me if you must, but I'll continue to run this web-site, and I will use my special way of offering praise to someone (usually Canadian) who in my opinion has done a good job of some Canadian thing.

So Happy New Year, 1:44 ... and whether or not you fire me for doing such a poor job of running this blog ...

please picture me tossing my tuque high in the air, dancing a jig, and shouting "Alors!" or something.
I rather like your "tip o'the tuque", BC Mary,.... especially picturing you tossing it it high in the air a la Mary Tyler Moore...in your own indomitable and very uniquely Canadian way.... singing out "we will make it after all."

Which we will.

Thanks for all your hard work and perseverance on TLR/BC Rail.... and for keeping our spirits up as we forge on.

Happy New Year to you and yours.... and to all the good people who post here with such great comments, ideas and research.

PS.....and thanks, kootcoot, for your intelligent, passionate and witty comments. I always enjoy reading them. (And no, I am not kootcoot's mother. ;-) )
If anon 1:44 doesn't forgive you, I certainly will, Mary. (The anonymity of the Blogosphere allows jerks to be even moreso than in real life - especially the whimpy ones.)

My wish for 2010, is that you receive the Order of BC, again.
You, Alexandra Morton, and Rafe top my list for the award.

Happy New Year to you!
RE: 1:44,
"Hats off to John Ward"...
All Mr.Ward does/do, is read,a perpared statement. And, I'm sure he wished, he could take back some of the things that were first spoken of.IE; organised crimesters in every corner of society, like a cancer." (Para phrased), but since organised crimesters still sup with the unsuspecting, beautiful people at the coffee shops. My point is, NO punishment in this lawless land. The crown can only prosecute with evidence given to them,from police! And we all know that the police in Canada, do not want to walk, the walk, in any of the darkest corners of this province.

With all due respect, 1:44,
'Hats off'?
What the heck are you speaking of?
Thank you, blessed Lynx! How many times have you come along with the perfect thought, the most apt quote, or the exact reference we needed ...

So nice to have your good wishes.

All the best to you and your dear family for the New Year, too.

As for Kootcoot, he certainly deserves a tip o'the tuque as well, and every good wish for 2010.

All the best to you and your family for Year 2010,

and a million thanks for cheering us on with your comments during the past year.

It's going to be a challenge, navigating 2010 and I'm so thankful you're on board.
bc mary what was the explantion from Canwest as to why they didnt cover this story? i mean, whatever!!? was there any wire tap evidence entered into the court record that you can share between bains and basi?
Good questions, 8:20.

I guess time slipped by after I had published the story myself ... as I had set up the headline so that Google couldn't miss it ... and I was absolutely sure that Big Media & small alike, would pick up such an important news event.

So 2 months slipped by like that ... and again, after Ian Mulgrew's column appeared in Vancouver Sun, I felt that same certainty that the other Big BC media would publish it.

By the time I was ready to admit (even to myself) that news-papers don't always publish the news, it was getting pretty late in the game.

And you may remember the sad ending to my previous enquiry to the Times Colonist (CanWest) ... the Editor-in-Chief Herself got angry. "When there's news, we plan to publish it," she said.

So that's how the issue unfolded, and then fell by the wayside. I felt I had done all I could.

There is no wire tap evidence between Bains and his cousin Dave Basi, entered into the court record yet, so far as I know.
Anon 7:04 PM.

I disagree that Ward would take back any of his words as you have suggested, nor do you have ANY proof of him saying he wants to take some or all of his words back.

I believe the problem why drug dealers can sup coffess with honest, clean, compliant among us lies in the fact that there are no miminum sentences for drug crimes and that the judges do not impose adequeate sentences.

Also, the Constitution makes it increasingly difficult to put bad people behind bars. But more than ever, when sentences are handed out, they are almost meaningless.

Jail should be HELL. It isnt. And time served is usally a fraction of what is handed out.

Dealing drugs is illegal. People shoud not engage in illegal activities. Full stop.
Why can't people admit that organized crime operates 135 identifiable groups in B.C., and they gotta be doing SOMEthing ...

But if longer sentences and hellish prisons will create a better society, how come the U.S.A. isn't one?
bc mary things would be worse if there were less criminals in jail, usa included.
bc mary 11:08, the problem is the americans are also too soft.

For instance, possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor under California Health and Safety Code Section 11357. Possession of one ounce is punishable by a maximum $100 fine; jail time is possible for larger amounts or for hashish, which is an optional felony ("wobbler"). Possession offenders can avoid conviction by making a preguilty plea under Penal Code 1000, in which case their charges are dismissed upon successful completion of a diversion program.

This does little if anything to change behvoirs. As any Economist can tell you, people respond to incentives.

In North America, the incentive to change behavoirs, ie from drug dealer to employee (of WalMart, or MacDonals)just isnt there. The punishment if caught isnt sever enough.

In contrast, a Chinese laborer is still better off in the rice fields or factory than facing a firing squad having been caught smubggling herion.
Cheez, 3:36 ... it's all so damn simple, isn't it?

We send you out into the cities and towns of B.C. and you tell 'em how to behave. You, of course, have an AK47 strapped onto your shoulders.

If behaviours (note spelling) don't change, you shoot folks right, left, and centre ... with an extra blast for anybody "caught smubggling herion".

Striding right along, you (Mr My Way or the Highway) create peace and harmony wherever you go.

Simple. So bloody simple. You have given us a lot to think about. Thank you.

Ha Ha Happy New Year.
BC Mary, the current kinder, more liberal way of dealing with offenders clearly does not work at all. Evidence of that is that drug trade has flourished.

Sending offenders to club fed to rub shoulders with more criminals, to learn from them? To get fed 3 square, access to the weight room, their own cell with tv, stereo, pretty cool place for a rest. Dont take my word for it, this is what I have heard first hand from repeate offenders who were in the revolving door of the court system becuase of drugs. They all say THEY have to make it less comfortable for criminals if they want things to change.
Making prison-time constructive is one thing -- making it "hell" is quite something else again.

Besides, you know perfectly well that few, if any, of the Big Guys who organize the criminal enterprises are NOT in jail. So you can go on punishing the hopeless victims until ... well, you know how that ends. Ugh. That's no answer.

If you're suggesting that there's something hideously wrong with BC's (and Canada's) criminal justice system, police system, and governments at all levels, I've learned enough in the past 6 years to agree with you.

But petty cruelties are not the answer. Surely you know that, especially if you read history.
i agree with much of what you say. my comments about "hell" are in respect to the estimated 70K per yr it cost to house a prisoner in Canada. Thats too much. I would like to see jails privatised, and the costs come down by at least half.

Alternately, offshore outsource the penal system. Sign agreements with penetentiaries in Mexico, India and/or Russia. Send out prisions over seas to serve out their sentences.

AMEX offshore outsources. So does Telus. Why not Corrections Canada?
Mary, I'm confused, isn't Staff Sgt. Ward the one who ASSURED the folks of BC that no elected officials were involved in any criminal activity? Unless I'm mistaking him for someone else, he deserves a SLAP of a very hard hat!

It's long been obvious to me that the wrong individuals are being prosecuted in the BC Rail trial! It should be the Ferret, the CEO premier and Three Hat Kinsella, for starters, facing charges in the THEFT of BC Rail! The boys of Pilothouse and numerous others, enough to build a super-max for, merit investigation and possible prosecution as well - at least the way I perceive things to be.

You mean, we could sell our prisoners to overseas buyers?

And THEY could make a profit,

but it would cost us less?

Yes Mary, that is what I mean. You seem to have a very soft spot for the convicted offender. Why? Once caught, tried and convicted, I say send them away for a long time. Dont ever let some of them out. Ever. WHy? Becuase they just reoffend, and cost us all more in the process. Might as well leave them in jail.

As for Kootcoot, not so fast. We still need to determine the fate of BVB. In respect of anyone else, charges have not been laid on anyone else. So to say that elected officials are involved in criminal activity, which appears to be what you are saying, is, quit frankly, without merit.

So rather cutting BVB loose, as you appear to want to do, if only to chase after their bosses, for whom you have no evidence, you might want to take pause becuase moving forward without evidence, you will find, is pointless.

Lets wait and see what evidence the Crown has respecting BVB. Lets hear that before we decide if anyone elected officals should be charged of any crimes, or are just lousy stewarts over taxpayer resources.
Now, 7:20, you are taking yourself a bit too seriously.

I mean to say, you accuse me of having "a very soft spot for the convicted criminal" ... and I say "Why?" What basis in fact do you have for that kind of comment? And who appointed you the Judge of the World?

I think we're each entitled to have, and to express an opinion of the justice system without that kind of insult.

You remind me of Stockwell Day who accused a lawyer of having the same values as the client he was defending in a sensational Red Deer case ... and Stockwell got a well-deserved smackdown for his trouble.
because you lit right up on my "jail should be hell" comment, then said that if longer sentences the answer to create a better society, how come the U.S.A. isn't one?

Then you tore into me when I pointed out tougher sentences, ie death sentences, do in fact deter crime, almost completely.

From your reponses I conclude you in no way think tougher, longer senentencing is the answer, which is why I think you must have a soft spot for prison inmates and or offenders.

I do not see how shorter sentences or how not jailing offenders reduces crime. So on that, you and I disagree.

I am told jail is too comfortable. Former inmates have told me this. They think its a joke, a nice rest. No deterant whatsoever. They said what needs to be done is for it not to be so damn confortable.

You have a remarkable gift for exaggeration. You say I "tore into you" ... and "lit right up" etc.,

what an imagination! Obviously you don't know very much about rough treatment, if you think those few words were rough treatment.

And yet you willingly recommend even worse rough treatment to people you know nothing about.

You willingly accept the advice of former inmates ... which, I guess, means that it's you who has the soft spot for criminals.

In fact, we've wandered into the sin of bullying, right here and now, ourselves. Doesn't that worry you? Don't you see that bad behaviours are learned quite readily ... and there's really no sense making an industry out of it. Even if it does make a profit (of sorts).
BC Mary. You have said that offshore outsourcing means selling our prisoners to overseas buyers.

It doesnt mean that at all. You have it backwards.

We pay the service providers for the service. But in the end, the Canadian taxpayers profit. How?

By saving money; money that can be used elsewhere more effectivly.

Rather than plowing 70K per annum per head into the penal system, we pay China or India 35K per head, and plow the difference into Education, Social Services and Health Care, services that help people, not to house criminals.

Thats were taxpayer resources will make the most difference in reducting crime in the long run.

As for imagination, yours puts mine to shame.

In response to my comment that countries who impose harsher penalties for crime do not have the level of drug crimes we have, which I beleive is a direct result of liberal drug policies, lax laws and penalties, where crimials are molly coddled, where endless disclosure hearings and Charter challenges delay and potentialy frustrate any real trial, you knee-jerk that becuase I have pointed out how incentives can change behavoirs I am now supporting AK47s be strapped onto every local RCMP's shoulder.

I never said anything of the sort. You said that.
9:23 are you stuck in that revolving door again?

OK, so we lock our citizens up quickly and toss the keys to somebody from China or India, is that how it goes?

At a discount of 1/2 the usual price, we can expect these offshore free enterprisers to make life hell inside our prisons, with the result that ...

well, 9:23, perhaps you could finish painting that picture for us. I can't even imagine it.
if our penal system cannot house an inmate for less than 70K per year, there is a serious problem. Perhaps a tent city, like a boot camp in the Charlottes would bring costs down.

Of course the incremental cost of adding a prisoner to the system is nominal, ie the cost of an extra pork chop, it staggering static costs cannot be over looked. So lets privatize our jails, but first, lets take discresion out of the hands of our judges, who are only too happy to send criminals back into the streets where they go right back to crime.

The soft, liberal approach is filling our land with criminals who would have never gotten involved in drugs had there been harsher penalities all along.

So instead of slamming the USA for having a tiny bit harsher penalties than us, you should be slamming Canada, for we are doing a far worse job at maintaining order and safety than are our neigbors down south by encouraging people into the drug trade by providing no real or meaningful consiquences.
Perhaps Mr. Law and Order 9:23, 8:03, et. al.(privatized of course) can explain to me why back in medival England public hangings (complete with added entertainment such as dipping in hot tar or drawing and quartering) were considered the highlight of pickpockets' month - as the pickpockets would have the max of distracted pocket owners'pockets to pick with the crowds that would gather for the spectacle of pickpockets being hung. That really proves the effectiveness of deterrent. Pickpocketing at the time being merely one of over three hundred capital offenses at the time.

I'm not sayin' deterrence doesn't have a place, but it sure ain't the whole answer to crime, either!
Perhaps Mr. Law and Order 9:23, 8:03, et. al.(privatized of course) can explain to me why back in medival England public hangings (complete with added entertainment such as dipping in hot tar or drawing and quartering) were considered the highlight of pickpockets' month - as the pickpockets would have the max of distracted pocket owners'pockets to pick with the crowds that would gather for the spectacle of pickpockets being hung. That really proves the effectiveness of deterrent. Pickpocketing at the time being merely one of over three hundred capital offenses at the time.

I'm not sayin' deterrence doesn't have a place, but it sure ain't the whole answer to crime, either!
"you should be slamming Canada, for we are doing a far worse job at maintaining order and safety"

If you think that's true then why don't you come with me and we'll take a pastoral stroll through Detroit, South Central L.A. or maybe certain MELLOW parts of Miami!

Do you do anything other than haunt Mary's blog and say stooopid stuff? Actually you must sit on the can while you're reading and trying to type!
kootcoot 10:23. I agree deterence isnt the whole answer.

Kootcoot, 10:48, or a stroll through parts of Surrey. A stroll because your car was likely stolen as its was namde the auto theft capital of North America.

This a direct result of LAX punishment.


You did see this article in the Globe and Mail didn't you BC Mary. One law for the First Nations people another for law abiding citizens who were both doing exactly the same thing except .......... the first nation people weren't taken to court, and they should have.


How does this apply to BC Rail raid?

Why are the courts dealing with the minions when its the "chiefs" in the BC Liberal Government that should be facing the Judge on insider trading of information eg. Premier Gordon Campbell having secret talks with CN Rail with the assistance of patrick kinsella working both sides of the deal.
"The Ontario government suddenly has settled out of court with the Caledonia, Ont., couple who were suing Queen's Park and the OPP for abandoning them to a lawless native occupation that began almost four years ago.

The surprise move came as the couple's trial was slated to resume next Monday in a Hamilton courthouse before Mr. Justice Thomas Bielby of the Ontario Superior Court.

Among the remaining scheduled witnesses were a number of OPP officers, at least one of whom, The Globe and Mail has learned, was prepared to testify about the front line's profound frustration with marching orders that saw "the law twisted" during the occupation. "
AnonoWierdo @ 8:32

"This a direct result of LAX punishment. "

Can you actually digest an entire 30 second analysis on the LameStream News or What? It's a lot more factors than that
- a court system that has been systematically deconstructed by Our Dear Leader and his minions

- a complete lack of access to drug treatment

- reduced access to education and/or employment opportunities for other than the elite

- lack of support for families trying to survive on insufficient resources

- People with little prospect may as well take drugs, many become addicts, addicts steal stuff because just like with alcohol in the thirties, we have prohibition, making drugs overpriced (creating another level of crime.

- of course those who make the real money off drugs, it would appear made/received cell phone calls at the legislature - that's what started this whole mess.

You have the attention span and comprehension of a gnat, or maybe I'm being derogatory to gnats.

J. S. Bains called the offices of the goddamned finance minister under Lord effing Gord dozens of times (before his almost secret conviction and sentencing to 9 years for being the drug kingpin of Vancouver Island - just keeping in touch with the relatives?

What's up with that - were the Gord, the Jude and the Ferret silent partners in the biz. Curious people feel entitled to more of an explanation than we have gotten in the last six years.

All you contribute is Reich Wing-Nut distraction!!!!!!
Anon 9:18,

You are a nasty piece o/work, you are ...

when you get done abusing one group of people,

you start right in on another. And y'know what? ... someday, somebody's gonna start in on you.

I think they call it Karma.
BC Mary, did you even read the article in the Globe and Mail?
Yes, you Dingbat, I read the Caledon story in The Globe and Mail.

But please don't bother telling me that you have a quick-and-easy solution to that difficult question of cross-border issues, heritage issues, smuggling issues, modern-day development issues followed by the whole narrative of post-colonization.

I know you have a quick-and-easy solution to Caledon, and to what happened to Dudley George. No doubt you'd like to build a penitentiary wall around Ontario, sell the franchise to China, and use the money "saved" to hire more propagandists in a copycat Public Affairs Bureau for Ontario. I'd love to see you try to pull that stunt on Ontario ... and in the process of trying ... Man, more people will know about Gordo's prototype PAB rat's nest and what it does with BC taxpayers' money (hiring people just like you) ...
hmmmmm BC Mary, you seem to treat anyone who signs off here as Anonymous as one and the same. Its interesting reading, your responses that is.

modern-day development issues

like Dave Basi and Sooke and ALR
How does Dudley George come into the Calendon story?
kootcoot, you say Bains was calling the offices of the Minister?

Are you sure he wasnt just calling someone who worked out of the office, which had nothing to do with the Minister or Campbell? If so, big difference. Please clarify.

But I do see a link here. Perhaps this is what you are saying ...

On one hand you are mad that the Govt isnt doing enough to get people off drugs, on the other your mad that Bains was calling the Minster's offices and had to go to jail for bringing in the very drugs that the users of the Govt sponsored needle exchanges and injection sites need?

Let me think about that.

As for a complete lack of drug treatment, take my word for it. Most if not substantially ALL people who take drugs DO NO WANT DETOX or any programs to help them off drugs. What they want is MORE access to drugs.

And to that end, that is being met with the liberal policies of needle exchanges (ie needle distribution centres), and injection sites (ie shooting galleries). None of which make any measurable diffence in getting people of drugs, statistics prove.

But go ahead, vent. All I ask is that you first figure out first what your venting about, ie that there isnt enough detox treatment centres, or too hard a penalty for those who sell and use drugs. Make up your mind.

And BTW, i am not the ananymous poster who made the Globe and Mail Indian comment, which I dont really understand nor the outrage that followed by BC Mary, its all a bit of a mystery to me.
BC MAry, look at you name call!!! get a grip!!!

the poster who did the Caledonia story was not the same one who recommended the idea of offshore outsourcing of prisoners. But there you go, flying off the handle, in utter outrage as if he/she were.

I guess any discussion critical of natives will outrage BC Mary "just because".

Well if thats your policy, fine. But I am more balanced. I like to hear both sides without getting personal and mean about things, name calling, jumping to conclusions, etc.
My apologies ... one Anonymous certainly should not be confused with another Anonymous.

Should they?
Perhaps the only way to avoid confusion, and have people take responsibility for their opinion...is to refuse Anonymous comments altogether. Pick a name, use the same one all the time...begin a realistic conversation, and become part of the group trying to find answers!

To my way of thinkin' if a person wants their voice to be honestly considered, they wouldn't be hiding behind anonymity anyway, would they?
i think some of us (myself included) owe bc mary an appology here. she is trying her level best to bring a product of disclosure to us all, and that should be encouraged and applauded. I regret suggesting that bc mary was ever soft on crime. her opinions and my wild imagination are simply that. opinions and imagination.

As for kootcoot, i am not sure any appology is warranted. Same goes for Gary E. or the Anonymous poster who seemed to want to divert attention to Native Land Claims issues of Ontario.

There are many Land Claims blogs out there. Go find one if that intrests you. Lets stay on topic.

This forum, unless I am mistaken, is about the Basi Virk Basi Trial, and the wholesale disposal of BC Rail, by a govt who said they would not do such a thing, and the inherent problems with our judicial system that appears designed to frustrate justice, not to serve it.

This forum is about salesmen, cheats and liars.

Lets get back on track and stop all this inertia from infighting.

And I appologize for any detraction from issues at hand.
BC Mary, you provide a valuable service. The trial of BVB is probably the most important trial ever. Without your coverage, where we get news? Watch for political fall out when the trial commences. This will be one for the ages!!!
To Anonymous 8:30, thank you!

Your message is much appreciated. Please let me know how you feel about the following ...

First, I must say that having nonstop blank wall "Anonymous" conversations gives me difficulty in keeping continuity in a discussion. I don't care if you sign on as "XYZ" or "1234" as long as you keep using that identifier ... then we can talk meaningfully.

2) Although your comment here and now is a joy to my heart ... I've become suspicious. My next thought was: "Uh-oh, is this another mask for the same joker who wanted to sell franchises to abuse Canadians in prison?" And I truly hate that.

I want to respect ALL my commentors. I think that a User ID would at least bring that picture into focus ... he/she could become "Planet Prison" and we'd be able to recall previous viewpoints as well.

But it's a bit hard to take when Anonymous commenters rebuke me for not being able to tell one Anonymous from 10 other Anonymous commenters! (I think I deleted that one.)

So I am thinking of banning ALL anonymous entries. Pick any name you want, I don't care, as long as you use that ID from then on.

I'd appreciate your evaluation of a policy like that, because, you're doggone right, we have more important things to do in the months ahead.
BC Mary,

As you may recall, I'm busy pursuing my own bizarre case, but am interested in seeing what develops from the "Railgate" case. I believe it's vitally important with all these cases to appreciate the degree to which the culture throughout government makes these cases inevitable. It's not just the elected politicians and their friends - appointees, lobbyists, etc. - that must face accountability. Every institution / agency is compromised. That's why there are no "whistle-blowers". One of the best finds I ever made was "Politics and the Rule of Law", authored by a former government lawyer and issued in 2000. After I referred to it in court in 2007 this document was given a new URL and password protected. My persistence resulted in it becoming once again publicly accessible - now on the Legislative Library's web site (http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/PubDocs/bcdocs/362059/rule_of_law.pdf). It deserves to be widely read.
Chris Budgell,

A huge THANK YOU for this marvelous reference.

"Politics and the Rule of Law" is easily accessible by clicking onto the URL Chris Budgell provided ... and reading it creates the uncanny sense of "Oh, so we're not crazy after all ..."

Wonderful reading ... and I'd be happy if commenters spent the rest of the day on it. It's reassuring as to the BC public's rights and duties, especially appropriate right now as we inch forward to the BC Rail trial. For Politics and the Rule of Law the URL again is:


Thanks again, CB. And good wishes for your New Year.
Ten days to go before we get some meat and potatoes pre-trial words from Robin Mathews.
Nice name, BC Rale!

Let's hope we hear from Robin soon ... he's working on something, I know.

Meantime, have a look at "Politics and the Rule of Law" ... it's so clear, so sensible ... don't politicians ever read this stuff? Ya think we should remind them??
I had a look at the summary and the fact that there are over 190 pages to Politics and the rule of law and decided I have better things to do with my time on a Sunday.

As to topic at hand how did we go from John Ward being given a tip of the tuque to LAX laws when it comes to a penal colony? I thought the intent of this blog was not to decide on the outcome of the trial which hasn't even started yet.
Anon 1:15,

You don't have time to read even ONE PAGE of something that's recommended so highly?

Sorry, but you've mis-read the comments here too. I objected to the guy who wants to begin franchising and outsourcing prison guards to make life hell for canadian prisoners in industrial jails ... and

nobody gets to decide on the outcome of the BCRail trial here ...

so whatcha mean, anyway?

Maybe your time would be better spent reading at least one segment of "Politics and the Rule of Law".
Well what I did read here was your confusion over people who sign on as Anon and then I give myself the name BC Rale and what does BC Mary do.... calls me Anon 1:15 like I was wearing prison clothing with my number on my back. I have a name, use it.
Lighten up: look again and you'll see that I said "Nice name, BC Rail ..." and the 2nd time I addressed your issues directly.

But I'm not going to waste any more time defending myself.
I'll add a few comments myself about "Politics and the Rule of Law". I doubt there is anything quite like this to be found anywhere else in Canada.

It is rather unusual for any government to produce such a report condemning the conduct of its own public servants, and therefore I wasn't surprised when following my own Supreme Court hearing in 2007, the government decided to lock it away. I had of course a copy myself and in fact had prevailed on the Vancouver Public Library to print and bind one copy. That took a lot of persistence and I had some reason to conclude that the VPL was meeting some resistence getting permission from the government (which they said they needed). Anyway, there is one copy on the shelves for loan.

The author by the way had previously worked as a lawyer for the Ministry of Attorney General, but has evidently since left the government and possibly the legal profession as well (or alternatively B.C).

To better understand what the case meant, it is worth having a look at the lengthy Supreme Court judgment that came down in July 1999 (http://courts.gov.bc.ca/jdb-txt/sc/99/12/s99-1235.txt).

I recommend reading at least the Table of Contents and the final section - about damages. Note that no quantum of punitive damages is mentioned.

One lawyer commented to me that the plaintiff's ultimate success in this case was attributable in part to the fact it was heard by a judge in Prince George, where the community doesn't appreciate being screwed by bureaucrats from Victoria.
Well, I just found a recent column by Vaughn Palmer that talks about the relevance of the Carrier Lumber case to Railgate. And he says Carrier ended up with $75M after the government abandoned its planned appeal:

Chris Budgell,

I just want to acknowledge with thanks the added info. you've sent.

I'll read everything, before replying tomorrow.
"tomorrow" has come and gone BC Mary, where's your reply to Chris on "everything"?
Gee Mary, where do you find these rude anonymous posters? Please, as none of us are paying your wage, take your time.
S.i.G., thank you for asking.

Actually, I believe they are SENT to me, with the time-clock running.

Beats me, how we can call this a democracy when people get paid to do these things.

As for your Humble Reporter being slow ... um, well ... the fact is the vision in my left eye has diminished rather suddenly. Various domestic events (e.g., Christmas) keep interfering so I keep postponing a return trip to the Optometrist ...

I hope it turns out to be something fixable, at least. I think it's probably a cataract.

But at the moment, I'm unable to SEE as clearly as before, so reading takes much longer.

On the other hand, there's nothing to stop folks from reading Chris Budgell's wonderful brief for themselves. I highly recommend it.
you think its something fixable?

If you are on medications it might be related. Will you please stop second guessing and go see your Doctor.

In the meantime here's BC 811 health link on the internet, specifically for cataracts:

Thanks for your kindly concerns, 10:02 ... and yes, I'll be going to the doctor again one day soon. Nobody's 2nd guessing here, Dr has already checked it.

Right now, I'm realizing the full meaning of the verb "to prioritize" ... one step at a time.

The BC Health Link is good, isn't it. Thanks again.
Take care of yourself BC Mary. You come first. I'm saddened by the obnoxious anonymous comments, by the way, so, though I have been commenting here anonymously for quite some time, I will name myself.
Concerned Citizen,

that's so nice of you ... THANK you!

Koot is working on the problem, trying to figure out how to re-jig the TLR system so that it rejects Anonymous from now on.

I think it's an improvement already. I still don't know your name or who you are, but I feel a closer link to a Concerned Citizen,

Plus I'll remember it's YOU.

Happy New Year!!
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