Wednesday, March 17, 2010


BC Rail: Over 32,000 northerners signed a petition saying stop the sale

Sounds of desperation in the BC Legislature as the 77 government members shout at the 2-member Opposition. A few days later, the infamous BCR - CN "deal" was signed but parts of it remain secret to this day.  - BC Mary.


Debates of the Legislative Assembly
Wed., Nov. 19, 2003 afternoon sitting

Read more HERE.

Oral Questions


           J. MacPhail [Leader of the Opposition]: Today we learn that the Canadian Pacific Railway has pulled its bid for B.C. Rail, casting a cloud over the whole process. We've also learned that the only other non–CN bidder, Omnitrax, has expressed concerns about the fairness of the process to the Premier. A report into that process released earlier this week identifies two leaks from B.C. Rail. In one case, data were sent to a party that should not have had access to it.

           Can the Premier tell this House what was leaked and to whom?

           Hon. J. Reid [Minister of Transportation]: Indeed, we've worked very hard on a process that is fair and equitable and have worked very diligently with the proponents. The fairness adviser's report ... The fairness adviser is Charles Rivers Associates, which is a very reputable firm, and that firm has stated that the process established and implemented by the province, the evaluation committee and its advisers was fair and impartial. The information they investigated within this — because they were concerned about being absolutely concise and drilling down and making sure that they could bring forward those conclusions — was not substantive and was not harmful to the process.

           Mr. Speaker: Leader of the Opposition has a supplementary question.

           J. MacPhail: Well, the minister didn't answer my question, and certainly the Premier didn't rise to answer my question.

           Let me tell what the report says. The report on the process, an interim report where the minister admits the person still has to talk to the proponents, says only that the lawyers verified that the leak was retrieved and destroyed by those who had access to it. It doesn't say what was leaked and to whom it was leaked. From the start this process has been called into question by bidders, by B.C. Rail customers and by British Columbians who depend on the line.

           Now, can the Premier provide assurances that the process was fair when his own minister won't come clean on the details of this leak? If the leak was to one proponent, were the other proponents advised immediately, or did the government simply think this matter could be swept under the carpet? 

To the Premier: were the other proponents told what was leaked, and who received the information?

           Hon. J. Reid: The whole purpose of the fairness adviser's report is to investigate the concerns the member has said, not to perpetuate those concerns. The fairness adviser's report investigated those concerns, and the conclusion that was arrived at was that the process was not compromised and that everyone involved was treated fairly and equitably.


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Order, please, hon. members. The Leader of the Opposition has a further supplementary.

           J. MacPhail: In fact, that's not what the report says. It's not what the report says on the second leak at all. In fact, what it says is…. I'll read it: "In the second case, we have been informed that the error was quickly identified. We have documented statements from the attorneys involved verifying that the data were retrieved or destroyed by those who had access to it."

           It doesn't say who had access to it or whether they then distributed all that leaked information to all the proponents. So unless the Premier has a giant magnet, some kind of secret memory-erasing device, asking for the information back and destroying it does not fix the problem. Two of the major bidders for B.C. Rail are now saying the whole process was unfair. They say that CN has already been given the go-ahead, despite the minister's repeated denials. The Premier needs to face reality. The deal stinks….


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.

           J. MacPhail: The little support it had is vanishing by the hour. Will he at least stand up and give the House assurance that the second leak wasn't to CN Rail?

           Hon. J. Reid: The whole purpose of the fairness adviser's report is to make sure that all three proponents were treated fairly, were treated equitably and received the same information at the same time. It was verified by the fairness adviser that, indeed, that was the case. There is no need to be able to repeat problems or concerns. What's important is the conclusion. It was investigated, and the conclusion was that it was fair to all the proponents ... {Snip} ...


           J. Kwan
: I don't know what planet this Minister of Transportation is living on. Mayors from Fort St. James to Mackenzie to 100 Mile House say that the plan to privatize…


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please, hon. members. Let's hear the question.

           J. Kwan: …B.C. Rail is bad news for their communities. Those who supported the deal are now saying that they've been kept in the dark about the details and the impact on their economies. Let me quote Mayor Donna Barnett of 100 Mile House: "I was probably a supporter of this as long as it was transparent. Now I don't feel so comfortable."

           Face it, minister. The Premier asked you to break one of his central election commitments, and you botched it. Now the Premier and every Liberal MLA from the north are feeling the heat. Can the minister explain why CN gets preferential treatment, but the communities affected are left in the dark?

           Hon. J. Reid: In fact, the mayor from Prince George was on a radio show this morning saying that he agrees with the process and believes that what we're doing is seeking the good of the people of the north. Further to the release of…


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.

           Hon. J. Reid
: …information, the sharing of information and the need to balance off that information, I'd just like to quote from the fairness adviser's report, who also addresses this: "While the desire to share more detailed information with key constituents throughout the process is understandable, the confidentiality agreement served a necessary purpose by ensuring that all of the proponents had the same information and that none of the proponents had the opportunity to influence the evaluation committee through the media or by negotiating in public."

           Mr. Speaker
: The member for Vancouver–Mount Pleasant has a supplementary question.


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.

           J. Kwan
: The Prince George council passed a resolution asking for a two-year moratorium to hold up the sale and privatization of B.C. Rail. UBCM passed a unanimous resolution asking the government not to break its commitment by selling B.C. Rail. This minister is not facing reality.

           Let's be clear. The process that has led to the sale of B.C. Rail is under a serious cloud. Supporters are now saying the government should reconsider. Over 32,000 northerners signed a petition saying stop the sale. There's no benefit to the shippers; there's no benefit to the communities. The minister's time in cabinet is short, I know. But why doesn't she go out…?


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.


           Mr. Speaker: Hon. members, let us hear the question, please.


           Mr. Speaker: Question.


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.

           J. Kwan
: Why doesn't the minister go out with a bang, Mr. Speaker? She can do that. She can do that to make up for her shortcomings, for all of the files she has botched — admit that it is a broken promise and that she is prepared to kill the B.C. Rail privatization deal.


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Order, please, hon. members. Let us hear….

           Hon. J. Reid: I'm interpreting that the question was about a concern with regard to sharing of information with communities, which I agree has been a process with which we have tried to find a balance. Once again I'd like to read a quote from the fairness adviser's report: "While the absence of detailed information may have increased rumourmongering and speculation by the public and the media…"


           Mr. Speaker: Order.

           Hon. J. Reid: "…we found that the evaluation committee struck an appropriate balance between sharing information with those who needed to know and protecting the confidentiality of the participants…"


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.

           Hon. J. Reid
: "…and ensuring the neutrality of the process."


           Mr. Speaker: Order, please.


kootcoot has left a new comment on your post "BC Rail: Over 32,000 northerners signed a petition...":

Leah, excellent list - and I would like to EMPHASIZE, to the commenter above as well, that Arthur Anderson/Accenture who now do the billing, collecion and books for BC Hydro are experts in energy scams, being the same folks that brought the world the Exxon rip-off. I guess that explains why Gordo wanted them to be involved in his own energy SCAMS.

Now in the crosshairs - privatization of ambulance service and rewriting of the Water Act.

Will this mean that all BC water will be exported to California and Arizona in plastic bottles? Of course not, more likely either by tanker or pipeline, after all, they don't just want the water, and Gord would be happy to let them have the bottling jobs as well, for an extra cabana on his Maui cottage.

Oh yeah, and Medical Tourism to utilize our "under-utilized" surgical capacity - those cancer patients and hip replacement candidates are refusing to come to the OR and waiting un-necessary lengths of time - so Birdbrain Falcon wants to sell the space to outsiders who don't WANT to wait.

Of course Birdbrain explained on the CBC yesterday how attracting medical tourists would actually shorten wait times in BC. But I must be dumb, because I don't understand how putting someone from the prairies in an OR in say Trail ahead of me, would speed up the line in which I am stuck.

But maybe that's why Birdbrain is in charge.........I know there is an area of math that deals with irrational numbers, but I guess I will have to upgrade and take a course in irrational logic, so I can keep up with BirdBrain!

Urgent message to Kootcoot:  fire up your House of Infamy blog. Full steam ahead! Write more about these BC points of crises.  We need this information.  - BC Mary.

So unless the Premier has a giant magnet, some kind of secret memory-erasing device....

ROTFL. Yeah, it's called the "delete" button....

....big magnets work good for wiping digital data, too.....but maybe there's more afoot here with some secret psycho-weapon, which would explain all the zombie smiles and blank looks from adoring Campbellites, and their lack of souls as well.....

and that phone call from the mayor of Prince George, which the minister had been informed of - isn't that one of the phone calls that was arranged by Dave Basi or one of the other dirty tricksters? Which would explain why the minister so readily knew about it, huh?

And the minister said with a straight face that because of the confidentiality agreement all sides had access to the same information. But that's not what CP, BNSF and other bidders had to say about fact not even CIBC World Markets would agree with the minister....and Charles River Associates may be a reputable firm, deservedly or not, but they've disavowed any responsibility or comment for that report, saying only that the people who researched and wrote it have now left the firm.

Maybe they work for the Public Affairs Bureau now....
just more wholesale of bc resources. first the fishery. then raw logs. then hospital services. bydro billing services to Arthur Anderson (read USA) then bc ferries (at least that one an improvement many would argue), and now bc rail (read USA).

And in response Carol JAmes and the NDP argue for higher minimum wages and secondary sewage treament for victorians.
Let's make the list a little more complete - and see if it scares people enough to get off their lazy arses and get involved.

Remember the 30 million given to BC fisherman to pull their boats from the water, and allow Alaska a greater catch? How did that work out? Never mind, what that didn't accomplish - the Norwegian fish farms did.

China really appreciates the genuine stupidity behind the selling of our raw logs..and they're hoping none of us ever figures out just how stupid that really is!

Outsourcing health care jobs to companies like Sodexo...owned by a billionaire in France.

Hydro billing and records to the USA.

MSP and PharmaCare records and billing to the USA (Maximus).

Family Maintenance Program to Themis USA.

BC Gas became Terasen Gas then was sold to Kinder Morgan, now owned by the Carlyle Group. Daddy and Son Bush, along with Donald Rumsfeld think that was just peachy!!

BC's Public School Records are taken care of by Larry Ellison's Oracle Corporation. Those records have highly confidential information in them...think of it this way, if your kid complains of something at home and the teacher writes it down - Oracle has the info.

ICBC...same Larry Ellison is happy to look after that information too! No wonder Americans (the wealthy ones anyway) think so highly of Campbell - why wouldn't they? Mind...what happens when he has nothing left to give them? Back to the list...

BC outright theft as far as I'm concerned! No wonder Mr. Gates was so happy to invest huge sums in our has already added a stunning amount of money to his investment portfolio.

BC longer owned by British Columbia. The name has been left alone to give us the notion that it's still ours, but that is not the case. The debt is, the company isn't. Maintenance, repair and possible new construction is likely to be done in Puget Sound in the near future - if it isn't already. There is a reason an American was chosen to run the company. So much for BC's shipbuilding industry, and history.

The list goes on...but how much do you want to bet that the majority of British Columbians will forget all that when he starts opening the purse strings again - just before the next election? Especially if we don't keep reminding ourselves, and one another of all the CRAP he's pulled, and the damage he's done!
Leah, excellent list - and I would like to EMPHASIZE, to the commenter above as well, that Arthur Anderson/Accenture who now do the billing, collecion and books for BC Hydro are experts in energy scams, being the same folks that brought the world the Exxon rip-off. I guess that explains why Gordo wanted them to be involved in his own energy SCAMS.

Now in the crosshairs - privatization of ambulance service and rewriting of the Water Act.

Will this mean that all BC water will be exported to California and Arizona in plastic bottles? Of course not, more likely either by tanker or pipeline, after all, they don't just want the water, and Gord would be happy to let them have the bottling jobs as well, for an extra cabana on his Maui cottage.

Oh yeah, and Medical Tourism to utilize our "under-utilized" surgical capacity - those cancer patients and hip replacement candidates are refusing to come to the OR and waiting un-necessary lengths of time - so Birdbrain Falcon wants to sell the space to outsiders who don't WANT to wait.

Of course Birdbrain explained on the CBC yesterday how attracting medical tourists would actually shorten wait times in BC. But I must be dumb, because I don't understand how putting someone from the prairies in an OR in say Trail ahead of me, would speed up the line in which I am stuck.

But maybe that's why Birdbrain is in charge.........I know there is an area of math that deals with irrational numbers, but I guess I will have to upgrade and take a course in irrational logic, so I can keep up with BirdBrain!
Leah, excellent list - and I would like to EMPHASIZE, to the commenter above as well, that Arthur Anderson/Accenture who now do the billing, collecion and books for BC Hydro are experts in energy scams, being the same folks that brought the world the Exxon rip-off. I guess that explains why Gordo wanted them to be involved in his own energy SCAMS.

Now in the crosshairs - privatization of ambulance service and rewriting of the Water Act.

Will this mean that all BC water will be exported to California and Arizona in plastic bottles? Of course not, more likely either by tanker or pipeline, after all, they don't just want the water, and Gord would be happy to let them have the bottling jobs as well, for an extra cabana on his Maui cottage.

Oh yeah, and Medical Tourism to utilize our "under-utilized" surgical capacity - those cancer patients and hip replacement candidates are refusing to come to the OR and waiting un-necessary lengths of time - so Birdbrain Falcon wants to sell the space to outsiders who don't WANT to wait.

Of course Birdbrain explained on the CBC yesterday how attracting medical tourists would actually shorten wait times in BC. But I must be dumb, because I don't understand how putting someone from the prairies in an OR in say Trail ahead of me, would speed up the line in which I am stuck.

But maybe that's why Birdbrain is in charge.........I know there is an area of math that deals with irrational numbers, but I guess I will have to upgrade and take a course in irrational logic, so I can keep up with BirdBrain!
Robert Kopstein

Author of the BC Hydro and BC Rail's demise, and maybe more.
"....It is our understanding the Province did compare the sale price of the NOLs to the potential
future tax revenue that would be generated for the Province if the acquiring company did not
have access to BC Rail’s NOLs. It is our understanding that the price offered by the final
proposal for the NOLs of $250 million far exceeded the NPV of any forgone provincial tax
revenue estimated at $8-$10 million, 42 thereby affirming the decision to include the NOLs as
part of the BC Rail transaction."..

Do you see the bold, but small reference number 42 above, its a reference to look at the bottom of the same page from where this statement came from.

"42 Interview with Robert Kopstein of BLG, November 26, 2003."

This report is from Charles Rivers Associates who prepared the final 159 page report called:

Fairness Evaluation of the Restructuring of the BC Rail Freight Division December 11, 2003

Not to be confused with the November 14, 2003 Interim Report which is readily available on the internet.


Now what I find interesting here is that BC Mary did a write up on the longer version, the one with the quote from Robert Kopstein, it had gone missing?????, it was found but if you go to BC Mary's page now you'll find all copies of it has also disappeared. (Source:

However, for some strange reason I copied it to my hard drive........ and while doing some backup housecleaning I came across a folder containing Robert Kopstein name on a folder and his famous statement of $250 million......

I've sent a copy along to BC Mary, just in case she was relying on those sources online, but aren't.
Don't forget BC tel, became Telus.

Telicommunications United States, how may we help you?!...
I just want to say, I believe that Terasen Gas is now owned by Fortis , of Newfoundland.

Also, Accenture split off from Arthur Anderson years before A.A. became involved in the Enron scam.

I'm not trying to defend Accenture. I'm totally opposed to what is happening, and has happened, to BC Hydro, BC Rail etc.
Koot...I think Anderson/Accenture were the ones responsible for the Enron ripoff?
Holy heckfire ... and think what BC taxpayers must have paid him to do that to us.

Him and 1,001 others just like him.
I checked on the internet for the Fairness Report but only found one, the interim, the final has just disappeared off the face of the internet. If you click on your headline of 2007 it deadends with an error message, at least it does on my computer ... and then I went through all of the links you provided in that post and again they are all deadends. Curious.

I've attached a copy from my harddrive for your records, just in case you don't have a source for the original.

Final Fairness Report ... found!
The Gov. as We know are doing some clean up since it was disclosed what The CEO of BC Rail and others are getting for salaries.See whast will happen on April 1st,2010---------------
In February Minister of Transportation Shirley Bond 2010/11 – 2012/13 Service Plan

Microsoft Word - TRAN_Service Plan 2010.11-2012.13_draft_16.docx - 24 Feb 2010

• BC Transportation Financing Authority – The BC Transportation Financing Authority is a
provincial Crown corporation operating under the Transportation Act. It owns provincial highways
and provides for their rehabilitation and expansion through dedicated fuel taxes and other revenues.
The Authority can also acquire, hold, construct, or improve other transportation infrastructure
throughout B.C.
• British Columbia Railway Company (BCRC) – On April 1, 2010, the shares of the British Columbia
Railway Company will be transferred to the BC Transportation Financing Authority (BCTFA),
resulting in the BCRC becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of the BCTFA. Continuing as its own
entity, BCRC will retain its legal and legislative authorities and agreements. BCRC core operations
will be managed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. BCRC core functions include:
• management of the Revitalization Agreement between BCRC and CN Rail;
• ownership and operation of the 40 km Port Subdivision rail line;
• control of key land assets, including land ownership and lease arrangements with Vancouver
Wharves and Squamish Terminals;
• land, permitting and environmental management of over 2,300 km of rail line;
• sale of surplus property not required for railway or Pacific Gateway purposes; and
• investment in rail, land and other infrastructure that supports Pacific Gateway capacity
The transition of BCRC management and operations to the Ministry will result in lower
administrative and overhead costs and will provide closer integration with Pacific Gateway and other
strategic initiatives. More information can be found at
AND see below how much revenue goes up for 2010/11 year
BC Transportation Financing Authority Statement of Earnings

Other revenue3

2009/10 43,799
2010/11 80,238
2011/12 125,983

2012/13 128,661
3 Other revenue includes interest income, grants from the Province, property sales, rentals and economic development
revenues, and earnings from the equity investment in the British Columbia Railway Company
Now this curious to Me, if BC Rail is now just being transferred to the BC Transportation Financing Authority, why back in 2004 revenue statement it shows that it Received Transfer payment of 750 million
Note BC Transportation Financing Authority — Income Statement 2004/05
Transfer payments3 750,000

3 Transfer payments from BC Rail proceeds 750,000($200 million) and the Consolidated Revenue Fund ($550 million). This is listed under BC Transportation Financing Authority

0 dollars listed for transfer payments 05-06 06-07 07- 08
Further to the above post, I meant to post the Bill that was introduced as First reading- hopefully this will be fully debated.


British Columbia Railway Act

SECTION 2: [British Columbia Railway Act, section 1] removes a cross-reference rendered unnecessary by the amendment of section 29 of the Act by this Bill.

2 Section 1 of the British Columbia Railway Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 36, is amended in the definition of "minister" by striking out "29 (b),".

SECTION 3: [British Columbia Railway Act, section 29] provides for the shares of the company to be registered in the name of and held by the BC Transportation Financing Authority.

3 Section 29 is amended by repealing paragraphs (a) and (b) and substituting the following:

(a) must be registered in the name of and held by the BC Transportation Financing Authority, and .

SECTION 4: [British Columbia Railway Act, section 33.1] provides that the company must make payments to the government or a government organization as directed by the Treasury Board and must cause its subsidiaries to provide the company with any funds necessary for those payments.

4 The following section is added:

33.1 Despite any other provision of this or any other enactment, the company must

(a) make payments

(i) to the government or a government organization, within the meaning of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act, as directed by Treasury Board, and

(ii) in the amounts and at the times directed by Treasury Board, and

(b) promptly after receiving a direction under paragraph (a), take all actions necessary to cause the company's subsidiaries to make such payments, if any, to the company as may be necessary to allow the company to comply with the direction.
Way down the page

SECTION 52: [British Columbia Railway Act transition]

•provides for the transfer of the company's shares to the BC Transportation Financing Authority;
•provides that the share transfer effected by this Bill will not constitute a breach or contravention of any security agreements or other agreements or records, and will not entitle any person to damages or compensation or to terminate any security agreement or other agreement or record.

explanatory notes to the above are on the webpage @
Hugh: Also, Accenture split off from Arthur Anderson years before A.A. became involved in the Enron scam.

Yeah, mebbe so; but it's not worth leaving out that Accenture's business practices and its involvement in the swindling of California via rigged energy prices resulted in its being placed under interdiction by the State of California, which is not supposed to do any business with it anymore (somehow they manage to turn a blind eye to BC Hydro power supplies, despite Accenture's involvement in the company). Arthur Anderson isn't being boycotted by the State of California; but Accenture IS. The Enron misadventure just comes from the same school of wilfull mismanagement....
NVG...I just had to go find the Fairness Report again, just to see if I could.

I had already saved a .pdf of it last year as I tend to do with some things that I think may accidentally disappear from public view, and saved it when I found it again. Not exactly sure what the difference between the two might be (it will mean reading them comparatively word for word)..but the original version came in at 2.32mb...while the one I just found is 2.29mb. Not a big difference I know, but... .

Please tell me there is a likely reason for that so I don't have to go through this! LOL

Eliminate the obvious possibilities first, they always say ... so:

could it have been coming in to you with a different font?
The easy answer Leah was that the Preliminary Fairness Report at 36 pages didn't paint as rosy a picture that the BC Liberals wanted put out there to the General public.

The second report weighed in at over 150 pages and some say that what was added to the Charles Rivers report was not done by Charles Rivers Associates, but by the PAB in the Premier's office.

"Koot...I think Anderson/Accenture were the ones responsible for the Enron ripoff?"

I couldn't figure out what you meant with your comment until I went back and read mine - of course you are correct and I somehow typed Exxon, while I was thinking Enron - and probably even saw Enron if I reread before submitting twice, since that IS what I was thinking.

Anyone interested in a the story of the almost unbelievably outrageous scam perpetrated by Kennyboy Lay and his gang of "pious Christian" thieves should read The Smartest Guys in the Room. The arrogance and gall of these white collar criminals was nothing less than stunning. Yet likely, they are merely the tip of an ice cap (that isn't necessarily melting due to global warming or any real reform).
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