Tuesday, September 28, 2010


BC Rail Political Corruption Trial: Tues., Sept. 28, 2010. Wally Oppal.

Another expensive day off in Courtroom 54 ... Robin Mathews attended, and this was his report for today (as much as was allowable): 

Morning in Courtroom 54
By Robin Mathews - Sept. 28 2010

This morning Dave Basi continued his absence because of illness.  The judge dismissed the jury and - in the absence of jury - all else that transpired is under publication ban. Tomorrow court will assemble - unsure for the present if Mr. Basi will be in attendance.  The judge addresses the jury tomorrow morning about the schedule of trial days.

BC Mary comment:  Can't help thinking it would be more fair ... and in the public interest ... to reveal the judge's courtroom discussion with the attending lawyers? What's the big secret here -- that Dave Basi has 'flu? If the damn trial was being shown on government TV, I don't see how these problems could arise. I mean, even a sick person could see and hear the proceedings from home. We could see and hear it, too. And after all, I ask you, who's paying the big bill for this performance?

Please, Madam Justice MacK., don't make me think this is all a big phony display of corrupt manipulation again.

Today's comment by G. West might fit right in here ... 

G West wrote on Sept. 28, 2010

This maybe isn't the place for this comment - but, what the hell.

We've learned today that former Supreme Court justice and former attorney general Wally Oppal has been appointed to lead an inquiry into the Picton killings.

I think now's as good a time as any to make the suggestion that the current Attorney General, Mike DeJong, has been smoking something stronger than Kools if he thinks this is a good appointment.

Wally wasn't much of a judge - take a moment and search out the decisions he actually wrote while on the bench compared with the many times he simply and reflexively concurred with one of his learned colleagues.

He was even more incompetent as an Attorney General AND, he was intimately involved in the set up, the financing and the legal wrangling that preceded and accompanied the Picton case.

Of all the jurists available to lead this inquiry, Wally Oppal is the LAST one whose name should have come to mind.

As evidence, I'll submit the following 'search' of BC Mary's own blog - The Legislature Raids.

Have a look through these records - all dated from long before Wally was given his latest sinecure from the government - and decide whether a man so closely involved with the courts and the Picton case - not to mention the Basi-Virk case - has any business leading this inquiry.


I'm told that the First Nations are upset with this disrespectful and ill-considered appointment too, as well they should be.

Do you suppose Wally needed a paycheque that badly? Or is there another reason for this ill-considered choice.

With a strong response from Canadian Canary who wrote:

G West, I agree but may I make one point:

Wally Oppal is not a jurist. He gave up his job as a judge to become a politician. Up until yesterday, he was simply a former, failed, politician and a former judge.

The Gordo Gang are going to press ahead with his appointment and the inquiry IMMEDIATELY. Why immediately when they dragged their feet before calling for an inquiry into the murder of Robert Dziekanski?

Gordo's Gang desperately wants a diversion that will fill the local media pages and airwaves with wall-to-wall faux-inquiry crap. Bread and circuses. The old magician's trick to divert us from the other things exploding in Gordo's face: BC Railgate, HST Liarpalooza, children in CrazyCare, the elderly in HellCare...

Please don't get me wrong, I think there's lots that was wrong with how the police did or did not investigate these murders, but having Pal Wally in charge is not going to get us anything but spin, and a nice prestigious platform from which Wally can opine and try to regain his "judicial reputation".

As for Oppal being a respected judge, hah, hah. Are people's memory's that short? As Attorney-General, he shopped around 3 times (using taxpayer dollars) to get a legal opinion he like regarding the Bountiful incest case. And, in the end the Supreme Court openly castigated him for it. Respected, my as!terisk.

Wally Oppal is someone who needed an income, pure and simple, Oh yah, and it doesn't hurt for him to have a media platform and a position to help him look judicial again. Looks like Wally wants another shot at the public trough, preferably in front of the klieg lights not in the background. He's one shadowy dude though. We best watch out!


For another good read, go to Bill Tieleman's blog for a running commentary on Carole James and the NDP these days, as well as Wally Oppal and his  appointment to the Pickton case, and today's twists and turns of the BC Legislature Raid "trial curse".
Click HERE for all that. 


This maybe isn't the place for this comment - but, what the hell.

We've learned today that former Supreme Court justice and former attorney general Wally Oppal has been appointed to lead an inquiry into the Picton killings.

I think now's as good a time as any to make the suggestion that the current Attorney General, Mike DeJong, has been smoking something stronger than Kools if he thinks this is a good appointment.

Wally wasn't much of a judge - take a moment and search out the decisions he actually wrote while on the bench compared with the many times he simply and reflexively concurred with one of his learned colleagues.

He was even more incompetent as an Attorney General AND, he was intimately involved in the set up, the financing and the legal wrangling that preceded and accompanied the Picton case.

Of all the jurists available to lead this inquiry, Wally Oppal is the LAST one whose name should have come to mind.

As evidence, I'll submit the following 'search' of BC Mary's own blog - The Legislature Raids.

Have a look through these records - all dated from long before Wally was given his latest sinecure from the government - and decide whether a man so closely involved with the courts and the Picton case - not to mention the Basi-Virk case - has any business leading this inquiry.

I'm told that the First Nations are upset with this disrespectful and ill-considered appointment too, as well they should be.

Do you suppose Wally needed a paycheque that badly? Or is there another reason for this ill-considered choice.
G West, I agree but may I make one point:

Wally Oppal is not a jurist. He gave up his job as a judge to become a politician. Up until yesterday, he was simply a former, failed, politician and a former judge.

The Gordo Gang are going to press ahead with his appointment and the inquiry IMMEDIATELY. Why immediately when they dragged their feet before calling for an inquiry into the murder of Robert Dziekanski?

Gordo's Gang desperately wants a diversion that will fill the local media pages and airwaves with wall-to-wall faux-inquiry crap. Bread and circuses. The old magician's trick to divert us from the other things exploding in Gordo's face: BC Railgate, HST Liarpalooza, children in CrazyCare, the elderly in HellCare...

Please don't get me wrong, I think there's lots that was wrong with how the police did or did not investigate these murders, but having Pal Wally in charge is not going to get us anything but spin, and a nice prestigious platform from which Wally can opine and try to regain his "judicial reputation".

As for Oppal being a respected judge, hah, hah. Are people's memory's that short? As Attorney-General, he shopped around 3 times (using taxpayer dollars) to get a legal opinion he like regarding the Bountiful incest case. And, in the end the Supreme Court openly castigated him for it. Respected, my as!terisk.

Wally Oppal is someone who needed an income, pure and simple, Oh yah, and it doesn't hurt for him to have a media platform and a position to help him look judicial again. Looks like Wally wants another shot at the public trough, preferably in front of the klieg lights not in the background. He's one shadowy dude though. We best watch out!
One question:

Does the court not require a note signed by a doctor before the excuse of sniffles is accepted as an excuse to hold up court proceedings?

It's routine in many companies now that employees have to have a note from a doctor before an absence from work will be accepted.

Surely, it's important to ensure that the court isn't being deceived and/or justice isn't being impeded. Or hasn't that thought occurred to the court?
As a matter of FACT, Dave Basi did get a note signed by a doctor......ooops, is this comment under the wire on the Publication Ban.
Canadian Canary wrote:

"Gordo's Gang desperately wants a diversion that will fill the local media pages and airwaves with wall-to-wall faux-inquiry crap. Bread and circuses. The old magician's trick to divert us from the other things exploding in Gordo's face: BC Railgate, HST Liarpalooza, children in CrazyCare, the elderly in HellCare... "

Bang on, Canadian Canary.

It's also a pretty sure bet that the very same media that has largely ignored BC Railgate will miraculously turn out in droves to cover Wally's theatre of distraction. It will be reported nightly on the news, and on Page One, as a major story.

A deplorable manipulation of a great human tragedy all perfectly timed and orchestrated for their own ends.

As G West mentioned in his comment, First Nations were clearly upset with Oppal's appointment. On CBC radio today they interviewed the very eloquent Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. They were apparently not consulted and were only notified of the Oppal appointment through the media. They wanted a woman to head the inquiry and suggested Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond - a wonderful choice, I think - but obviously not a member of their special insider club.
And how can we forget the draconian GAG LAW....

Remember what Wally Oppal said about the gag law when it was truck down...

Wallt Oppal was asked about the gag law after it was over turned, Oppal said and I quote..

"we hoisted it up a flag pole to see how it flys" snip


Oppal was the one who didn`t want to proceed with the other 30 plus murder charges and...

He he is on the record as saying after the trial..

A public inquiry won`t accomplish anything...

These Liberals don`t even care about optics anymore..Scary
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