Friday, November 26, 2010


BC Rail and all else reduced to giveaway merchandise ... Gordon Campbell's ultimate insult to British Columbians

Update: See Laila Yuile's report "Of course BC is for sale" HERE. 


BC Mary comment: I told you, I told you, I told you ... over and over I told you ... that whatever had been allowed to happen to BC Rail is what would happen to all other publicly-owned assets in British Columbia under the control of Gordon Campbell as premier. That is why we had to stop him.  That's why I believed in the BC Rail Political Corruption Trial ... I knew it was (and still is) absolutely essential to hold that BC Rail trial to let it reveal - under oath - how to undo that damage and to avoid future damage to the province. 

But what is continuing to happen right under our noses is worse ... far, far worse than I could have imagined: The
Ministry of Natural Resource Operations. 

Island Tides -- a small, independent,  bi-monthly newspaper with brilliant reporters -- tells us precisely what has happened. Here's a quote:

... Mr Campbell's restructuring has been secretly under development for 8 months. It is supposed to be implemented without a fall legislative session, without enabling bills, without debate, and without public consultation.

"It encapsulates Mr Campbell's longterm agenda: giveaways of publicly-owned resources, deregulation without legislation, reduced corporate taxes, and off-the-books public subsidization.

"This ... is his ultimate insult to British Columbians. Does the cabinet have the intestinal fortitude to halt this destructive reorganization of government?"

This could be called a Citizens' Alert. The time has come for the general population  to move past political slurs and join forces to see what we can do about this catastrophic, emergency situation.

Here are the two full editorials written by Patrick Brown published on Pender Island in the bi-monthly newspaper, Island Tides:

Gordon Campbell's Last Hurrah

Island Tides - Nov. 11, 2010

... A week before his press conference proposing a BC Liberal leadership review, Premier Gordon Campbell announced a
restructuring of government, apparently without consulting cabinet—and to some opposition among his ministers.

Given his current quasi-resignation, it was the last moment he could exercise the authority to make such a sweeping move.

The shuffle was far from a musical chairs exercise, although the names of a majority of ministries were not changed. In fact, the October 25 Order-in-Council effectively altered the regulatory authorities and procedures under several existing major pieces of legislation.

The centerpiece of the reorganization was the creation of a Ministry of Natural Resource Operations under the
Honourable Steve Thomson, elected for Kelowna-Mission in 2009 and formerly Minister of Agriculture

The creation of the new ministry marked a naked ideological shift from the stewardship of BC’s environment
to its exploitation, a shift that has been pursued by the BCLiberal government since it came into power in 2001.

It involved significant changes in the responsibilities of several ministries in order to create a ‘one-stop shop’ for
applications, permits, and licenses for anyone wishing to exploit the province’s natural resources, be it forestry, mining, oil, gas, energy production, agriculture, or any form of land use

While there is still a Ministry of the Environment, some of its functions appear to have been transferred to the new ministry. It is not clear what the
relationship of these two ministries will be.

Minister Thomson had been Chair of the BC Chamber of Commerce and had participated in several provincial
government panels and task forces, on red tape and regulation reduction, fiscal review, and the government’s business council. Despite this experience, his description of his new ministry reportedly leant heavily on the term ‘work in progress’.

Among many things, the new Ministry inherits responsibility for (take a deep breath) the First Nations Authorization Consultation Branch, and the forest
investment operations function, (from the Minister and Forests and Range and the Integrated Land Management Bureau); the Crown Land Administration Division.
(from Reprint from Volume 22 Number 21 Nov 11, 2010)

BC Ministry Changes

Order-in-Council OIC 652, October 25, 2010

*Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
*Ministry of Agriculture and Lands becomes Ministry of Agriculture
*Ministry of Attorney General
*Ministry of Children and Family Development
*Ministry of Citizens’ Services
*Ministry of Community and Rural Development becomes Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural
*Ministry of Education
*Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources becomes Ministry of Energy
*Ministry of Environment
*Ministry of Finance
*Ministry of Forests and Range becomes Ministry of Forests, Mines and Lands
*Ministry of Health Services
*Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport – dIsestaBlIshed
(the Olympics is over)
*Ministry of Labour
*Ministry of Natural Resource Operations - new
*Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
*Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market
*Development becomes Ministry of Regional Economic
and Skills Development
*Ministry of Small Business, Technology & Economic Development, becomes Ministry of Science & Universities
*Ministry of Housing and Social Development becomes Ministry of Social Development
*Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Arts becomes Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Investment
*Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands); the Aboriginal
Relations Branch (from the Ministry of Energy, Mines, and
Petroleum Resources); and ‘the Ecology and Earth Sciences,
Bio-ecological Classification Plan Ecology, Wildlife Habitat
and Range Ecology, Climatology and Soil Conservation,
Fish-forestry Interactions and Watershed and Silviculture
Research Sections of the Research, Innovation and
Knowledge Management Branch of the Competitiveness
and Innovation Division of the Ministry of Forests and
Range are transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resource

This last paragraph, lifted directly from the Order-in-Council covering the cabinet restructuring, illustrates both what is being changed and the organizational complexities which underly the need for change.

The new ministry is not the only area where significant responsibilities, along with the staff responsible for them, are being transferred. Although many of the existing ministries continue under the same name, some of the name changes indicate a significant shift in their focus from people to business.

There are enough changes so that the Order-in-Council carries a 35-page table listing which ministries are now responsible for which pieces of legislation.

It will clearly be some time before the pieces of government which have been flung into the air by this restructuring settle into their new homes and roles.

The current situation of premier-in-limbo leaves this fundamental reorganization unassailable.


Double Editorial: Gordon Campbell's final hurrah: the restructuring of BC government
Nov 11 and 25, 2010

Maybe Premier Gordon Campbell's 'cabinet shuffle' (actually a restructuring of BC government) followed by a quasi-resignation was no strange muddle but rather a carefully planned strategy. BCLiberals are left with a new, currently unassailable ministry designed to exploit BC's environment. Will they have the courage to undo this? (Restructuring listed in detail.)

Read:   and

‘Island Tides’ is an independent, regional newspaper distributing 18,000 print copies throughout the Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island from Victoria to Campbell River.


The Campbell government's explanation  is HERE:


BC Mary comment:  In my view, this is planned chaos intended to cripple the next government no matter who forms the next government.  We must all understand that the duly-elected or duly-hired participants in British Columbia's civic life face the enormous challenge of rebuilding what it means to be a sovereign, independent province ... 

If you ask me, that means getting past the "Me good, You bad" school of partisan politics.  And getting past the corrupted media which pretends that everything is OK when B.C. is at the tipping point soon to go over the cliff.


BC Mary comment: This is the only reference to the new Ministry of Natural Resource Operations that I've seen in Big Media, and it's only a glancing reference in a Province column by Michael Smyth:


... [Bill] Bennett criticized Campbell twice in the last few weeks. Both times, he was bang on the money.

He slammed Campbell's reckless reorganization of government, which is causing havoc in the bureaucracy.

Read more HERE

Comment from Skookum1, cross-posted:

It strikes me that this new mega-ministry may be a constitutional violation of some kind; something that would require changing the provincial "constitution", the British Columbia Act or whatever it's called.

Though it's true that even the new system of deputy ministers reporting directly to the Premier's office instead of their ministers is also a constitutional change, though "they got away with it" by "convention" ("what we can get away with you can't stop"). Even the outsourcing of government agencies and services to companies in other countries (i.e. not just selling resources, but selling government operations) may be a violation of constitutional sovereignty.

All big legal research cases if there's anything to them; and the money that would take, well, let's just say the people on the other side are the ones who have money for lawyers. Or are, as in the case of too many politicians, actual lawyers. And dang nab it, wouldn't you know it - 100% of judges, 100%, are lawyers. No wonder the court system is what it is......add in a stew of media/communications spin - note that Knowledge Branch of the MoF - and you've got a marketing machine for Alberta-style environmental/industrial rapine )or perhaps "Asia-style" might be the better term, considering the scale of the market and also of what the extractions will look like and what they will cause....).

this new ministry strikes me as First Lieutenant or something; the Finance Minister is normally the second-in-command, or the most powerful anyway, though in BC of late it seems the Attorney-General's ministry has been, well, being too powerful and not, er, very impartial. But Natural Resource Operations, that's got so many hats stuffed into its box it's like half the government....or more. Is this the position for hte new "shadow Premier"....'cause I think the plan this time is to give us a Reagan-like puppet, and have someone else hold the reins. And this ministry is certainly those reins.....

Another question is exactly whose idea is it, the mega-ministry - and is it widely supported by Liberals, or some crazy-jack action from Gordo acting semi-alone? i.e. is this cabinet configuration going to stand definitely (do all leadership candidates support it?).


Patrick Brown's reply to Skookum1:

Yes, the reorganization is a constitutional matter, because the resource Acts (Mines, Forests, Water, OIl & Gas, and much of Environment) assume and authorize Ministries devoted to their policy development, regulation, licencing, and enforcement.

What the reorganization does is separate out the policy function from the regulation and enforcement, thus rendering the policy moot (and mute) in the face of an implied (but not legislated) policy that government exists only to assist the corporate sector in its development of the province's resources. This is the ultimate and extreme expression of neo-Gordoism, maybe more extreme than has been implemented in any western 'democracy'.

To actually legislate this would require rewriting all the resource Acts, probably too much fuss. And since the BNA Act gives the provinces authority over resources, probably in contravention at least of its purposes, since all government is carried out in the name of the Crown, which represents the sovereignty of the people. (See our [Island Tides] editorial: 'The Crown and the Government' in our October 28 issue.)

There doesn't seem to me much question as to whose idea it was, since we now find out that a couple of deputy ministers have been working away on it for about eight months, and the cabinet was not aware it was going on. And, of course, there is no legislation and no debate, let alone public debate or consultation.  - Patrick Brown


BC Mary comment: as to who will form the next provincial government for the long-suffering Province of British Columbia, well ... The Great Satan says (with tricky bits edited out) ...

2011 . . . a New BC Dark Ages

In all likelihood by March of 2011 the next Premier of BC will either be Christy Clark or Kevin Falcon.

I have known these individuals since the mid-1990s and with regards to Christy as far back as 1993  [snippety-hoo-haw] ...

Christy personally told me [much later] she was going to be Canada's first elected female prime minister ...

Kevin and Christy are as loathsome human beings, even more malevolent than Gordon Campbell, since for all his malice Gordon in comparison to these two is lazy, unmotivated and easily distracted by . . . chemistry and biology.

Kevin, the more overtly aggressive of the two, believes in "attack all the time" but has never mastered the sophistication of the big-lie and sweet smile approach.

So as bad as Kevin is, he is largely honest about being a storm-trooper.

Christy, on the other hand, is a crafted product of the Federal Liberal system of political-correctness, propaganda, evasion and media-sweetness.

Kevin is by his very nature incapable of hiding his reactionary right-wing values for any extended period of time and under pressure defaults to his Reich Protektor operating mode.

Christy Clark though, a creature of late 1990s Fraser Institute neo-con thinking, is actually devoid of any ideological limitations and is a creature of pure individual opportunism.

For those familiar with the rise of Joseph Stalin between 1925-1934, you would see the consummate opportunist who would shift whenever necessary between alliances with the Lenin, Trotsky and Bukharin wings of the Communist Party.

Ultimately, for Stalin by January, 1934 and the Communist Party Congress of Victors, Stalin was the last man standing, having demonstrated that raw human malice triumphs over ideology.

This is not an attempt to compare Madame Clark to Joseph Stalin, for she actually tends to identify with the hard-sell propaganda "sales" methods of Argentina's Evita Peron, but it does illustrate Christy Clark's standard operating procedures for acquiring her ultimate personal objectives.

Considering the inherent weakness of the NDP's leadership and the hard line pro-Liberal bias of BC's beautiful media, it would not be a stretch of reality to see a "renewed" BC Liberal Party win an election between 2011-2013.

A government lead by either Christy Clark or Kevin Falcon would certainly introduce economic and administrative measures designed to destroy not only all trade-unionism in BC but likely to result in the demise of the traditional middle-class.

Under either of these two political raptors BC would likely become a 21st Century version of 1850s Industrial Age England.

A new Dark Ages would descend on this province.



It strikes me that this new mega-ministry may be a constitutional violation of some kind; something that would require changing the provincial "constitution", the British Columbia Act or whatever it's called.

Though it's true that even the new system of deputy ministers reporting directly to the Premier's office instead of their ministers is also a constitutional change, though "they got away with it" by "convention" ("what we can get away with you can't stop"). Even the outsourcing of government agencies and services to companies in other countries (i.e. not just selling resources, but selling government operations) may be a violation of constitutional sovereignty.

All big legal research cases if there's anything to them; and the money that would take, well, let's just say the people on the other side are the ones who have money for lawyers. Or are, as in the case of too many politicians, actual lawyers. And dang nab it, wouldn't you know it - 100% of judges, 100%, are lawyers. No wonder the court system is what it is......add in a stew of media/communications spin - note that Knowledge Branch of the MoF - and you've got a marketing machine for Alberta-style environmental/industrial rapine )or perhaps "Asia-style" might be the better term, considering the scale of the market and also of what the extractions will look like and what they will cause....).

this new ministry strikes me as First Lieutenant or something; the Finance Minister is normally the second-in-command, or the most powerful anyway, though in BC of late it seems the Attorney-General's ministry has been, well, being too powerful and not, er, very impartial. But Natural Resource Operations, that's got so many hats stuffed into its box it's like half the government....or more. Is this the position for hte new "shadow Premier"....'cause I think the plan this time is to give us a Reagan-like puppet, and have someone else hold the reins. And this ministry is certainly those reins.....

Another question is exactly whose idea is it, the mega-ministry - and is it widely supported by Liberals, or some crazy-jack action from Gordo acting semi-alone? i.e. is this cabinet configuration going to stand definitely (do all leadership candidates support it?).
I think one thing that is certain - Pinocchio Campbell is not doing this alone. All along he has had some advisors and legal help - though he is known for ignoring advice.

What Campbell has done and his government continues to do is not only treasonous but traitorous as well. Either one of these classes would get a person executed in another country.

WAKE UP British Columbia - resist while we can. What is happening here is a complete routing of the public assets in the once fair province - into the greedy grasp of large (mainly US owned and operated) corporations.

Civil disobediance might be the only option left now!!!

Thank you
There's definitely someone/s behind this one Mary. Campbell is not that smart...but he takes orders well, and does what he's told.

Bilderberg. Harper is part of the group, Campbell attended...they're working hand in hand. There is far worse coming down the pike unless he's removed. Soon.

More and more, I see Gordo as a puppet and that wild look in his eyes is because puppets never know when the next jerk is coming along, if you catch my drift.

You bet there's more than one person involved ... it must have taken an army of lawyers and deputy ministers to revise so many Ministries in such deliberate detail ... and it's not finished yet.

It's a government being overturned ...

Skookum1 has the best suggestions so far ... these highjackings cannot -- simply cannot be legal. We know that.

It's long past time when people who know, should stand and deliver.
BC Mary I love your posts, but I do not love Mathews posts. I losed all faith when I see his LONGGGGGGGGGGGG winded rants.

Please NUKE mathews and we will rejoice!

Thank U for listening to CKDA!

I don't mind hearing your opinion,

but I reject the notion that you speak for anyone but yourself.

It irks just a little, however, when you yourself personally take time to try to damage someone else ... someone who is contributing information and research for us ...

why don't you do a little research on who Robin Mathews is? Consider his contribution to the arts, scholarship, and civil society in Canada.

I'll tell you frankly, I'm sickened by people who adopt politically partisan "likes" and "dislikes" without thinking them through.

British Columbia is in a desperate crisis which can't be solved by tossing insults at one another. If you keep doing that, CKDA, you identify yourself with the Public Affairs Bureau -- paid to promote the Campbell agenda.

You have options. You could move along to another blog. Or you could start your own blog.

Just don't bother yourself trying to tell me how to run my blog.
If possible, someone should endeavour to find out who(?) those two deputies were that worked on the initial plan (for 8 months in total secrecy, even from cabinet). Those two fine administrators--with deceptively mild manners and deadly skills in the use of legalese--will no doubt be found to be driving this latest greatest robbery truck on behalf of all the usual suspects. Mark my words--there will be a chain from them linking back to gordo's shadowy backers hiding behind think-tanks and big oaken desks in the buildings built for big mining, oiling, gasing, and timbering. There will be lofty banking and brokerage houses involved, as well. And there may even be the hints of the really big boys scheming for large-scale exports of the provinces water.
CKDA's comment reminds me of a Wikipedia maxim "too long, didn't read", which is used by people with short attention spans who can't be bothered to read the reasons why they've done something wrong.....

"I have a short attention span, can't you find someone to write who's as simple-minded as I am?"
From Skookum1's 4:26 post:
"I have a short attention span, can't you find someone to write who's as simple-minded as I am?"

Hence: The success of the Tea party, John Boehner, GW Bush, Sarah Palin, Fox News, CTV and Global TV. Even CBC has dumbed itself down and to the right so far that it begs to be included with the others.

My own split personality on the topic at hand:

(Part 1 - optimism)

In terms of BC and Canada being divied up between the already rich and powerful - "1984" being more real than fiction, I believe that we have but a decade or two before money and police/military power may be meaningless. Hunger and deprivation within the masses will result in people rising up. I believe that the Bilderberg-types are creating a very unstable world, a world where food and warmth will mean more than cash in one's bank account.

Yes, the success of private security forces deployed during the Olympics and the G20 do argue that the rich will overcome all possible threats and use our own money to control things, but I believe that even if the corporate sector wins in the short term, there will come a time when "Neo-Liberal forces" will be faced with overwhelming odds. Like the Soviet Union, the house of cards will fall. Stalin could not live forever; eventually totalitarianism loses its grip - though they be sad years when ordinary people are in the grasp of tyranny. Because of that, Hope exists for all.

(Part 2 - Pessimism)
As I age, I lose the strength to fight the ever-grinding corporate world. Like THE BORG, corporate entitiess never really die, they just merge and continue consuming individuals and merging with other corporations. Until we can change laws that mandate that corporations have less right than actual people to exist, they will continue to grow and consume. For that reason, I am building my own little self-sustaining homestead - free of the grid, and capable of feeding my family without the need for the outside world. I hope to have such a small footprint that the BilderBORG does not notice me, or at most, consider me not worth their while.
From Skookum1's 4:26 post:
"I have a short attention span, can't you find someone to write who's as simple-minded as I am?"

Hence: The success of the Tea party, John Boehner, GW Bush, Sarah Palin, Fox News, CTV and Global TV. Even CBC has dumbed itself down and to the right so far that it begs to be included with the others.

My own split personality on the topic at hand:

(Part 1 - optimism)

In terms of BC and Canada being divied up between the already rich and powerful - "1984" being more real than fiction, I believe that we have but a decade or two before money and police/military power may be meaningless. Hunger and deprivation within the masses will result in people rising up. I believe that the Bilderberg-types are creating a very unstable world, a world where food and warmth will mean more than cash in one's bank account.

Yes, the success of private security forces deployed during the Olympics and the G20 do argue that the rich will overcome all possible threats and use our own money to control things, but I believe that even if the corporate sector wins in the short term, there will come a time when "Neo-Liberal forces" will be faced with overwhelming odds. Like the Soviet Union, the house of cards will fall. Stalin could not live forever; eventually totalitarianism loses its grip - though they be sad years when ordinary people are in the grasp of tyranny. Because of that, Hope exists for all.

(Part 2 - Pessimism)
As I age, I lose the strength to fight the ever-grinding corporate world. Like THE BORG, corporate entitiess never really die, they just merge and continue consuming individuals and merging with other corporations. Until we can change laws that mandate that corporations have less right than actual people to exist, they will continue to grow and consume. For that reason, I am building my own little self-sustaining homestead - free of the grid, and capable of feeding my family without the need for the outside world. I hope to have such a small footprint that the BilderBORG does not notice me, or at most, consider me not worth their while.
Mary, your response to CKDA was very well put. The reason Robin's pieces are so LONG, winded or otherwise, is because he brings more FACTS and INFORMATION and connects more dots than most who write here, especially the excerpts from the excuse for a mainstream press.

Robin's "contribution to the arts, scholarship, and civil society in Canada." as Mary points out is massive and goes back decades and your attitude displays merely an enormous amount of ignorance.

Referring to JUST the BC Rail Trial alone, Mr. Mathews most likely was present, and paying attention with his finely educated mind, more than any one other than perhaps the defense counsel from pre-trial to the farce of a compromised trial. That would include any single Judge thanks to the manipulation that removed Justice Bennett for the more agreeable and onside (in)Justice Mackenzie and definitely spent more time in the courtroom than the seldom seen Wild Bill Berardino (who apparently received MILLIONS for his spotty attendence).

Perhaps you - CKDA - would feel more at home following Twitter feeds, perhpas your attention span could accomodate 144 characters without causing headaches and confusion.

As Mary says:
"You have options. You could move along to another blog. Or you could start your own blog.

Just don't bother yourself trying to tell me how to run my blog.

And Skookum seems to have your number when he suggests that you meant to say:

""I have a short attention span, can't you find someone to write who's as simple-minded as I am?""
If CKDA can't handle Robin, imagine the trouble he'd have with George Grant, or McLuhan......speaking of McLuhan and the medium is the BC the media are the message. "We have your thoughts under control. If you resist, we will declare you crazy...or inundate you with them."

McLuhan's writings were not a warning, but they should have been.

I'm still trying to make sense of George Grant, who apparently is "the Canadian Nietasche"....
Good point, Skookum.

Then I had to go and look this up.

Friederich Nietzsche. What a difference a "z" makes.
Or a new pair of reading glasses....
This is a G+M article about the recent re-org in BC Govt. It seems bizarre that this would be done without cabinet or caucus input. This re-org should have been fully debated in the Legis, should it not?
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