Saturday, September 17, 2011


The End Of “The Rule of Law” in Canada

By Robin Mathews
September 17, 2011

Honours received, the title “Honourable”, and political titles are now becoming criminal rankings in Canada.  Media are now “accessories” to crime.  Police are now often mafia-style “enforcers”.  Opposition parties cooperate in crimes having taken place and presently taking place.

Where do we look to see the picture before us?

Maybe we should begin with the sick biography of B.C. Associate Chief Justice, the Honourable Anne Mackenzie in the (July) B.C. Bar Association journal, The Advocate. (Asked for a professional biography of her in 2009 when MacKenzie ‘replaced’ Justice Elizabeth Bennett on the Basi, Virk, and Basi trial, the B.C. Supreme Court refused to provide one.)  The Advocate (July 2011) presents a highly selective, high-school gossip, “fashion” biography. Such is the state of the B.C. Supreme Court.

Or maybe we should begin with the endless Canadian media celebration of convicted criminal Lord [Conrad] Black of Cross Harbour – a celebration that persistently excuses Black and challenges justice effectively administered (outside Canada). Black is a holder of the Order of Canada.  He surely deserves to be on this year’s Order of British Columbia list with ‘possible’* criminal Gordon Campbell and his close friends the Honourable David Emerson and Ken Dobell.

Or maybe we should begin with the story of activities undertaken by ‘possible’*criminal the Right Honourable Stephen Harper in his role as prime minister.

Or maybe we should begin with the obscene appointment by ‘possible’* criminal, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, of ‘possible’* criminal, former B.C. premier Gordon Campbell to the post of Canadian High Commissioner in London.

Or maybe we should begin with the naming of ‘possible’* criminal Gordon Campbell to the Order of British Columbia – named by a roster of mostly sychophants and lackies … among them the Chief Justice of British Columbia, the Honourable Lance Finch, who has failed to legitimate the breach of protocol used to effect the stunningly stupid choice.

Put it another way.

‘Possible’* criminal the Right Honourable Stephen Harper appointed as Associate Chief Justice the Honourable Anne Mackenzie.  She (after being fully informed) fronted for illegitimately appointed Special Prosecutor William Berardino in the Basi, Virk, and Basi case.

On looking at the B.C. appointments of Special Prosecutors since the access to power of Gordon Campbell (2001 and on), something disturbing appears.  The Gordon Campbell group may have used (and the Christie Clark government may still use) the process to appoint sophisticated lackeys chosen especially to pollute the administration of justice.  Long-time B.C. Supreme Court judge Wally Oppal – as Attorney General of B.C. – for instance, actively violated the structure of the Special Prosecutor legislation.  So flagrantly did he do so that when the case against the Bountiful (alleged) bigamists went to court, the judge stopped the trial, and, in effect, threw it out.

Oppal was confirmed – in a case taken against the prosecution by the accused - to have acted improperly.

As a result, Wally Oppal has been appointed by the Campbell/Clark government to what will be a long-running and  highly lucrative position – reviewing the treatment of missing, murdered, Vancouver downtown Eastside women.

Those in the magic circle in British Columbia can do no wrong, even when they are publicly exposed for improper behaviour.  But major efforts are made to cover up wrong doing in the magic circle … by the circle itself, by the media, by the police, by the courts ….

The refusal by Associate Justice Anne MacKenzie (and Chief Justice Bauman) to remedy the illegitimate appointment of William Berardino as Special Prosecutor assured an illegitimate and fraudulent criminal trial of Dave Basi, Bobby Virk, and Aneal Basi (in the BC Rail Scandal).  Berardino and Mackenzie, in effect, I allege, covered for Gordon Campbell, the Honourable Christie Clark, and, almost certainly, guilty corporate others.

B.C. RCMP top officer Gary Bass refused (October 2009) a formal request to investigate Gordon Campbell and all others involved in the corrupt transfer of BC Rail to CNR. RCMP Commissioner William Elliott (now shifted to a sinecure at the U.N. – to get him out of sight and mind (?)) refused any communication.

Media and police, I allege, protected Mackenzie, Berardino, Campbell, Clark … and many others …  from 2001 to 2010.

A complaint to the Canadian Judicial Council about the Honourable Anne Mackenzie’s “conduct” was rejected as not being about “conduct”. Chief Justice of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, the Honourable Neil Wittmann had his secretary assert that he (the Honourable Neil Wittman) had no opinion about the illegitimate appointment of William Berardino as Special Prosecutor.

Look at the people discussed above. Top politicians in B.C. and Canada.  Top police officers in B.C. and Canada.  Top officers of the highest courts in B.C. and Canada.  Top lawyers in the B.C. Bar Association and elsewhere. Almost all media in B.C. and Canada.

I suggest they represent a closed, corrupt, cooperating, lawless shop: destroyers of the Rule of Law in Canada.

“Possible* criminal”: Definition.

The term is used because of the failure of The Rule of Law.  Investigation of public officers and the powerful by police forces is often fraudulent and/or inadequate. Court action is often fraudulent and/or inadequate. Recourse to remedy of any kind is mostly cut off by the “closed, corrupt, cooperating, lawless shop”. Media almost always cooperate fully with criminal action, – being part of the “closed, corrupt, cooperating, lawless shop”.

People believed by many serious, prudent, reasonable Canadians to have violated law and/or trust - to have, in fact, engaged in criminal activity - go almost completely unchallenged.  That makes it necessary to refer to ‘possible’* criminal X’.

‘Possible’* criminal, the Right Honourable Stephen Harper.  (1) In the 2006 federal election, the Party headed by Stephen Harper engaged in what is called the “in and out scandal”.  It was, I believe, a concerted activity to engage in criminal breach of trust.  In effect, a highly effective misspending of electoral funds was engaged in by more than 65 Conservative candidates, only a few others refusing to participate in the dishonest activity.

The “in and out scandal” may have been instrumental in bringing the Conservative Party to illegitimate majority power in Canada.

Properly investigated, properly pursued in the courts, Stephen Harper might well be named criminally responsible in the scandal. The destruction of the Rule of Law in Canada, however, has made impossible, I believe, the necessary procedures to reach a full and fair conclusion.

(2) In the G8/G20 meetings in June 2010 ‘possible’* criminal the Right Honourable Stephen Harper oversaw as prime minister the actions of Infrastructure minister John Baird and Industry minister Tony Clement allegedly misusing $50,000,000.00 of Customs funds for pork-barrelling and graft in the constituency of Tony Clement.

Discussion of the activity has been barren and futile.  Properly investigated, properly pursued in the courts, Stephen Harper, Tony Clement, and John Baird might well, I believe, be named criminally responsible in the scandal.  The destruction of the Rule of law in Canada has made impossible, however, I believe, the necessary procedures to reach a full and fair conclusion.

If those matters have substance, the appointment by ‘possible’* criminal the Right Honourable Stephen Harper of ‘possible’* criminal Gordon Campbell to the position of Canadian High Commissioner in London makes sense.

The RCMP in B.C. refused to investigate Gordon Campbell’s role in the corrupt BC Rail Scandal. Campbell probably, I believe, engaged in criminal breach of trust in the destruction of BC Hydro and in the extraordinary “reconstruction” of BC Ferries.  Those are only most evident areas in which serious, criminal investigation has been denied - areas of so-called “privatization”, policy dear to the heart of Stephen Harper.  Other areas, involving infrastructure contracts, road-building, etc. are only less visible.

To many, many observant British Columbians, ‘possible’* criminal Gordon Campbell and his circle shriek for investigation. British Columbians can be sure that the Stephen Harper cabinet will not do anything to further such investigation. The destruction of the Rule of Law in Canada, actively assisted by Stephen Harper, has prevented what – in a normal democratic society – would by now have been fully and fairly undertaken.  The result would have been – many believe - that the whole complexion of B.C. political, business, and legal life would have been transformed.  Instead, the province is mired in the sewage of continuing corrupt practices.

They cannot go on – provincially or federally – without the country suffering major dislocation, civil unrest, and possible bankruptcies created by criminal misdirection of public funds.

Canadians must act – physically – to seize power from the criminals presently destroying the country.  Canadians might begin to get into practice on October 4, by attending the ceremony to present the Order of British Columbia to ‘possible’* criminal Gordon Campbell (whether he is there or not). Canadians should   prevent that ceremony from taking place.

Such action must be done peacefully and within the constitutional structures of the country, of course – but it must be done.

The Opposition parties?

Just look at B.C.  When William Berardino was shown conclusively to have been appointed Special Prosecutor in the BC Rail Scandal by violation of the legislation, the NDP would do nothing.  Solicitor General critic Mike Farnsworth and Attorney General critic Leonard Krog cooperated with Stephen Owen (chosen out of the air by then Attorney General Michael de Jong) in what I insist was a fake review of the operation of the Special Prosecutor process.  Both Farnsworth and Krog approved of the whitewash Report.

Recognized NDP journalist Bill Tieleman publicly asserted that Willliam Berardino had been cleared of suspicion and that I was incorrect in asserting otherwise.  Tieleman’s statements are wholly false.

New leader of the NDP Adrian Dix has stated he does not believe a Public Inquiry into the BC Rail Scandal is desirable.  He should be demanding immediate criminal investigation, and he should be doing it every day.

Plainly, if meaningful action against real corruption in high places is going to happen in Canada, it is going to have to be organized and carried out by Canadians apart from political parties which - like the courts, police, and media – are, to all appearances, supporters of the present deep and widespread corruption in the country.

 Comment by "Chinese Sneakers" cross-posted:

Chinese Sneakers has left a new comment on your post "The End Of “The Rule of Law” in Canada":

Let's not forget that crafty left-hander, Attorney General, Geoff Plante, who actually appointed his ex-colleague and long-time liberal supporter, Berardino, as special prosecutor.

Nor should we ignore for long the role played by the Don, Assistant Chief Justice, Patrick Dohm, who totally controlled every letter of the investigation ex post facto, especially in its most formative stages when he strode into court and had the sitting judge, Elizabeth Bennett, removed from the bench and kicked up stairs to make room the much more loyal, Annie Mac.

And please recall that Allan Seckel was one of the key insiders of the BC Rail Robbery and the BC Liberal government. He worked with Geoff Plant before joining the government in 2003 as Deputy AG to Plant’s Attorney General. Seckel appointed Wm. Berardino as Special Prosecutor.
Berardino, Plant and Seckel all worked together at the same law firm before 2003. And when Plant resigned from government in 2005 (!) he was replaced as AG by Wally Oppal.
As Deputy AG, Seckel is the person who made decisions as to which documents were confidential in the Basi-Virk trial, after Campbell changed the protocols.
Who did Seckel replace at BC Public Service?
Jessica McDonald. Where did Jessica go?
Geoff Plant’s law firm.
And who replaced Seckel as Deputy AG?
David Loukidelis, the previous Freedom Of Information Commissioner, who was responsible for document requests made by Basi-Virk defence lawyers!!!
Who bartered the $6 million plea-bargain?
Loukidelis and Graham Whitmarsh, Deputy Minister of Finance.
See very interesting letter of appointment -
And a link to article -

I’ll say it again – the BC Liberals have a very limited address book.


The problem with this Ministry is that after Williams and Gardom left as AG’s successor’s such as the insufferable Brian Smith, Mike deJong, etc. POLITICIZED a Ministry that should be clearly well above the other Ministries in impartiality and even-handedness.

Many say it was actually Ujjal Dosanjh that initiated many of the politicizing measures within the Min. of AG. There were numerous moving of the chess pieces in order to make “permission by the minister” necessary for what had been “arm’s length” initiated internal investigations. Yes, Brian Smith was a disaster AND a sieve


All of the elements for a volcanic eruption of public discontent are coming together as Ms. Clark has her cabinet racing around the province extolling the availabilty of jobs, jobs, jobs in Kitimat at the LNG plant and in Nanaimo in the 'up and coming' fish farm industry and virtually every other business assaulting the sensibilties of the people of the province who want the madness to stop.

There does not appear to be any other way with this illegitimate government.
"The result would have been – many believe - that the whole complexion of B.C. political, business, and legal life would have been transformed. Instead, the province is mired in the sewage of continuing corrupt practices."

You are so right Robin Mathews.
I never doubted you.
And, then they wonder why there are riots.

Canada is rotten to the core with corruption, because of Harper. He is a supposed Christian????

Harper had a many times convicted felon, Carson working for him. Carson and his ex prostitute were guests in the Harper's home

BC is so disgusting with corruption, the stink will be smelled, as far away as England.

This is what Canada is now, a cesspool of corruption. We are friends of, Columbia and Equador now.

Harper has lied to Europe, trying to pass, the dirty oil sands as clean energy. Australia sees Canada as non democratic.

The more decent country's politicians, have no use for Harper. He is known as a petty gasbag, arrogant, stubborn and impossible to work with.

Canada used to be a good country. Harper has dirtied and fouled this country's good name. He has embarrassed Canadians, on far too many occasions.

It is very true...The NDP have wimped out. The media are another propaganda machine, for the BC Liberals. Corruption, lies, deceit and cheating to win, is alive and well in BC. The BC citizens are on their own as usual.

BC is so putrid with corruption, we are the most corrupt province in Canada, and that's really, really bad.
In Canada,the more corrupt politicians are, the bigger the reward.

In BC, a politician has to be really dirty with corruption, to win the OBC.

There is nothing in BC, that doesn't ooze with corruption. The courts, judges, police, Elections BC, the OBC, the BC Liberals, the media, while the entire world looks on.

This isn't Canada anymore. I am not proud to be a Canadian anymore either.
I elected Harper because he was suppose to be about tough on crime.

Yet not one charge in the Stanley Cup riots, and govt sponsored agencies are still handing out free rigs and crack pipes to drug addicts.

This cleary is no way to run society.
I can not figure out why the NDp do not seem to want to take on the significantly outrageous acts perpetrated by the BC Liberals (BC Rail, IPP's, 3P's, etc.) with more than just lip service. If they think that they can just coast to victory in the next election based on the people's hate and distrust of the bunch of corrupt crooks,liars and thieves that currently occupy the Government side of the House then they better think again. They should distiguish themselves and show that they are not just the same old "pigs at the trough" by stating that they would do a complete examination of everything that was put into place and given away by the current government and prosecute if necessary (which would be a given). Another unrelated point I would like to make is why should MLA's receive salaries and pensions for not working? Shouldn't the Legislature have to sit for a minimum number of days (say 200) per year before they receive full pay and pension credits like everyone else in the country? If they don't work the required amount then their wages and pensions should be pro-rated for that year.

You've asked two questions which I've been asking time and time again.

Why didn't the Opposition Justice Critic stand with us on July 14, 2009 when the BCR-CN deal made re-possession of BCRail possible? Why did he double-cross us?

Maybe if more of us spoke up for the media to dig a little deeper, it would create a healthier situation.

I just don't know. But if you figure it out, please share. I feel we're not doing enough, as responsible citizens.
Let's not forget that crafty left-hander, Attorney General, Geoff Plante, who actually appointed his ex-colleague and long-time liberal supporter, Berardino, as special prosecutor.

Nor should we ignore for long the role played by the Don, Assistant Chief Justice, Patrick Dohm, who totally controlled every letter of the investigation ex post facto, especially in its most formative stages when he strode into court and had the sitting judge, Elizabeth Bennett, removed from the bench and kicked up stairs to make room the much more loyal, Annie Mac.

And please recall that Allan Seckel was one of the key insiders of the BC Rail Robbery and the BC Liberal government. He worked with Geoff Plant before joining the government in 2003 as Deputy AG to Plant’s Attorney General. Seckel appointed Wm. Berardino as Special Prosecutor.
Berardino, Plant and Seckel all worked together at the same law firm before 2003. And when Plant resigned from government in 2005 (!) he was replaced as AG by Wally Oppal.
As Deputy AG, Seckel is the person who made decisions as to which documents were confidential in the Basi-Virk trial, after Campbell changed the protocols.
Who did Seckel replace at BC Public Service?
Jessica McDonald. Where did Jessica go?
Geoff Plant’s law firm.
And who replaced Seckel as Deputy AG?
David Loukidelis, the previous Freedom Of Information Commissioner, who was responsible for document requests made by Basi-Virk defence lawyers!!!
Who bartered the $6 million plea-bargain?
Loukidelis and Graham Whitmarsh, Deputy Minister of Finance.
See very interesting letter of appointment -
And a link to article -

I’ll say it again – the BC Liberals have a very limited address book.


The problem with this Ministry is that after Williams and Gardom left as AG’s successor’s such as the insufferable Brian Smith, Mike deJong, etc. POLITICIZED a Ministry that should be clearly well above the other Ministries in impartiality and even-handedness.

Many say it was actually Ujjal Dosanjh that initiated many of the politicizing measures within the Min. of AG. There were numerous moving of the chess pieces in order to make “permission by the minister” necessary for what had been “arm’s length” initiated internal investigations. Yes, Brian Smith was a disaster AND a sieve
The NDP don't want to challenge the system as it is, e.g. illegal actions like Berardino's appointment, judge tampering, corrupt bookkeeping, lobbyists etc - because they want to partake of it themselves. If they challenge it and pull the plug THEY won't be able to abuse it when their turn comes. And they have no concrete ideas for reform; even a simple measure like restoring the elimination ballot (created by referendum in 1951, taken away by first ministerial fiat in 1953) or installing the preferntial ballot they have shown themselves willing to block BECAUSE it would ruin their chances at majority power. And theright to appoint THEIR own conflict-of-interest bureaucrats and senior officials etc. I don't even think they'll do away with the Public Affairs Bureau; they'd just stack it with their own people.

They can't be trusted, nor relied upon. They stood aside during the Solidarity Year, just as they did during Oka (other than Svend). I have SOME hope for the new federal caucus, but that hope is in the "new faces" from Quebec who previously haven't been part of the party machine.

How to reform BC? How to reform Canada? I don't know, I wish I thing I DO know is that the US has the right to send in troops here anytime it wants now....public unrest like 1983 could see US tanks and troops on our streetcorners by dawn. Unrest against the Northern Gateway could be construed as a "threat to US national security interests" etc....and we know what Stephen Harper would do.

Applaud, and make excuses as to why it was "necessary".
Many thanks to all ... and to Chinese Sneakers, doesn't it cry out for some journalistic enthusiasm to drill down to the real meat of the BC story?

A few people are getting away with murder in B.C., and are handed fat cheques for their day-jobs too. We know that. It's an unhealthy, unstable social climate.
What struck me about recent coverage, either in the G&M of Huffington Post, about the widening gap between rich and poor in Canada - wider than in the US - is the degree to which public service salaries and political appointment/insider paycheques have gone up SUBSTANTIALLY, making senior public servants among the highest salaries in the country. While reviewing "the Dauphinee file" earlier today in response to queries on the G&M threads abotu "why Are Canada's Sex Scandals so boring", I came across the differential in Lara's paycheques between 2002 and 200x (2009 - ?) - 82,000 to 13x,000, plus that 193k kiss-off the Clark regime has given her....and now her high placements on the Vancouver BoT etc...

Ditto for Christy's paycheques from CKNW, and now as Premier, and what she will get in pension after being booted out......far MORE than any of the families she's claiming to speak for (and what about those people, like myself, who don't HAVE famlies - apparently we don't rate any consideration at ALL; not even lip service).

A graph showing the change in senior public service salaries vs those in the rank and file, ditto political appointments like Deputy Ministers and of course lobbyists ("party whores" I call 'em), compared to everyone else, would be very revealing wouldn't it?

The more wrong they do, the more they pay themselves; the more they shrug off, too - like that general who's shrugging off flying his family from Ottawa to Toronto for over $20,000 - maybe military executive jets have gold toilet seats?

No responsibility, no accountability, highly visible greed. Shades of pre-Revolutionary France....and not a Robespierre in sight. And what Rousseaus and Voltaires we have are drowned out by Fraser Institute "shills in suits".....also highly paid, also among the ranks of those leaving the poor behind (including the formerly-middle class poor....)
Ken Dobell wore many hats, including when he was the lobbyist for the city of Vancouver on the housing the homeless file(at the same time Dobell was working for Premier Campbell)...

It was at that time that Robert Wilson of Archer real estate bought a slew of run-down SROs in Vancouver,...Bring in Ken Dobell, a few months later the DOBELL WILSON CONNECTION NETTED MR. WILSON A TIDY SUM OF $11 MILLION DOLLARS PROFIT ON HIS INVESTMENT?????..Not bad for a 10 month investment

ONLY SOMEBODY who knew THE Province was prepared to buy SROs would have purchased these teardown fleatraps...

On another note, someone/thing burnt down my home(today) and caused death of my animals....

Jack Poole(criminal)..Emerson(criminal)..Campbell(red mittens covering blood-stained hands)..

The new MO for criminal politicians, hand out awards and medals and plaques before the crimes are proven, it`s makes it harder to knock them off their self-grandizing pedestals..

Remember this..."Good job Brownie"

I am referring to George W Bush handing Martyn Brown(FEMA and Katrina)a medal of honour for his good work on the Katrina flood!!!

Only a few months later it was revealed that "Brownie" was a clueless twit and his actions bordered on the criminal...

The new MO.....The crooks and thieves give each other awards and medals and honours.....Name me any order of BC winner who needs 4 bodyguards to walk anywhere in BC..

Gordon Campbell would be murdered by the general public if he traveled BC unguarded!

And if the corporate elite and Government power enforcers want to burn me out they better go one better, I`m still here! I`m still going to write

Story to come..

Good Day
Grant G.,

Say it isn't so!! Did I read this correctly...?

You wrote: someone/thing burnt down my home(today) and caused death of my animals....

Jesus, Mary & Joseph, it can't be true ... or our province is going bad to the core.
Perhaps we should heed Rafe Mair's latest call to action on the environmental front and apply it to authorities and the justice system in BC:

"...We must prepare for the worst. We must assume that the (Hydro) projects will be approved and, govern our actions accordingly. Clearly, then, we must be ready for civil disobedience.

This, in my view, means three things:

There must be an obvious flouting of the public will. In the absence of a public referendum on the matter, the flouting of public will becomes clear.

We must understand that civil disobedience carries with it penalties. Even though these penalties will involve the governments and corporations subverting justice by proceeding criminally in a civil matter, we must realize that this is a penalty we will pay and be prepared to pay it.

The Civil Disobedience must be on a large scale. We must have leadership and we must provide that leadership with our support and enough money to stand behind those who are fined, go to jail, or both. People’s savings will be attacked and their families will suffer. We can expect no mercy from companies or our very own governments.

The notion of lawbreaking does not come easily to me, a lawyer. The fact remains that the great United States Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was right when he said that the courts decide the law, not justice.

The cause of preserving our province is too important for us to meekly accept a judge’s finding that prevention of that cause is to be supported by jail sentences. As Justice Holmes so tartly observed, law and justice are not synonymous. "

This, from a former BC cabinet minister.
Hi Mary...First I lose my dad and this Sunday past I lost my family and home, all my personal items, photos, my world has vanished..

What exploded in my home?

No gas, no propane, three windows were left ajar for air and there was a loud explosion reported and witnessed, I was in town visiting Mom, I had left Thursday morning, why Mary?..Who blew up my home Sunday afternoon?....

I Left nothing on,....

Too many questions.

And all I can vision is my 25 human years old Siamese, my 17 years old black tabby and Shady lady burning and choking.

With the death threats I have received over the last couple of years has me wondering.....

Wondering if it was arson or anger..

Sorry for tearing salty drops all over your comment section...

Thanks for listening Mary

Grant G.,

A lot of people are listening to you, Grant. Please keep writing.

Words fail me, right now; I wish so much for a brighter note in your life. You've worked so hard for this province.

Anyone who would like to send condolences or who isn't familiar with your hard-hitting blog, the URL is:

I'll write again soon, Grant. I'm so damn sorry about all this.
I just re-visited your blog to make sure I have your URL right ... and this might be a better choice:


Was hoping to see if you had updated ... not meaning to push ... just anxious to know if you're all right, and what the local police, firemen, and neighbours say.
My neighbor left for the grocery store Sunday, about 11:00am...He drove right by my place, everything was fine he said..

1 hour later it exploded, the fireman thought the explosion was propane, but it couldn`t have been...All my propane tanks are intact and closed, they weren`t even scorched, so what exploded?

I go away for days all the time, all that was left on was a florescent light in the living room, a ceiling florescent light....

Mary...Help me, my mind is filled with guilt for not leaving my family an emergency exit...

Damn emotions, I lost 2 family members because of toxic cat food 3 years ago, the Chinese spiked their wheat gluten with melamine plasticiser, the Melamine made the wheat gluten register super high in protein, the side effect was kidney failure for millions of cats and dogs!!!

I was guilt ridden then for sometimes buying the cheaper MENU FOODS cat food(never again)..

That killed Jazz and Charlie slowly, a slow painful death, my heart shutters thinking about that episode, but now, the remaining group is dead, and I killed them by providing no emergency exit...

Why Mary, why, why do we require the love of others and animals, why, why do we put our emotions on the line for family and animals that will eventually bring us to tears...

Why do we love things that hurt us so..

At times I wish I had no family, no friends, no pets, and therefor no emotional pain...

But without emotion, without pain we turn in Michael and Gordon Campbell.

I am a man Mary, tears and my failings come with the deal for life...

How does that saying go...

"It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"

Although today I`m not so sure.
My God, what is going on, if this turns out to be "not an accident"?

Grant, what can I say? I am truly sorry of what has happened in your world in such a short time. This is unbelievable.

Been missing your blog. You are one of the best imo. (Also, Mary, Laila, Norm ...) Please, look after yourself first and foremost, and when the time comes, please continue on with your excellent writings. We all await.

Thank you Grant G.
AnonoDope above who states

"I elected Harper because he was suppose to be about tough on crime" probably is too stoopid to leave home alone, or a member of the paid or volunteer PABlum brigade of liars.

If Harper was truly concerned about real crime his shiny new prisons would be occupied by himself and his cohorts like Tony Clement, Mike Harris, Gordon Campbell, Kash Heed and the rest of the slime currently acting as parasites on the rest of Canadians and B.C.'ers.

Robin Mathews as usual nails the true nature of what has been going on and feels obliged to use "possible" as a legal fig leaf just like "alleged" is often used. He suggests that we need to take action and that "Such action must be done peacefully and within the constitutional structures of the country, of course – but it must be done."

Well with the mysterious blow up of our colleague Grant's home and cats, and the earlier assault on Leila, it is pretty obvious how the slime balls (notice no use of alleged) of the world operate. Violence, fraud, lies, intimidation and fearmongering are all acceptable to serve the greedslime, and since they control the legal apparatus with crooked cops, crowns and judges, they need not fear being held accountable until somebody deals with them in a more personal manner.

Obama has not only provided cover for the sins of Bu$h/Cheney, but carried on their policies in committing war crimes and offences against human rights. The NDP in BC collectively has shrugged off the ongoing crime spree of the B.C. LIEberals for over a decade now and show no sign of seriously putting their own perks and pensions at risk.

Currently in Ottawa with the passing of Jack, Sleazy Steve has no effective limits on his stark raving ideological madness - this could be an example of when a parliamentary majority shows how it can become a malevolent tyranny (with a majority of slightly less than 4 in 10 that voted or approximately 20% of eligible voters supporting the dictator.

I fear it will take more than words or votes to fix the problems and the situation is deteriorating so rapidly that soon there will be a critical mass of desperate folks and B.C. and Canada will start looking more like Libya, London, Athens, Egypt and Syria.

I haven't been fighting with words lately, maybe I'm preparing for another type of battle! As a grumpy old man my pacifistic nature has been diminishing and I am much more inclined to support WAR - in the right cause!!!!!!!!!!(which still doesn't include most of the the corporate causes supported by various NATO and US occupations of various resource rich or strategically important regions).
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