Monday, October 03, 2011
The People's Order of British Columbia ... and more.
The Tyee - October 3, 2011
At the close of the nomination period at the end of day Friday, [] received more than 100 nominations for The People's Order of British Columbia.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate.
We are now taking the week to review the nominees before we publish a shortlist and open the voting period.
The People's Order of B.C. is a Tyee experiment launched as a response to the controversy surrounding some of this year's winners, including Gordon Campbell, Ken Dobell and David Emerson.
BC Mary comment: I liked this a lot:
Does BC set the national agenda?
In an eloquent essay on the anniversary of 9-11, Michael Ignatieff unpacked the unspoken contract that binds us to our leaders, and vice versa.
It goes something like this: in return for power, national government must provide, at a minimum, protection for its citizens -- protection from without (terrorists, invasion and so on) and from within (exploitation, environment and so on).
That includes protection from crime.
So it's interesting that while the feds struggle to establish a permanent constabulary in Afghanistan, they are simultaneously threatening to withdraw the national police force from B.C., a move that has Premier Christy Clark threatening to form a new provincial force.
Such are the ironic collisions at the corner of Small Government and Big Military.
Is it the right thing to do? Many, especially those who find it hard to forget Robert Dziekański and Ian Bush, say it's long overdue.
But leave that aside for a moment.
More interesting than thoughts of a BCPD is how B.C. is becoming the province that checks the national neo-con agenda, despite having voted en masse for that agenda.
We rejected the HST through a provincial vote.
We stood up for Insite through the courts.
Local media activists, led the opposition to usage-based Internet billing and are leading the charge against attempts at easing the rules on online spying.
And while not a strictly Canadian movement, the good culture jammers over at Vancouver's Adbusters magazine started the #occupywallstreet movement that started the Wall St. protests in New York and could rebound back into Canada this week.
And now we may send one third of the national police force packing.
If only we had a thoughtful leader like Michael Ignatieff to focus the discontent. Well, never mind.
Just stay tuned to The Hook to find out what other B.C. moments might play spoiler to Stephen Harper's dreams of remaking Canada in his Conservative image.
-- Geoff D'Auria
Click HERE for the source and its hotlinks.
The Tyee - October 3, 2011
At the close of the nomination period at the end of day Friday, [] received more than 100 nominations for The People's Order of British Columbia.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate.
We are now taking the week to review the nominees before we publish a shortlist and open the voting period.
The People's Order of B.C. is a Tyee experiment launched as a response to the controversy surrounding some of this year's winners, including Gordon Campbell, Ken Dobell and David Emerson.
BC Mary comment: I liked this a lot:
Does BC set the national agenda?
In an eloquent essay on the anniversary of 9-11, Michael Ignatieff unpacked the unspoken contract that binds us to our leaders, and vice versa.
It goes something like this: in return for power, national government must provide, at a minimum, protection for its citizens -- protection from without (terrorists, invasion and so on) and from within (exploitation, environment and so on).
That includes protection from crime.
So it's interesting that while the feds struggle to establish a permanent constabulary in Afghanistan, they are simultaneously threatening to withdraw the national police force from B.C., a move that has Premier Christy Clark threatening to form a new provincial force.
Such are the ironic collisions at the corner of Small Government and Big Military.
Is it the right thing to do? Many, especially those who find it hard to forget Robert Dziekański and Ian Bush, say it's long overdue.
But leave that aside for a moment.
More interesting than thoughts of a BCPD is how B.C. is becoming the province that checks the national neo-con agenda, despite having voted en masse for that agenda.
We rejected the HST through a provincial vote.
We stood up for Insite through the courts.
Local media activists, led the opposition to usage-based Internet billing and are leading the charge against attempts at easing the rules on online spying.
And while not a strictly Canadian movement, the good culture jammers over at Vancouver's Adbusters magazine started the #occupywallstreet movement that started the Wall St. protests in New York and could rebound back into Canada this week.
And now we may send one third of the national police force packing.
If only we had a thoughtful leader like Michael Ignatieff to focus the discontent. Well, never mind.
Just stay tuned to The Hook to find out what other B.C. moments might play spoiler to Stephen Harper's dreams of remaking Canada in his Conservative image.
-- Geoff D'Auria
Click HERE for the source and its hotlinks.
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One thought about Ignatieff...he has extensive media experience as a "newsreader" and commentator.....what droll justice it would be for a new news service, maybe internet-based rather than deal with the CRTC etc, featuring him as an investigative analyst.....would help if he didn't have Liberal Party ties...but given that tete-a-tete between the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party Movement was held at Harvard, the question begs to be asked:
Why are the Canadian media making Michael Ignatieff invisible?
He could do a lot more damage to the Tories as "the next Peter Mansbridge" than as Leader of the Opposition.......
He also strikes me as the man to take up the sword for us in the British media...if he's prepared to wield truth, that is, not the Liberal Party spin-book....
Why are the Canadian media making Michael Ignatieff invisible?
He could do a lot more damage to the Tories as "the next Peter Mansbridge" than as Leader of the Opposition.......
He also strikes me as the man to take up the sword for us in the British media...if he's prepared to wield truth, that is, not the Liberal Party spin-book....
We would have been much better off with Ignatieff than Harper.
Harper sunk to a new level when he made very nasty, cruel remarks of Ignatieff's family. Accusing Ignatieff of not being a Canadian, but an American...While Harper himself was busy plotting when he wins, how he will give Canada to the U.S. Harper is a snake in the grass, just like his buddy Campbell.
Jack was our best hope to save Canada from Harper. God rest his wonderful soul.
I positively know BC would be a hundred times better off with the NDP. The BC Liberals and the BC Conservatives are too much alike. Campbell worked for Harper and still does, after all.
The media is still a government propaganda machine. The NDP's wins in Manitoba, will be ignored as much as possible by the media.
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Harper sunk to a new level when he made very nasty, cruel remarks of Ignatieff's family. Accusing Ignatieff of not being a Canadian, but an American...While Harper himself was busy plotting when he wins, how he will give Canada to the U.S. Harper is a snake in the grass, just like his buddy Campbell.
Jack was our best hope to save Canada from Harper. God rest his wonderful soul.
I positively know BC would be a hundred times better off with the NDP. The BC Liberals and the BC Conservatives are too much alike. Campbell worked for Harper and still does, after all.
The media is still a government propaganda machine. The NDP's wins in Manitoba, will be ignored as much as possible by the media.
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