Monday, October 03, 2011


U.S. mulls major levy on cargo coming from BC ports ... well, of course they are, silly. What did you expect?

BC Mary comment: Do Harper, Campbell/Christie, actually know what they're doing?  Nope, not a clue ... not according to John Ibbitson in The Globe and Mail today:
The Globe and Mail - Oct. 3, 2011

A United States agency is considering a major new levy on cargo entering the Unites States from British Columbia ports, which could harm cross-border trade and impair Canadian efforts to capture more business from Asia.

Richard Lidinsky, the chairman of the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission, is looking at whether to “level the playing field” on the West Coast, where modern Canadian ports are taking container-cargo business away from their run-down American counterparts ...

Read the details HERE:


U.S. study of Canada's West Coast ports raises protectionist fears

By Peter O'Neil
Edmonton Journal - Oct. 3 - 2011.

OTTAWA — The Harper government is monitoring a possible attempt by the U.S. government to initiate what one business leader calls “protectionist” measures against Canadian ports, federal Trade Minister Ed Fast said Monday.

Fast, who also announced that Canada is close to striking a deal with China on a foreign investment agreement, was responding to complaints in the Canadian business community about recent statements by U.S. Federal Maritime Commission chairman Richard Lidinsky.

Lidinsky plans Wednesday to propose to his board a study to consider possible legislative and regulatory actions against suspected “unfair” government subsidization of Canada’s West Coast ports ... continue reading HERE:

More HERE:


03/Oct./11, dateline: Oakland, CA.

As you know Mary I spend about three months of the year south of the 49th.

I can tell you the economy stateside is much worse than anything we have in BC, with the exceptions of some truly isolated rural-coastal locals.

Worst hit is California, where the newspapers here list unemployment & under-employment combined at near 35%!

Infrasture both private and public is in bad shape, and as you note in your blog the ports and rail centers are rusting out.

The Tea Party/Anti-Tax movements are opposed to any government expenditure of any kind.

Democratic Governor Brown can barely hold the statehouse from going even more caveman.

The "RON PAUL Stone Age" message of lets build a wall around America and go back to the God given American values and lifestyles of 1911 has lots of traction here, especially in the rural and trailer-park regions.

Republicans are no longer the crowd associated with Nixon and Reagan but with a 19th Century version of bibles, guns and local preachers looking for simple answers and even simpler to define enemies . . . Foreign & Domestic.

So the move to hit Canada with import fees & regulations is not only good politics going into an election year, but it is a low-cost economic-crutch to a devastated US market.

But whatever little they have to say negative about "Soviet-Canuckistan" its nothing to what they say about "Communist" China.

When Americans meet Canadians they are very friendly, helpful and in many cases more charitable than many a Johnny Canuck.

But its the Group Think mentality you have to be careful of, just as "we" need to beware of the blame game Harper & Clark play in BC.

You can expect much more of this rabid isolationism over the next 3-5 years.

I wonder what they would say to a tax of some sort on energy they import from "Soviet-Canuckistan'. Another reason to start planing a National Celebration of the 200th aniversary of the War of 1812.

Ha! Good one!
well, the Haisla case is on-point about why Tar Sands, if sent to Kitimat, are not "ethical"....not that that case has to do with the pipeline, or with the oil industry either, but it's emblematic of the disgusting way the interests of the country's original inhabitants have been shoved aside....the Ethical Oil lobby doesn't go anywhere NEAR discussing findings like "there is no documentary evidence of Haisla chiefs" (when there is, actually....)....makes me wonder what's going on with the Woodland Cree in northern AB and SK.....buying and selling politicians (and judges) clearly isn't ethical, either....
The whole history of the West Coast ports has been about US pressure on them by various US trade and domestic measures. Can't remember the name of the Act, but during the Klondike Gold Rush the US passed laws requiring US-registered vessels bound for Skagway, Dyea and Haines to depart from US ports only. This kiboshed Vancouver and Victoria's commercial potential during that era, even though everyone was bound for British territory the customs regulations Congress brought in meant that goods bound for British territory had to go through US ports.....those regs still stand.

Similarly during the Cassiar Gold Rush (1871 onwards) the US waylaid British vessels bound for the Stikine even though treaties guaranteed right of passage etc.....the US has never played fair in this region, the intent has always been to squeeze British Columbia into submission and inviability; which is why they bought Alaska, to try and squeeze Britain out of this sector of the continent completely. The same tactic continues today, obviously.
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