Thursday, February 09, 2012


Gordo returns to Vancouver Friday Feb. 10 to deliver a speech

Olympic 2010 and 2012: Learning the lessons of a changing world

is the subject of Gordon Campbell's first public speech in his hometown since he was appointed Canada's High Commissioner to the U.K.  He's coming at the invitation of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Readers may recall that Lara Dauphinee became a member of the Board of Trade after Gordo left town.

Campbell's speech is scheduled for Friday, February 10 at 12:00 noon. Campbell's speech begins at 1:00 PM. All this takes place in "one of Campbell's signature megaprojects/boondoggles" (see the Straight), the Vancouver Convention Centre's West Building (Summit Level).  Admission is $110.00 per individual non-member of the Board of Trade, or $1,056 for a table for 8 (plus HST of course). There's a wait-list.

Only two days before the anniversary of the 2010 Winter Games, Campbell will reflect on the legacy of Vancouver's Olympics and discuss preparations for London's 2012 Summer Games, including what Team Canada's athletes and fans can expect. Campbell will also share insights from overseas on our changing world, including how businesses and individuals are learning to adapt in times of uncertainty. [Smerf.]

Read more HERE:

BC Mary comment: On doing a search of this blog to confirm that Lara Dauphinee was on the Board of Trade (she's actually on the Board of Directors of the Vancouver Board of Trade), I was surprised to see how much has been said (more than I remembered), yet how little is known, about someone who got paid $193,000 a year (plus expenses) of our dollars while she was Deputy Chief of Staff and Executive Assistant to Gordo. 

I dimly perceive (and profoundly disapprove of) the secrecy surrounding a public employee -- such as Lara maintained throughout her years with Gordo; I figure she maintained her strict, almost-regal privacy because she had access to the premier's bodyguard. 

But I truly don't get it, now that she is Vice-President of Fiore Financial Corporation as well as a Director of the Board of Trade, how she can still maintain her virtually secret life. So the mystery continues, offstage. 


I did notice. It wasn't Campbell and his "wife" Nancy, coming back to BC to visit their grandchildren. It was just Gordon mentioned. Didn't they say, Nancy took a course on, life in the U.K.

As far as business adapting, into the uncertain times, they just jack up their prices, and we pay the gap. Campbell financially destroyed the province and the people. The Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, just jacked up our utilities and health care. Food costs are jacked up, right out into orbit. The BC people spend billions shopping in the U.S....They save up to 50% by doing so. They also gas up in the U.S. We know BC's revenue is very low.

Campbell thieved and sold our assets. Harper and Campbell lied about the HST, and forced it onto the BC citizens, illegally. Harper and the Campbell/Clark lying BC Liberals...Just can't figure out how to recind the HST. It didn't take them long to set the HST up, before the BC election. We have to figure out, just how much Harper and the Campbell/Clark BC Liberals, have to pay us back for, their stealing the HST from the BC people.
Seems like as nat gas prices come down the delivery charge goes up including midstream rates.Hmmm
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